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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Whitepants

  1. Whitepants

    Marchies In December

    Good Morning to Everyone. Had a setback like most, but know it's only temp till I get back on track. Weighed myself, gained 6lbs since the holidays. Just want to put this out there. Does anyone suffer with hypothyroidism? I'm due to see my family doctor soon, since you're to see them every six months post surgery. In additon to the band, not yet having any restriction with it, it's still hard for me to lose weight. Lost 51lbs since Jan./2007, but only 26lbs since the surgery in March/2007. Jan 2, I'm due to see/get another fill, hoping this one will give me the restriction, I'm looking for and need right about now. I'm going to ask for a full 1cc, putting me at 2.8cc. As for my thryroid, I'm looking for info if I should request and increase in my meds, depending on what the lab test reads. I'm considered borderline for my thyroid issue, but it's still hard to lose weight. If there is a thread I can go to please post it. I'm anxious to put this behnd me. I'm an emothional eater, kind of getting a handle on it but, when it hits, it hits. I'm going to the gym twice a week,for 1 - 2 hours each. Walking after lunch and in the evenings after work. Weighing my meals and all they say I should do. But when you find out you can eat as you did before the band, it's easy to fall back into you eating habit. I'll stop here. I can go on and on about this. One last thing, this is the best thread I've visited. Please help. :help: Thanks.
  2. Whitepants

    Marchies In December

    Hi Everyone, ThickChickTEXAS, I am setting my goals to be about 200lbs come March. Need to loss another 30 - 40 lbs. At that time I was expecting to be in a size 20 or 18. But if you're in a size 14 at 215lbs, I'm really going to strive for 200lbs now. I have a pair of white pants, that when I get back into them, that'll be the weight I plan to maintain. And I was thinking that would be at 175 - 155 lbs. Whew, just thinking about that gives me chills. When I started the gym, the only one there I told was the gym's personal instructor. That was only because I wasn't sure if there were any exercise I should not do. But when I discussed it with my doctor he said that I would be alright with any exercise. But there will be some exercises that you will notice the band in doing. Just adjust yourself and keep on exercising. Also, don't take on too much in the beginning, build up to it. Here's wishing everyone good New Year and the motivation to keep on in our weight goal loss. Thanks for being hear.
  3. Whitepants

    Marchies In December

    You're right Diana, we tend to put ourselves on the back burner as they say. But, that's what we're here for, so we can pull one another back into the front burner and get us back on track. So, just keep coming back like I will and you'll get more info into what to do and expect. You're not in this alone. So, plan an exercise as you would do you clients, make time for yourself too. Have a Merry X-Mas.
  4. Whitepants

    Marchies In December

    Hi, Diana, if you have cable channel you many find an exercise/fitness channel. Since cable is 24/7 you may turn onto it at any time. I started with a "Walk a Mile", 17 min. program. You may also try other programs on there. Then there are the simple ones you can do standing or sitting at your work station, in the car, at the table or whereever. ex. stretching is always the best. Standing lunges, while at the sink, washing dishes/brushing your teeth, exercise while watching (a commerical is about 3 minutes), leg extensions, deep knee bends,taking a can of vegetables and doing arm exercises, deep breathing. There is no reason to get some kind of exercise in. Even YouTube have exercise video to watch. I don't know if there is a area site here, but any exercise site will show you which exercise to do. From there I graduated to going to the gym. I had built up my confidence to "Jump of the Porch and Run with the Big Dogs".
  5. Whitepants

    Marchies In December

    Hi Janine, I believe I have a 1.8cc fill and I can eat anything I want. All the issues I'm supposed to have with a proper fill, I've only experienced once. My appetite is such that it seems I don't have a band. I can tolerate all the foods I used to eat. I had my band placed 3/27/07 and I have lost only 30lbs since then. So, maybe, a 1.8 or 1.9 might be your spot. I was considering having a full 1cc fill. Thinking that will give me the restriction I'm looking for. But since you and I began about the same weight, maybe I should just stick to my regular .4 or .5 fill. My next fill is 1/2/08. Well, Good Luck on Wednesday.
  6. Whitepants

    Marchies In December

    Merry X-Mas To Everyone. I'm am so glad I found this spot. It seems like I don't have much to say. Everything I've read I've feel,felt or experienced. The only thing I haven't experienced is any restriction such as you've had. I may of felt it once and that was maybe for a week. I'm losing slowly, and I'm seeing results is inches and clothing. My next fill is 1/02/08. I'm going to ask for a 1cc fill. That'll put me at 2.8cc and I hope I'll see more results. Like the 2lbs a week I'm promised. The most I'll lose is 5 lbs a month. I'm hooked on the scale which I try still can't shake. X-Mas guest list is scaled down a lot, my best friend/sister is in the hospital, so her daughter is going to her brother's house in Penn., my sister's husband has to work and my 2nd friend is going over to her daughte's house. So, it just my 2 daughters and grandson and me. So cooking will be quicker and not so much leftovers. So, everyone have a safe and healthy X-Mas along with enjoying friends and family. Also, how did you get the ticker onto your page? I tried and don't know what I'm doing wrong.
  7. Whitepants

    Marchies In December

    I'm new here and still trying to catch up on past messages. But, the last messages have summoned up a few things. Like trying to reach a certain weight by X-Mas as well. But most of all before and after fills. I too usually go late in the afternoon. My next appt. in 12 noon. So, I better set up my meals for the balance of the day. I haven't reached any restriction with a fill yet. I'm hopeing this one will do it. So, at times I feel like I'm dieting with the band and doing quite well. Also, glad for all that I've lost thus far. And like how I look. So, everyone have a restful evening and nite.
  8. Whitepants

    Marchies In December

    Just want to say good for all of you. Also, what is NSV?
  9. Whitepants

    Marchies In December

    Slikchik10, thanks for that link. It was very interesting. Read it and some of them did relate to me. Now I have amminution when I speak with the doctor on Monday.I also log everything I eat so my nutritionist knows what I put in my mouth. I always see the nutritionist after each fill. I'll post my results when I speak to my doctor. Thanks again.
  10. Whitepants

    Goals for Marchies

    Since I'm 40lbs short of where I wanted to be at 200lbs, trying for 200lbs by March/2008. Present weight 242lbs. Also, can you tell me how to get the weight ticker from the tickerfactory.com onto my page? Don't know what I'm doing wrong. Thanks
  11. Whitepants

    Marchies In December

    Hello To Everyone, I just joined today and have a lot of reading to do to catch up and know everyone. I had my surgery in March/07. Since then I've had 4 fills. I've only lost 55 pounds since then (9 months), but I'm 40lbs short of what I wanted to be in December. My fills have met fullness at meal times. My meals consisted also of Snacks for the cravings in between meals. With my last fill 12/6/07, I choose to eliminate the snacks, hoping I would not need them. I am just noticing now that without the snacks I'm hungry within 2 to 3 hours. And I mean hungry. When this craving for something to eat came of course this is where the snack came in. Snack consisted of a salad, fruit or yogurt or a shake or something lite. I read post messages where people who've had multiple fills, still have not reached their sweet spot. So, I don't feel so bad and alone. I'm following the foods faithfully, measuring everything I eat, and sticking to the 1200 calorie intake my nutritionist says. But by including the snacks I tend to go over the 1200, which is why I want to eliminate them. My beginning weight was 297lbs, my present weight is 242lbs. Yes, I'm losing but I don't want to miss that "window of opportunit" I keep hearing about. I want to meet my 175lbs - 155lbs goal by my birthday July/08. I'm going to talk to my doctor Monday and explain that my eating has gotten out of control since my last fill. I read where one woman was able to eat a 6" hero, a bowl of oatmeal and something else and then felt full. Well, I have her beat, last nite (Friday) I ate 3 ice cream scoops of mac & cheese, 2 scoops of curry chicken breast and 1 scoop of creamed broccoli & cauliflower, 2 english muffins w/ pb&j, then I was full. I tried this again, Saturday morning I had 2 english muffins w/ mayo and 10 sausage links, for lunch a turkey burger which must of been 6 - 8oz, onions on two slices of whole wheat bread, then had 2 english muffins w/mayo and deli meat. No snack at all just to prove I that I have not met my fill restriction. Okay, that was wrong, and I don't feel too bad about it. Well, thank you for taking the time to read my plight and I look forward to returning and getting and giving support to those here. Again Thanks.

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