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Everything posted by judyoz

  1. judyoz

    Hahaha Myfitnesspal

    Does your fitness pal automatically log fats and carbs or do you have to enter that yourself. I get the calories automatically but nothing else.
  2. I have had that too, not to worry. It is quite common. If it drains pus or get warm to touch, call the doctor.
  3. judyoz

    The Proof is in the Pictures

    Oh my goodness, you look great! And so much younger. I hope I look younger like that when I get my weight off!! LOL
  4. I often buy cheese and yogurt on sale and freeze them. I first cut the cheese in 1-2 ounce chunks so it is easy to grap the right amount. I am currently making my own Jerky, just shy of 5 lbs worth. It has to marinate overnight so I will let you know tomorrow how this receipe is Of course that stays good a long time. I paid $22.00 for the meat when it was one sale. I will put into bags for a quick snack. I make my own popsicles when I can. From SF koolaid. I buy chinese food in the quart size and split it to freeze for a great lunch or dinner. I love the Happy family, it has crab, shrimp, pork, beef and chicken with veggies. I buy farm fresh eggs, which are more expensive but they are larger and stay good over a month. I also make hard boiled eggs for a quick snack or lunch. I love ground burger with just salt and pepper on it. So I brown 5-6 lbs at a time and put into tupperware bowls for a quick meal. I also portion off 1 lb for my Hubby's food. It is so nice to have it all browned and you can quick make a casserole, tacos, chili or sp. I always have cooked frozed shrimp in the freezer. So easy and I love shrimp anytime of the day. And a Great source of Protein. Also buy almonds when they are on sale. I have froze them in the past as well. Measure out small bagies with an ounce or two. You can Freeze almost everything and sure does save on groceries. I have a 31 one thermal bag that I always have in the car. Keeps things cold or warm, love that thing. He is all my marinating beef for the jerky! What are you tips?
  5. judyoz

    Pre op labs?

    I believe nicotine stays in the body for up to 10 days.
  6. I had to have a cat scan on my kidneys pre-op because they were afraid I had certain type of Hypertension. Did not have it, but they found a tumor on my kidney. It is in the early stage right now. It will be removed June 22. Bariatric surgery quite literaly saved my life in more ways than one. Anyone else have an experience with pre-op testing?
  7. I forgot to add, I did get sleeved first since it was caught so early. Kidney Doctor wanted my thinner for operation. They have to give me a larger incision. I will be in the hospital for about 7 days.
  8. judyoz

    Typical day menu

    I am 6 weeks post op. I have been on regular diet since 4 weeks. I start every day with a premier chocolate, 30 grams of Protein right off the bat. string cheese mid morning lunch is Yogurt, Soup, lunch meat and cheese or tuna or chicken salad about 1/3 cup. mid afternoon is almonds, string cheese or Jerky supper is whatever meat we are having and once I get that down a veggie or two. I am a lucky one..... I can eat all meat without difficulty. I love shrimp and ground round with s&p on it. snack cheese, almonds or jerky I was told to eat every 2-3 hours. So all my meals and Snacks are small. I drink Water with protein in it (profuse) at least once a day. All other water is plain or with lemon
  9. judyoz

    Food costs now vs post op...

    You will shop so dfferently, you will not believe it. I mean all that "junk" you used to buy is no longer in your cart and JUNK is expensive. Everything you buy will last so much longer because you eat such a small amount. Like the post above if you eat out and order a regular meal, it will be 3-4 meals for that price. Congrats on your decision and Good Luck!
  10. 2 hour prep is usually getting the IV started, Meeting with the anesthesiologist and surgeon. Going over what to expect post op and your time ask questions. My surgery was 1 1/2 hours. Just get up and walk when you can. Good Luck!
  11. judyoz

    7-Day Meal to Meal Menu

    This was my shopping list for Post of Puree and soft diet. Given to my by my NUT. skim milk Any calorie free liquid 10 cal or less/8 ounces SF popsicles SF Gelatin Protein supplements Low sodium broth blender or food processor egg substitute fat free greek yogurt soft tofu SF pudding nonfat, 1% or 2% cottage cheese fish (funa, crab meat,sole, flounder) chicken breat extra lean turkey, beef, pork, or chicken (choose 93/7) fat free ricotta cheese fat free refried Beans unsweetened applesauce cream of wheat Hope this helps.
  12. judyoz

    Scheduled June 29

    I was tired! Not much pain but tired. Take naps when you can without quilt. You need sleep/rest to heal. Take all the help that is offered the first week or two.
  13. Why not pack a cooler of chicken salad, cheese, meats and things? And nuts are always an easy one.
  14. I must say this is my biggest concern with the sleeve. I do not have a lot of hair to begin with. Did everyone lose hair? thanks
  15. Yahoo, sweet dreams and good luck!
  16. chicken salad and tuna salad. Also greek yogurt. Enjoy!
  17. judyoz

    New here - need advice

    Stay off the scale!! you will drive yourself nuts.
  18. There is no way I would use it with a sleeve. Just looking for trouble if you ask me.
  19. judyoz

    Sweet tooth

    Heck yeah I did, 2 beautiful bites of strawberry shortcake. And no guilt. We are human for goodness sake. Best thing is, a very small amount is all I needed. And I will be doing that again soon
  20. judyoz

    2 day clear liquids before surgery

    I had 2 days of full liquid.
  21. judyoz

    2 weeks post missing food

    This should read "I would love "a" chicken wing right now" because I bet that is all you will be able to eat at first LOL
  22. judyoz

    2 weeks post missing food

    I am 51/2 weeks post op and cleared for anyting I can handle. It does get better I promise you. I can eat anything and it does not bother me. With that said, I can only eat a few bites of some food but it sure is good. It will not be what you think it will be, so be patient. You will feel "full" after a few bites LOL.
  23. judyoz

    2 days Post-op

    Sarahlyn, I had Dr. Shram also. Great surgeon and great choice. I think his office is even better than him. They are fabulous.
  24. judyoz

    Being a Big Guy and Dating

    I love gowalking's suggestion, GREAT IDEA. Meet people in your situation, and make it work for both of you. Walks, gym, biking ect.....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
