Hello everyone, im so anxious and nervous at the same time, ummmm where do I begin, I started this process last year and lost my insurance ???????? now I just got approved for Medicaid in March, I went to my group session last night and got weighed and my bmi is 45.7 , so they told me I am a wls candidate, I filled out my 7 page health forms and releases, they said I will be contacted either Monday or Tuesday, to set up a appt to talk to a physician, can someone please tell me what's next, what will be all the steps, and what type of wieght loss surgeries are paid for by Medicaid in the state of Pennsylvania, I been reading about different ones im interested in the vsg if possible, I was also told I would have to loose so much wieght within a 6 month time frame, which I didn't know this and I just recently lost 35 pounds on my own and now at a stall, so any info or anything you can share with me, would truly be appreciated, thank you everyone