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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jc2008

  1. im actually doing a lot better being around food than i thought i would. I went as far as to make dinner tonite for the family, and didnt even feel like i wanted to eat. Of course when my step mom brought out this cute snowman cake she bought i had to leave the room. I just comfort myself that its just a few more weeks til i can have such foods again. They arent gone forever, just for a little while.
  2. jc2008

    Honesty about drinking soft drinks please ?

    This situation came up at my pre-op class. The nurse said that diet colas were ok further on with the banding, as long as they were DIET and they were flat (ie open them to get all the carbonation out, cuz biubbles can hurt).
  3. Going to head back to bed, but was a 5 hour delay on my surgery this morning. ONe of the surgerys before me lasted way longer than it should of.. So im sitting there in lobby from 1030-noon waiting, and from noon-415 in the preop place with an iv for fluids. Glad they let my husband back with me to wait. Actual surgery took 35min and about 1.5 yhours between the two recovery rooms. I havent looked at my stomach yet cuz it just feels gross :confused: very glad its over but will be glad when i can lift myself up from bed on either side without hubbys help or pain..
  4. Going in in 3 hours for my surgery... Gaa hurry up and get this part over with already..
  5. All the known causes of kidney failure are problems you would have when you were overweight. Sounds to me like you would have had the kidney failure from past problems with or without the lapband. I guess getting the lapband was just a little too late to save you from those problems. But it will save you from a lot of other problems down the line.
  6. jc2008

    December Surgery Dates

    Hi, I want to join too! I am being banded in 3 hours *shiver* (dec 18th)
  7. jc2008

    Which Protein Drink?

    I am using PrescriptFit ( PrescriptFit shakes and Soups ) Its a shake I used to use when I went on liquid diets. I lost the weight but it always came back.. Glad to know the stuff i didnt drink is coming in handy now heh.. Its sort of like HMR
  8. jc2008

    the last hurrah?

    Just because you are banded doesnt mean that next xmas you cant eat stuff. You will just eat less of it. So don't get too freaked out over 'last suppers'. My doctor said the most important thing is not to gain weight before the surgery. But even with the band you can still eat next xmas, just not as much... like some poster said on here (cant remember which thread): Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
  9. we took before pictures FULLY CLOTHED! I dont think i would have done nude ones... eeekk!!! The nurse said that they would take a pic of us everytime we came into the office for fills to put into the file. They wouldnt be shared with anyone unless we signed a consent form (ie if the doctor uses it in lectures etc). I didnt sign the consent but they still do the pictures for the file only.
  10. I am getting banded in about 15 hours from now. I am nervous, but I know its the right thing todo. I have taken out an unsecured personal loan so not only do i gotta pay it back, i gotta do it quick before the high interest eats me up! But when this works and i lose the weight, no price would be too high for that.
  11. i am having my surgery done tommorrow morning, and this is about the oddest question, but am i like totally naked in a hospital gown? I am assuming that would have to be true ? or do i get to keep my underwear on? or ? I would assume totally naked as they need access to all of the stomach area, but just wanted to make sure sorry for the silly question..
  12. Heh thanks guys. I figured i would be, since its surgery and all, I just wasnt entirely sure and didnt wanna wear ugly underwear! Got my maternity dresses ready to go for tommorrow to come home in. They are about the biggest things i own (hit my top weight ever at 9 months pregnant heh).
  13. jc2008

    I Did It!

    Gratz!!! I go in tommorrow morning for mine. Terribly nervous but also excited.. Glad to hear you are doing well and everything went ok!
  14. fully clothed without shoes here. Throughout all my pre-surgery appointments, none of them required me to disrobe.
  15. Well, I guess I am lucky, as I am the third person in my family to do this surgery. My mom and sister both did it 3 years ago. My mom didnt lose very much weight at all the first year, took a while for her to get the right fill and redo her eating habits. But after 3 years she is down 155lbs. There is not a lot of miracle things that will make the weight fall off you within a month, unless you count rigorous liquid diets. But with the band it will come off and the MOST IMPORTANT thing, in my mind at least, is it WILL STAY OFF. God knows how many lbs i have lost and they always came back. Like the previous poster, just smile and say everything is on track. If you father really feels that it isnt working like he thinks it should, have him speak to your doctor and maybe your doctor can explain a bit further.
  16. I stopped smoking 3.5 years ago when i was pregnant with my son. In order to stop smoking, i started chewing nicotine gum and uhh 3.5 years later I am still chewing, but i havent smoked! I know this has to make a lot of saliva and stuff go into my stomach.. Does anyone else chew a lot of gum on a daily basis? Have any problems with it?
  17. jc2008

    New Here

    Welcome Jen! I am new here as well, going to my surgery on the 18th (2 days woot!) and i just found these boards as well. Seems to be a great resource and community here to help us through the next few years of getting to where we need to be!
  18. I am going in Tuesday as well. Clear liquids all day tommorrow for me too!
  19. jc2008

    Too much weight lost in the first week

    On a 500 calorie diet you will lose a large amount of weight the first few weeks. A LOT of that weight loss is Water not actual fat. I dont have the formula, but if you calculate your weight + caloric intake + exercise you can calculate exactly how much fat you have lost vs how much retained water. Losing retained water doesnt have anything todo with if you are dehydrated or not. its just a bunch of water your body has stored up.. Talk more to your doctor about this, he should be able to tell you more. I know the first weeks on controlled liquid diets i have done in the past I would lose 8-10 lbs of water weight the first 2 weeks. So your 20lb loss is perfectly normal in my opinion
  20. Make sure you are not only recording what you eat but also what you DRINK. You might not count that glass of milk or the coffeemate in your coffee. Also you might be underestimating the size of portions and not counting some calorie intakes. A few years back I was on a liquid diet and we were to keep very strict food records and the numbers really did add up correctly for lbs lost vs calories/exercise intake that week. The numbers could sometimes come in a bit off, but that is due to water gain/loss mostly. If you notice the first week or two that you are on a liquid diet you lose a much bigger amount of weight than for the following weeks if you continued, and that is due to you losing some retained water. An article by my old doctor that might shed a bit of insight : Weight, Diet, Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure His articles are always very interesting, and he always gets straight to the point of the matter.. Another article he wrote on calories itself, might shed a bit of light on what calories are and why low calorie diets are a must for losing weight: Weight, Diet, Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure
  21. jc2008

    Week of Decemb er17th

    I am from Slidell and I havent been to any support groups. I just kind of decided to do this and went and got it scheduled. Trying not to think too much about it until after my surgery
  22. My doctor has me on the liquid diet. But he is the same doctor that did my mother and my sister 3 years ago, and when i told my mom about the 2 week diet, she is like hmm, we didnt have to do that, must be new. They are doing great on their lapbands after 3 years and didnt have the preop diet, so you will be fine too. The diet helps the surgery go a bit easier, but since you are past that point, you should be fine
  23. jc2008

    Post-Op Liquids

    I dont know i might try to stay on my Protein shakes for a bit longer though, as i know that will help shrink my stomach and get the weight loss a little boost at the start. 2 days til my surgery.. gaaa
  24. jc2008

    Number obsession

    I have never really been much about how much i weigh, its more about how active i can be or how clothes fit. If you arent obsessed about numbers, dont worry about it. Your milestones can be things like when your back pain lets up or when you can clean the bathroom without getting winded. I know a big milestone for me after i have my surgery and start to lose weight will be when my leg finally stops hurting from walking.. heh And when i can fit into an airplane seat like a normal human being instead of being all cramped into it and having to ask for a seatbelt extension.
  25. jc2008


    The Centrum chewable doesnt have a very strong taste and it doesnt bother me. They also have it in liquid form. Berocca is also great, we buy that from a supplier off ebay though as I dont think they carry it in normal US stores. But berocca, at least the type we get, is more for the B Vitamins, not the Iron, so u would still need to find an iron supplement, like centrum.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
