You most definitely should not do that. Just because you CAN eat something, doesn't mean you should. You may not have had any side effects, such as diarrhea or vomiting, but that doesn't mean everything is okay.
When you are supposed to be on liquids, it's for a reason. When you eat solid foods, even if you chew them well, they may go down easily and even not come up, but what it does is put weight inside your very new little stomach pouch, which can cause a tear at the staples near the diaphragm, possibly resulting in a leak, pain, bleeding, etc.
In short, you're supposed to be on liquids for a reason. Listen to your doctor. The liquid phase is not to make you miserable, but rather for your safety and the successful healing of your sleeve.
You made a mistake, but seriously try not to do that again. I know it's hard. I was still on liquids during Easter, when my family had a huge BBQ. I had to leave, because the smell was getting to me, and I didn't want to mess up.
Good luck to you. You CAN do this.