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Mrs Sabre

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs Sabre

  1. Mrs Sabre

    So absolutely disapointed

    Prayers and/or good thoughts are coming your way! I cannot begin to image how you must feel. Hopefully your doctors will be able to get to the bottom of things, find out it isn't so serious, get it fixed, and get on with your lap-band! That's my hope for you.
  2. I wouldn't suggest crackers yet, but that's just my opinion. With that said, my first soft solid food was baked talapia and mashed potatoes. That was the best fish I've ever eaten!
  3. The first is at 237 lbs. The second at 178 lbs.
  4. Mrs Sabre


    :horn:If I'm dreaming, don't pinch me! I don't want to wake up! I hit 199.5 lbs. today! :cheer2: I'm heading to WV this evening for a family reunion this weekend. It's the first time my immediate family will see me since before my band surgery. I'll be out of touch over the weekend, and couldn't bear not not telling everyone. I couldn't have done it without your loving support!
  5. Mrs Sabre

    Save the date....

    I'll be there! :eek:
  6. After my second fill, I have 1.5 cc in a 4 cc band. I do have restriction. I am losing weight. I stay satisfied for about 3 hours after meals. I have about 1 cup (depending upon food density) average capacity. How do I know if I should have a little more fill? ... or not? Maybe I should wait longer at this level and then decide?
  7. Mrs Sabre

    To Fill or Not to Fill?

    I was there on Friday. Yes, Pam is great; although the fill Dr. V did in the hospital was about the same. That brings up a good question, can you feel your band? Unless I'm eating, I can't. I haven't felt a thing when they've done fills; am I suppose to feel my fills?
  8. Mrs Sabre

    NC September Chat

    Hi all! John and I spent all weekend painting/cleaning our house. It went on the market two weeks ago, and all the realtors that work in the real estate agency are taking a tour through it this afternoon. We're seriously hoping it peaks some interest! We'd really like to get into the new house. So, I'm so physically tired I can barely see straight! :notagree I have a busy work week ahead of me too, and pray I don't let anything slip through the cracks! I did get a little fill on Friday. I think I'm where I need to be now :welldoneclap: I couldn't be happier with me band!
  9. Mrs Sabre

    To Fill or Not to Fill?

    I left it up to the doctor. To my surprise, he said we have a little "wiggle room", and I got 0.2 cc more. Today is my first day back on full foods, and so far I'm doing great! :clap2:
  10. Mrs Sabre

    August Chat - NC

    Prayers to out to one and all! Seems we've all been through trials of one type or another lately. I'm settled into my new office digs. I stayed late last night until I got everything unpacked. I cannot stand trying to work when everything's a mess! I just wish it was as easy to pack/unpack a whole house as it is to move an office cubicle! :huggie:
  11. Mrs Sabre

    August Chat - NC

    Can you believe it's August already? It's time for me to start my Christmas shopping! I've found if I make a list early and do a little at a time, I'm usually done well before Christmas and have a lot less stress. :clap2:
  12. Mrs Sabre

    August Chat - NC

    I can't wait to see you all again! Between moving my office at work and the house stuff, I am physically, mentally, & emotionally spent! Otherwise, life it good! :mad:
  13. Mrs Sabre

    The Picture Thread

    Dianne, you look awesome! I can't wait to see you again!
  14. Mrs Sabre

    NC Intro Thread...

    Welcome everyone! We'd love to see you all in Charlotte on Saturday, Sept. 9th at 11:30 a.m. for lunch at Red Robins on West WT Harris Blvd, right off of I-85!
  15. Mrs Sabre

    August Chat - NC

    The contingency offer was accepted on Friday! :clap2: Now we just have to get our house sold!
  16. Mrs Sabre


    Thank you all! My family is very happy for me! My father admitted that he originally had some reservations about the surgery, but feels better about it now that he sees how happy and successful I am thus far! I give God the glory and praise for putting you all in my life! The encouragement and advice is priceless!
  17. Mrs Sabre

    NC Intro Thread...

    Hi Loopy! Welcome, and congratulations on your success thus far!
  18. Mrs Sabre

    August Chat - NC

    It's official, our house is on the market, and we've made a contingent offer on the new one! Let the games begin! Here are pictures of the house we're trying to get into .. HousePics2.doc
  19. Mrs Sabre

    Would you have done this?

    I don't know what I would do. I'm not advertising my surgery, but when people ask what I'm doing to lose weight I tell them about it. I don't go into detail unless they seem interested and ask questions.
  20. Mrs Sabre

    August Chat - NC

    I feel guilty posting good stuff in the midst of hard times and tragedy. I have restriction since my last fill, and I'm doing great! I have to be more careful to eat slowly and chew really well, and now I have to be very careful of any untoasted bread products. Otherwise, I have about 1/2 - 1 cup capacity and stay full for the better part of 3-4 hours. John and I are putting our house on the market and making an offer on a new home. It's less than a mile down the main road from where we live now, but it's new. We sit down with the realtor this evening to sign paperwork!
  21. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=6076&d=1156128081
  22. Mrs Sabre

    August Chat - NC

    :clap2: Way to go Jill!
  23. Mrs Sabre

    August Chat - NC

    John and I have been on "vacation" all week. We stayed home and goofed off. We rode our motorcycles some, hung out in the pool, ate out a bunch! I feel refreshed and renewed, and as ready as I'll ever be to go back to work. My last fill seems to be doing the trick for me. I have restriction and am staying satisfied for close to 4 hours now. I'm having to pay attention to how slow I eat and how well I chew. I really look forward to seeing everyone again!
  24. Mrs Sabre

    Help Needed Please...

    Praise God they're OK! I don't have any clothes that would fit, but am ready to pitch in with cash, gift cards, or actual goods; whatever they're need/preference.
  25. Mrs Sabre


    I stayed in the recliner for 5 days, although I probably could have gone back the bed after 3. Having gas pain when I had my tubes tied, I kept waiting for it to hit, and it never did. Hey, maybe that recliner stuff really works!? :clap2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
