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Mrs Sabre

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs Sabre

  1. Mrs Sabre

    NC March Chat

    Angie, Our prayers go with you, your husband, children, and mother-in-law. It's good that you are in counseling. It can work; if it weren't for counseling, John and I would have never made it past our first two years of marriage. Please let me know if there is anything whatsoever I can do. If nothing else, call and vent. I have big shoulders
  2. 13 years ago an ex-boyfriend woke up fron general anesthetic and asked me if he could sniff my panties. Fortunately, he was whispering and there was no one else around to hear it. When my DH woke up from a colonoscopy, the attending nurses told him to let go of the gas. He didn't remember them telling him it was OK, and in slured speach kept telling me he had to toot but couldn't do it cause the nurses would hear him.
  3. Mrs Sabre

    4th fill update !

    Congratulations on the weight loss! Keep up the good work!
  4. Mrs Sabre

    Hi North Carolina

    Welcome! Depending upon the company that sponsors your insurance, UHC is usually among the most liberal where WLS is concerned. I'm not familiar with doctors in the Durham area, be there are a couple of good, well known and respected doctors in the Charlotte area. Dr. David Voellinger at Southeast Bariatrics in Charlotte, and Dr. Roc Bauman in Concord. Otherwise, I believe Inamed's website also provides doctors by geographic location? As for pre-surgery time off, most doctors/insurances require a psychological and nutrition evaluations before they go to your insurance. In addition, they may require blood work, EKG, chest x-rays, etc. prior to the actual surgery. Some tests may be determined based upon your consultation. I haven't had to take a full days off for any of these; they've all been done in office settings and it's been an hour or two here and there. I'm sure it may also depend upon the doctor & hospital where your surgery is being done. Beyond the Inamed site, I got a lot of information right here from other patients who have experience with the doctors. I'm sure there are others on this sight from your area, but can't recall who they saw for their surgeries. I hope this helps? I imagine some of the other folks will chime in too. Again Welcome!
  5. Mrs Sabre

    NC March Chat

    :funnypost: Oh my gosh Kathy, ROTFLMFAO!!! That is the best and yet funniest perspective of our collective situation! :violin: I admire your wit, and desperately needed the laugh! Thank you! :amen:
  6. Mrs Sabre

    NC March Chat

    Dianne, with this warmer weather and hot flashes on top of that, I could use some of the 2x's. I love your signature; I feel that way too!
  7. Mrs Sabre

    NC March Chat

    Kathy, I think I'd see a doctor? Angie, enjoy being busy with your kids; they grow up too fast, and one day you'll actually miss the extracurricular activities. Dianne, I glad to hear you're starting to feel like yourself again. I can empathize with the blues; I've had my share of them lately too. Kim, I am so excited for you starting your new job soon On Friday, Steffney at Dr. V's e-mailed me back and later called. They are ahead of schedule right now, but she did want me to know that ordinarily it can take up to 30 days for the office to get everything together and out to the insurance. They have to make sure everything is there, and Dr. V reviews the completed file to ensure there is nothing else he wants to have done before going to the insurance. I'm back to trying to be patient again. Jennifer, Melissa, Court, anyone and everyone else ... where are you, and how are you doing? Inquiring minds want to know!
  8. Mrs Sabre

    NC March Chat

    After I left the message with Julie at Dr. V's on Wed. noon, I got a call from my PCP's secretary confirming that what they were faxing had it all covered; it did.:biggrin1: Julie called me back later that evening stating she'd review my file for completeness and would be faxing my info to the insurance. (Interestingly, she told me to call last week, but acted like she didn't know why I had called her? ) I asked her to let me know when it goes to the insurance, and she said she would:clap2: . I have yet to hear back that it has gone, and will drop Steffney an e-mail shortly. I don't mean to be impatient, but if everything is/was there on Wed., and it should have been, it could have gone out yesterday. If UHC moves quickly, I could in theory have surgery by the end of March . OK, I know I'm probably pushing it, but I'm ready.
  9. Mrs Sabre

    NC March Chat

    I have a voice message in with Dr. V's nurse, per her directions last week. I hope to hear back quickly and find that they've received all of my reports. I'm getting increasingly anxious! In the mean time, I'm making an effort to stay away from sugar. I've been feeling kind of lousy and believe a big part of it is eating too much junk! If I don't get at least a partial grip on it now, I'm going to have a heck of a time when I go on pre-op liquids.
  10. Mrs Sabre

    Hot Flashes Anyone?

    :flame: I had a hot flash this afternoon that almost made me sick! I thought I would faint or urp, and had to go to the powder room and splash with cold water! Anyone else going through this? I could use some pointers! :flame:
  11. Mrs Sabre

    Our Next Get Together

    I'm willing to reschedule for a date/time when we're all available ... if at all possible.
  12. Mrs Sabre

    NC March Chat

    Hi Y'all! I had a crazy busy weekend. It was good, but went by entirely too fast! Saturday I did laundry, grocery shopping, & errands. In addition to our regular Sunday services & bowling, I also helped with & attended a baby shower yesterday. John (DH) stayed in bed yesterday with body aches and a sore throat. I don't know if he was bad sick or just stayed out in the cool air on his motorcycle too long on Saturday? He's feeling better and working today, and even talking about going on a guys' golf trip to the beach this weekend. I expect an easier week at work ... I hope. Last week kicked my tushy! That's about all that's new on this end. I hope everyone is doing well?
  13. Mrs Sabre

    redness and itchy

    Dianne, hang in there lady! He never gives us more than we can handle. Please feel free to give me a call any time you want/need.
  14. Mrs Sabre

    I'm Done & Waiting

    I'm done! I had my exercise physiology, EKG, & chest x-rays yesterday. All of my reports should be in to Dr. V's by this time next week. From here it's insurance and a date! Please pray that the wait goes quickly; I'm ready for my band!
  15. Mrs Sabre

    I'm Done & Waiting

    Randy, Amen! Kim, I hope so
  16. Mrs Sabre

    Please Help Me Find A Doctor!

    If it's not too far a drive for you, Dr Voellinger (Southeast Bariatrics) in Charlotte and Dr. Roc Baumann in Concord regularly do Lap-Band surgeries. They are both held in high regard around here.
  17. Mrs Sabre

    NC March Chat

    Deedlynn, that's awesome! Who is doing your surgery?
  18. Mrs Sabre

    NC March Chat

    Angie, you can do it! Maybe you're not eating enough Protein? Jennifer, I hope I'm banded before we meet again Thank God I haven't needed birth control in 18 years. I had my tubes tied back then. I also had an endometrial ablation last April, and between that and being peri-menopausal, I barely see "Aunt Flo" if she comes to visit at all.
  19. Mrs Sabre

    Food Commericals...

    Vent away! I hope to soon follow in your venting footsteps
  20. Mrs Sabre

    FYI - I'm RNY not Lap Band

    Good luck with your staple removal today! I've never had staples, but I've heard it feels really good to have them removed?
  21. Mrs Sabre

    4th fill and on my way !!

    Congratulations! I hope the scales continue to go down and the motivation continues to go up! Keep us posted
  22. Mrs Sabre

    What to do with my recop. period.

    Donna, Jennifer is our local RNY friend. She came here first, and has joined our local support group. We asked her to stay :eek:
  23. Mrs Sabre

    February talk time.

    I helped my daughter and son-in-law move into their first house this weekend. We're all exhausted! I am so happy for them and proud. They're 22 and 25 years old (respectively), have only been married for 1 1/2 years, and already buying a house! If all goes well, a grand baby is about 3 years away. That would make me a grandma at 45; a little young, but that's OK. I hope/plan to be in better shape to chase a little one around by then
  24. Mrs Sabre

    What to do with my recop. period.

    Jennifer, I concur with Susan, but what do I know? I haven't had surgery yet. Susan, anyone can drop in here; we welcome guests!
  25. Mrs Sabre

    February talk time.

    Overall, it sounds like everyone is doing OK. I did two tax returns today: ours and my DD & SIL's. I love TurboTax! Steffney at Dr. V's office said my letter has gone to dictation and should be back in under a week :scared: When Julie called with my ultrasound appointment, she told me to call her the following week (around Mar 8th). She'd confirm all reports have been received, and insure it goes out to UHC. They fax the information to the insurance company, so I'm sincerely hoping Dr. V's estimate of two months is over stated. I'd love to have surgery by the end of March and be banded by our next meeting. At very least, I'd like to have a date?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
