I'm only just shy of a day out from surgery and still in the hospital so I'm not sure I can comfort you much. I actually feel pretty good. I haven't had to push my Diluadid button much. The most pain I've had is from the gas but this morning (it's 4am) my stomach is much less distended and even though I haven't had a BM yet I am feeling much better. (Exciting TMI moment for me: I just barely farted for the first time and it was A-mazing! LOL) I also have a really bad migraine but I get those normally anyway and we're working on fixing it. I have just barely started keeping ice chips down. Yesterday I threw even a couple pieces of ice up everytime. My mouth is very dry and it's annoying but I keep at it. My nurse said I could chew on gum but upon looking in my purse I realized I had none. So, husband will be bringing some when he gets here after dropping the kids off at daycare. I think that'll help a lot. So, you're right you won't be drinking for a bit, but really in the whole scheme of things it was very minor and plus yes you are hooked up to the IV. As for the drain coming out of you - that is Dr specific I've noticed. My doc said only his RNY and DS patients had drains. I don't have one but to tell you the truth it probably would've been better than just dripping from the big hole where they removed my stomach. I had quite a lot of Fluid come out yesterday and got me wet enough to change my gown and bedding.They put a gauze pad over it and it's been ok now though. A drain isn't too bad though - I've had them with previous surgeries - and its no big deal, in my opinion. Lastly, I don't feel like I just got hit by a bus. I feel like I just had another c/section or my hysterectomy. The pain from the gas yesterday was annoying but the pain meds helped knock me out so I didn't care. I got all 4 of my walks in and that really did help. So far I am not having second thoughts. I can tell you I did start freaking out the day before surgery but this isn't so bad... yet. LOL Hang in there! You can do this!