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  1. mommyof2girls

    Bad breath

    Thanks for the info! My surgery was 4/29/15...just now ready for some soft foods...maybe it will improve over time...I sure hope so☺️
  2. mommyof2girls

    Bad breath

    Has anyone experienced severe bad breath since your surgery? I brush my teeth 3-4 times a day, floss, & use mouthwash but I have a horrible taste & smell. Any solutions appreciated!
  3. mommyof2girls

    Depression after the Gastric Sleeve

    I'm ten days post-op & have had my battle with depression too. I've been snappy, irritable, restless, etc. Praying it goes away soon! Good luck to all of you!
  4. mommyof2girls

    Friday Motivation

    Thank you for the encouragement!
  5. I'm only 3 days post-op & I'm so miserable! Food...EVERYWHERE!! My church has been so sweet to bring meals to my family...and they look/smell sooooo good. I'll be so glad when I'm not hungry anymore! The broth, protein shake, sugar-free Popsicles, flavored water diet is getting old!!
  6. mommyof2girls

    4/28/15 had surgery

    I had my sleeve done on 4/29. When he went in to do surgery, he found that a portion of my stomach was in my esophagus because my hiatal hernia was so big. Also, my liver was extremely large so he did a biopsy. My starting weight was 205, I don't drink alcohol so therefore I'm worried as to why my liver was so big. I have to say that the only protein drinks I like are the premier protein from Walmart. To me, the vanilla is the best. It's only been 3 days & I have to say this is the hardest thing I've ever done! I am trying to have a positive attitude about this but it's so hard, especially when people are bringing over dinner to my family & I'm over here chugging on a protein drink! Any suggestions?

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