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Everything posted by kempermorris

  1. kempermorris


    It took an entire month for my constipation to pass. The only thing that helped me was Glycerin Suppositories. You're right. It is painful & it was the worst side effect of my surgery. The good news is it will pass in a month or so & your body will readjust. Hang in there. Keep taking Miralax & Colace. Hang in there. It gets better
  2. Currently 260 70 lbs to go
  3. kempermorris

    The Old Me 410 lbs

    Thanks everyone
  4. kempermorris

    The Old Me 410 lbs

    Thank you. Not done yet. 70-80 more to go
  5. kempermorris

    The Old Me 410 lbs

    New me https://goo.gl/photos/XQXaWBkjvFbPmjSS9
  6. kempermorris

    The Old Me 410 lbs

    https://goo.gl/photos/6DTQWrvmqPsaLcuZ9 I'm having trouble with photos. Frustrated
  7. kempermorris

    The Old Me 410 lbs

    https://goo.gl/photos/6DTQWrvmqPsaLcuZ9 New me
  8. kempermorris


    Miramax & Colace
  9. kempermorris

    Feeling Great

    10 months post op. I've lost 150 lbs. 80 more to go. No longer Diabetic, no more insulin shots, Blood Pressure &-Cholesterol is normal. Can walk without pain. No more Neuropathy. Can sit in booths now in restaurants. Can fit in airline seats. Buying clothes is fun again. Food no longer controls me I control it. Best decision I ever made was to have this surgery. I feel better, I look better, & I'll live longer. I now am addicted to exercise. I workout at the gym 3 days a week. I go to the Park for long walks &-walk 3 miles 4 days a week. My dog goes with me & she has lost 25 lbs. My Nutritionist & Surgeon is proud of me and I'm proud of myself. I'm enjoying life again for the first time in 25 yrs. I started out at 410. I now weigh 260. I want to get down to 180-190. I'm 6ft 1in tall. I actually look forward to healthy meals instead of that crap I was eating. Was it tough? Was it hard? Absolutely the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. But so glad I took the plunge &-did it. My attitude has changed. I was mad at the World but I think I was really mad at myself for letting myself go. Now I'm motivated to lose the next 80 lbs. Going on a cruise in May to go Diving in Belize, Honduras, & Cozumel. Haven't been diving in 30 yrs. I'm single. No girlfriend for a very long time. That soon will change. If you are trying to make a decision on whether to have the surgery or not DO IT. Do it for yourself & your loved ones. They want you to stick around for a while. I eat 1200 calories/day. My regimen works for me. People run into me at the store & don't recognize me. I can't tell ya how good that feels. I'm looking forward to 2016 & my new life
  10. kempermorris

    Feeling Great

    Congratulations to you Djmohr
  11. Hang in there & stay the course. I hope you find the support you need. This forum is great for that. When it's all said & done it'll be the best decision you've ever made. It'll change your life. You'll feel better, look better, & live longer. You'll have a new outlook on life. You'll change your eating habits. Your new motto will be I eat to live, Not I live to eat. Buying new clothes will be fun. If you're on medications you'll probably get off of them. There is nothing but Good Times ahead for you. DO NOT let negative & pessimistic people bring you down. YOU ARE ABOUT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN A BIG WAY!!. I'm 10 months post open & have lost 150 lbs so far. 80 more to go and I feel fantastic. No more insulin shots for me. No more sleep apnea for me. No more 10 prescriptions daily for me. Buying clothes is fun again. Get to sit in booths at restaurants instead of tables. Fit in airline seats again. Heart rate & blood pressure perfect. Cholesterol perfect. LET NOONE BRING YOU DOWN. YOU GOT THIS. GOOD LUCK!!
  12. kempermorris

    ???????????? Fustration????????????

    Quit weighing so much. The stall will pass. Soon you'll be losing 3lbs a week. Keep the faith. 9 Months from now you're going to like the new you. I did
  13. kempermorris

    Irritated with Family Dinner

    No one likes to eat or cook anymore than I do. I was a great cook. Reason I weighed 410 lbs. I didn't think I'd like grilled chicken,Turkey,etc all the time either. But you can reprogram your thinking. Once the weight starts falling off & it will you'll realize the healthy diet is the only way to be successful & keep it off. Kudos to you for walking as much as you do. Keep it up. Over time the walking will really pay off. Cook things you will enjoy. You're more apt to stick with it. You made a decision to change your life. Healthy eating habits has to be maintained. Once your 3 months out you can eat just about anything. Your stomach will stretch & you'll be able to eat more food. Your stomach will hold about a cup of processed food by then. New eating habits have to be learned. They will become a habit over time. Take your supplements, get your protein, drink lots of water, exercise,& eat right. You're going to like the new you in 9 months. Don't get discouraged. Good times are ahead.
  14. kempermorris

    Irritated with Family Dinner

    You're doctor can give you a card that says you just had surgery. This will allow you to order off the kids meal. Later on you'll be able to eat a bit more but not now. This is your new life. It took me a while to get used to it too. I'm 9 months post open & have lost 130 lbs. 90 more to go. Your friends should be supportive.of you. If not find new friends. Grilled lean meats & veggies is the norm now. Start an exercise program if you haven't yet. Walk a couple of miles at a park 4 times a week. Join a gym. Your body will thank you. It takes time to retrain your old habits. You can do it. Good Luck
  15. Good for you. Welcome to the new you. That took courage to go to Mexico & have it done
  16. kempermorris

    My Gastric Journey

    You get a second chance at life. Make the most of it & cherish everyday
  17. kempermorris

    24 hours post op

    First 3 are the worst.It'll ease up after that
  18. kempermorris

    Loathing protein!

    You need protein to heal. Make yourself drink the shakes. Premiere has 39 grams. You need 60 grams a day. The soft food stage will be over before you know it. My doctor made me stay on it 30 days. Do what you have to do to get your protein & water requirements. You don't want any setbacks. Your nutritionist should've supplied sample meals all different ways. Make something different every day. Time will pass fast. I was where you are now. Now I'm 8 1/2 months post op. Total loss so far 135 lbs. Stay the course. You'll be glad you did
  19. kempermorris


    Stalls happen. Stay the course. You'll be fine
  20. kempermorris


    Stick to the diet & exercise & the weight will fall off. I'm losing 10_12 lbs a month. At first I missed all the foods I had to give up. But I no longer miss them. You have to reprogram your brain towards food. I missed coffee the worse. I could drink Decaf but it wasn't the same. Now 8 months later I can drink regular coffee. Still can't drink carbonated drinks. Don't lose sight of the long term goal. I set monthly goals. I walk 3 miles 4 days a week. I go to the gym 3 days a week. I eat right now. And I'm getting results & so will you. Just take it one day at a time & ignore anybody being negative. This will work & in 1 1/2 yrs you'll be so glad you did it. Hang in there & Good Luck
  21. kempermorris


    I am 8 months out & have lost 135 lbs. Dumping syndrome is no joke it will happen. Cut out sweets,fried foods,bread. Eat lean meats,vegetables, & lots of water. Best thing I've ever done. Exercising everyday. My.life has been given back to me. Off of insulin. Got 80 more lbs to go. I'll get there in April. I love the new me.
  22. kempermorris

    My journey has begun..

    Stay the course. You'll be so glad you did. A lot of your medical issues May go away. Mine did. I was diabetic taking insulin shots. No more. Hopefully your husband will be more supportive. This is not easy. It's a total lifestyle change. One that you will get used to & embrace. The first few months are the hardest. You'll question if you did the right thing. It gets easier. You'll realize it's the best thing you ever did for yourself. I'm 8 months post op & have lost 125 lbs. I have 85 more to go. Pay attention to what the Nutritionist & Doctor tell you to do. Welcome to the new you
  23. Calm down you will be fine. Just do What the Doctor & nutritionist told you to do. You need those protein shakes to promote healing. Drink your water. Soon enough you will progress on to soft pureed foods then onto something more solid later on. The hard part is behind you. You made a decision to change your life. Changing your bad habits is hard at first. Stay the course & reap the rewards. Soon eating healthy will be a habit. Start exercising asap. You will feel & look better soon. Drink the protein &-take the vitamins & drink plenty of water. Welcome to the new you. Be proud of the huge step you've taken. I'm 7 months post op & have lost 125 lbs & I'm no longer diabetic. Best decision I ever made. Hang in there & Good Luck
  24. kempermorris

    Diabetics and bypass patients

    I was taken off insulin day of surgery. My A1C is 5.5 now

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
