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About SteveInKansas

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 01/06/1958

About Me

  • Biography
    Business owner, ridin' one of my Harley's when I find time, husband 16 yrs, father 29 yrs & Grandpa to the sweetest lil girl born 10-16-07
  • Interests
    Ridin' my Harley's when I can, goin' to Auction's, spending as much time as possible with my family & WORK.
  • Occupation
    Owner trucking company
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  • Zip Code
  1. Happy 55th Birthday SteveInKansas!

  2. Happy 54th Birthday SteveInKansas!

  3. SteveInKansas

    Banded Bikers II

    Hey All, Just checkin in to see what's up and it look's like it's ridin season for everyone! Aint nobody around! That's good though, if your ridin, your doin alright! Myself I'm workin like a dog tryin to keep fuel in 8 semi's (BIG OUCH!) Let's not even go to the fuel subject . . . . . . . . . . Happy to report I'm down "70" lbs, should be more but with my line of work there's just no way to eat right and visit the gym everyday. Workin out of town all the time and just gettin by with these DAMNED fuel prices and tryin to keep the drivers under control. I'm ready for fall to get her already, I dont do well in 100+ heat. Hope everyone is gettin plenty of ridin in, we're takin time off headin for the Rockies and up through Utah, then down through Yellowstone (wife's never see it), hit Sturgis, back through the Rockies and back to the flat lands of Kanzass. Just makin one big loop with no place we have to be at any certin time. No time line's, no worries! Enjoy your ridin season and be safe out there, winter's just around the corner! Good luck all, Steve
  4. SteveInKansas

    Banded Bikers II

    Hey All, Randy if your post wouldnt of gone to my email, I dont know when I would of had time to check in. Took the winter off but now it's time to get back to work and make a real living. Just happen to be in the office today hiring people, aaaaaand playing on the computer a little! I know what your talkin about with the weather, what you guys had down south came up our way (S.E.Kansas). Nothing but rain today and tomorrow and most everything I need to do is outside! Very little riding going on up here mainly cuz I have found out that I'm gettin OLD and dont like the cold & damp like I use to! 60 degree's plus for me these day's, that's like saying you like camping, as long as it's at the Holiday Inn . . . . . . . Notice how hard & damp the ground is the older ya get??? Go see an Orthapedic Sergion 3-24 to see when they are going to slice & dice my shoulder. Rotator cuff is keeping me awake at night but not sure I want to miss out on a full riding season. Talked to several who have had the surgery and they all say you WILL be down awhile. Going to see if we can put it off untill Fall / early winter. Hope everyone else is doing well, I know we had some new guy's over in the Men's Room that got sliced & diced. Have had several people notice a change in myself (-45 lbs) good to know it shows, I dont really see it yet. Had to miss my first fill Mar. 12 due to another Dr. app. that couldnt be changed. All is well though, so I go in 3-26 and get that first fill. I know I need it cuz I could (but dont) eat a horse! Happy riding all, Steve
  5. SteveInKansas

    Cutting back on meds...

    Hey Guy's (& Gal) Had to go in for my DOT physical last friday and my reg. Doc was very interested in my Lapband and was impressed with the loss of 45 lbs. My BP & Cholesterol was the best it had been in years, I did mention dropping the med's but he would like to give it some more time before doing so. I never got around to doing the sleep study so am scheduled Apr. 1st for it. Asked about the CPAP and Doc said at this point, the way I'm going it may be a waist of time??? I'm ready to drop the med's, chewing any med's sucks! Good luck to all, Steve
  6. SteveInKansas

    Attention All Biker Ladies - and Gentlemens!

    PhotoEgor, If your serious about a trike check out ebay, lot's of late model Harley trike's on there for mid $20's. Will be looking for one myself later this summer for another business venture I have cooked up. So anyone know of a good deal on a trike . . . . . . let me know! Good luck all, Steve
  7. Dr. Malley in Kansas City is doing a live surgery this morning with Q&A at 10:00am CST. Here's his website just click on "Live Event". Home Good Luck all
  8. SteveInKansas

    Banded Bikers II

    Hey if anyone is interested in viewing a live surgery with Q&A, Dr. Malley is having one this morning at 10:00am CST, Steve Home click on "Live Event"
  9. SteveInKansas


    Hey Guy's, got this e-mail (hope it works) Dr. Malley is going to have a LIVE surgery this morning at 10:00am CST. Hope this link takes you there if interested. Steve Home Click on "LIVE EVENT"
  10. SteveInKansas


    Hey Jack, You wont find the info about "BBQ tongs" in the "guys or biker" thread. It was back around X-Mas sometime I believe but dont recall where, I havent been the same since! I cant help but think about it everytime I BBQ now . . . . . . .:laugh:
  11. SteveInKansas


    Hey Big Rick, I lifted in high school too, but that was a looooong time ago! I was in the same boat, didnt know what to expect and had a million questions. I'm pretty fresh myself, banded Feb. 5th but your in the right place. I only post here in the "Guys" section and the "Biker" section. I just feel better talking to guys & people I have something in common with. I've learned you can ask ANYTHING you want, just dont ask if you dont want an honest answer! I've read everything on here from your sex life, to wiping your butt with BBQ tongs! So ask away! Like I said, your in the right place and your heading in the right direction. Keep us all posted how your doing. Best of luck to ya, Steve
  12. SteveInKansas

    Attention All Biker Ladies - and Gentlemens!

    Any members of the PGR here (Patriot Guard Riders)? Going on my first mission this morning, have been a member for a couple years but always gone working on the road before. Gonna be cold out this mornin. It's 31 now with the Wind Chill at 26, to cold to be riding but for a good cause. If you dont know what PGR is, do a search and read up. I'm sure you'll want to be a member too! Here's the website; Patriot Guard Riders -->Home
  13. SteveInKansas


    Steve From Chanute Kanzass (S.E. Kansas, 2 hrs south of KC) Banded Feb. 5, 2008 started out 320, lost 45lbs during diet, weighed in this mornin at 279. Creeped back up to 284 but averages around 280. Not due for my first fill untill Mar. 12, cant wait to get that "full" feeling after just a few bite's. Good luck to everyone, Steve Dr. Malley in KC
  14. SteveInKansas

    When To Get Serious About This Post-Op?

    Mr. Jack, I have followed many of your post to find great wisdom, there is nothing like learning from the pro. Your 4oz's you speak of, was that before your first fill? I am 3 wks post-op today and feel I could eat everything put in front of me. Although I make myself quit eating, the urge is still there. Seem's I was fine until I could start on "soft food", baked potato, veggies etc. but that's when I noticed the additional weight starting to slowly come back. Anything at this point is a hell of alot better than blended fish or chicken. Great the first couple of bites, but taist like saw dust after that! And I was right, NO FILL'S until 5 wks. Guess I'll have to use my head for something besides a door stop.
  15. How soon is to soon? I'm three weeks post-op today and I was told to just take it easy until my first fill, which will be another two weeks. Started 320 got down to 275 and am now back to 281. I'm going the wrong way! I havent been walking as much as I could but what does "take it easy" really mean? With NO restriction, I feel I could eat a horse. I have tried to eat as I should, small portions, healthy foods & veggies but the pounds keep creaping back up. I plan to call the Dr. today but they were VERY adiment that there would be NO fills before the five week period. I understand self control but when you know you can eat more it sure test the will power! Any advise would be greatly appriciated. Thanx, Steve

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