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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by thisfathasgot2go

  1. @@retrieverguy I feel fine. Just sore around my incisions. I have not tried to walk a mile outside in 100 degree weather, so I have just stayed home and rested. Today I drove for the first time and felt ok with the seatbelt on.
  2. thisfathasgot2go

    Need help to find the best protein power

    Purchase items to try and keep the receipts. Costco will accept returns and so will Trader Joe's with no hassle. I am only 5 days post-op, but what I liked pre-op has held true in post-op so far.
  3. Good luck. You will do great. It goes fast. I am 5 days out already!
  4. thisfathasgot2go

    Need more calories

    I track my calories on myfitnesspal and yes, my calories are low, but I am currently ONLY looking at Protein, not calories at this time. I am 5 days post-op and I am on liquids only for the next 10 days and my goal is 65 per day per my NUT. Today, through 6PM, I have consumed 351 calories, and 52 grams of protein. My meals consisted of Premier Protein, Dannon Greek Yogurt, Low Sodium Butternut Squash Soup and I have another 1/2 Premier Protein to drink before bed. I am also adding in sips of Water.
  5. @@Basia I am eating dinner right now, 2 oz of the Trader Joe's Organic Low Sodium Butternut Squash Soup. Yummy! Today I started ready made Protein drinks by Premier Protein, the 30g one from costco. I was sleeved on Oct 7. I am on all clear/non-Clear Liquids for 10 days beginning today. I too am looking forward to soft foods. We can do this.
  6. thisfathasgot2go

    Trouble getting liquids down!

    Slow down. Use a spoon if you have to. It might take longer. Remember your breathing exercises. Good luck!
  7. thisfathasgot2go

    Anyone from southern california

    @@BohemianBeauty I think I told you on another Kaiser thread, but I was just sleeved on Oct 7 at West LA by Dr. Casillas.
  8. thisfathasgot2go

    Flu shot!

    I asked my surgeon if it was ok to get a flu shot on 9/22, before surgery. I got my flu shot on 10/2. My surgery was on 10/7. No problems.
  9. thisfathasgot2go

    Packing for the hospital

    Bring a credit card to pay for prescriptions & Vitamins you might need to bring home, I forgot to bring one thinking I only needed an id and insurance card. If you have a heating pad, this was helpful since the hospital rooms are so cold. It the heat also felt good on my belly and my swollen hand with the iv inserted. I also suggest gas x strips and a toothbrush (which I used to help me gag to burp). The hospital provided all toiletries which was great. I did bring a pillow and loose clothing too. Good luck!
  10. It takes me the same to finish a 20oz bottle. Not easy at all. I like biting off small pieces of sugar-free popsicles, but yeah, I would love to bite something.
  11. thisfathasgot2go

    :How do you get your high protein?

    High Protein foods include fish, chicken, lean meats, cheeses, eggs, yogurts, Beans, nuts, vegetables. If you are talking about post-op, right after surgery, which is where I am at 4 days out, I am relying on clear Protein drinks (40G per bottle), unflavored Protein powder (26g per scoop) added to Jello and broth. Tomorrow, I can transition to Soups (adding protein powder), smooth yogurts, soy milk, and ready to drink non-clear vanilla/chocolate protein drinks in an attempt to get in my protein.
  12. thisfathasgot2go

    Protein Shake help for taste and smell?

    Not sure how to mask the smell, but a flavored coffee creamer or some fruit (banana?) can add some flavor to these protein drinks too. Usually adds about 30 calories for a tablespoon.
  13. thisfathasgot2go

    Surgery day!

    I am not cleared to drive yet. I will need to this week though. I am not taking any painkiller, so I should be ok.
  14. thisfathasgot2go

    What Questions Should I Ask My Surgeon?

    Listen to what he freely asks you. Does he ask the right questions? Is he asking about your medical history, current and past meds, the types of foods you like to eat, how and when you eat? A good doctor should ask questions to make sure he is doing the right surgery, making the right choices. If he does not ask, tell him about any gerd, diabetes, heart problems, can't walk, knee problems, etc. Tell him if you are an emotional eater, addicted to sweets, overeater, etc. Ask him about his experience. Sleeve v. Bypass. Why he would recommend one over the other. Also, I wanted to know how the doctor is going to keep in touch with my family waiting. My surgery ended at like 8PM, he came to my family waiting and talked to them at length when he could have been home already. I did not want to see them or for them to see me after, I was in so much pain and discomfort, so I was so glad that he was a very personable and caring doctor to sooth them when I could not. Good luck!
  15. Wow, that can get boring fast. At least there are lots of choices out there to try. I have pre-made EAS and Premier in my fridge. I have Isopure 0 Carb vanilla and Syntrax nectar Cappuchino powder's ready to mix. I also have Isopure unflavored powder to add to liquids lacking in Protein. I have been drinking the clear Isopure Green Tea Lemon drinks and they are good too. I am on liquids only until day 15 then I can introduce soft/pureed foods. Cannot wait! It will go fast.
  16. I had my surgery on the 7th also. Welcome. Since we are at the same point post-op. I will follow to see what advice you get. So far, I am feeling better than I imagined. I am still on clear protein/fluids today. Tomorrow I will be introducing powdered Protein drinks or drinks that are not clear, as well as some Soups, but for the most part, getting in my Proteins is my goal. My incisions are sore, but I managed to sleep on my belly 1 night. I use a heating pad on my belly at night. I am now regularly taking my Vitamins, prescribed GERD medicine and just sipping, no gulps. No throwing up or bowel movements yet. I take a crushed tylenol for my incision pain every once in a while, but not regularly. Pre-op beginning weight: 225 Surgery Day weight: 196 Weigh-in this morning: 191.4
  17. I have Kaiser. The weight at my PCP referral was 227. Weight at my Options intro class was 225. During the 3 months options classes, I lost 17 lbs and continued to lose weight during the pre-op til surgery day where I weighed in at 196.
  18. thisfathasgot2go

    To chew gum, or not...post op?

    In my nutrition classes, gum was considered a no-no post-op for fear of swallowing and getting stuck. I have not tried it, but I mistakenly swallowed a piece last week before surgery, so I am not going to do it.
  19. thisfathasgot2go

    What is everyones favorite Protein Drink?

    I am still on the clear Proteins. I like the Isopure Green Tea Lemon. 40g per 20oz. bottle. I am only 3 days post-op though. I have not moved to the liquids yet that include non-clear proteins yet. I have Isopure 0 carb 0 sugar vanilla powder and Syntrax nectar Cappuchino powder ready for that transition. I hope they are good too! http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/p/nature-best-isopure-isopure-rtd-zero-green-tea-lemon-12-drinks/np-1200#.VhnGkBNViko
  20. thisfathasgot2go

    Severe heartburn 1 day post op

    Ask you doctor for a prescription strength anti-acid. I have to take one daily for six months. Sorry I don't have any current remedies. Make sure you are burping and gassing. Try drinking hot water. That worked for me. I am 3 days out.
  21. thisfathasgot2go

    Surgery day!

    Following. I had surgery the same day as you. Similar experiences. I have not been nauseous YET though. I am not getting all my Protein yet either. I am trying though. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
  22. thisfathasgot2go

    Any Oct 6 Sleevers out there?

    I am back online after my Oct 7 sleeve. I had a late surgery. Got to my room about 9:00PM and discharged the next day at 4:00PM. No real issues. I have not gotten my vitamins yet. Hopefully today. I am on clear liquids til tomorrow. Not hitting my protein the past couple of days. I am drinking Isopure protein drinks and water so far. I have tried some broth and sugar free ice pops and jello, but protein is my priority. Then I can get strained soups and protein drinks. My 5 incisions are healing nicely. Been walking indoors since it has been 100 degrees for a couple of days. My most helpful items in the hospital were gas x strips, heating pad, eye shade/mask and a toothbrush (to help me gag to burp).
  23. thisfathasgot2go

    Type 2 diabetes and the sleeve

    My pre-op consult with the bariatric surgeon I was referred to, suggested RNY for diabetics and GERD sufferers over the GSV. I would bring this up with the surgeon you selected. Ask for a surgeon who has experience with both the RNY and GSV, and also consider a second opinion.
  24. thisfathasgot2go

    Kaiser - Pre-op weight loss

    I thought that I would not reach the 10% but I did. I lost 17 during the class and the remaining 6 while waiting for surgery. My surgeon did not make me lose more and did not put me on a pre-op diet. His rule is just to not gain before the surgery, so hopefully I am good to go tomorrow morning for surgery. My scale says 197.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
