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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mom26

  1. Mom26

    Anyone from NYC?

    Hi. Cool. Where are you having surgery and which one? What are your stats if I may ask. Having sleeve surgery at NYU with Dr Kurian. I think my stats are in my profile to the left. Surgery was postponed from last month because EGD revealed ulcers. So because of them, I'm down another 10 lbs. I'll take it!
  2. Mom26

    Anyone from NYC?

    I'm also from Long Island - but surgery is in NYC in November.
  3. Just like CowgirlJane, my primary said the same things... just go to the gym, eat better, etc. I kick myself now because I started this journey in January of 2013 - but without her support, I didn't think she'd give approval. So I never followed through. And I never saw her again. I went to walk-ins when I didn't feel well. I finally got to the point where I was so ready for WLS - that I found a new primary - that I LOVE. He's extremely supportive and has been cheering me on every step of the way.
  4. Mom26

    I am finally at onerland!

    Congrats - that's fantastic! Looking great!
  5. Mom26


    Do they feel like the fit is the same?
  6. Great news!! Wishing you a speedy recovery. TN? A friend I grew up with is the President of the Predators.
  7. Mom26

    November Sleevers

    I just opened my mail from the insurance company and it shows I'm approved for 11/9. My original date was last week but I have ulcers. I didn't think they'd schedule it yet - but obviously they did - for next month!
  8. I got the chicken broth from Unjury
  9. Mom26

    What, if anything, do you collect?

    I collect salt & pepper shakers. I have about a hundred sets. I also collect cake stands, but don't think you can consider that collecting - as I own a cake company. @@Dub I was just talking to my husband about a new glock for when he retires from the PD. That'll be my retirement gift to him.
  10. Mom26

    Telling your kids

    I have 6 kids - ranging from 18-28. I've told my 19 year old daughter because she commutes to college and is home with us. Everyone else is away at college/living on their own/in the military. I figured they'll notice when they come home. No need to worry them unnecessarily. I also told her because her dad (my ex) considered the sleeve so I want to be a motivation for him.
  11. Mom26

    Hey all

    That's fantastic. Was concerned when we didn't hear from you last week. How's your tooth?
  12. Premier Protein chocolate is decent. I also like unsweetened almond milk with unjury vanilla protein, a TBSP of PB2 and some crushed ice. Sometimes I had 1/2 a banana. It's fantastic
  13. Mom26

    I need your support!

    You actually can be your own biggest cheerleader.... You wrote "No one is going to take away my success and my joy!!!" Let that be your mantra. All day. Every day. If that's how often you need to keep reminding yourself. Nobody needs to tell you what you've done wrong - you know yourself that you were binge eating. With your psych help and the knowledge of what you need to do to continue to make progress in your weight loss journey, you got this!! Good luck!!
  14. Mom26

    Hello, I am new

    Hi Michelle. I'm Lisa. My surgery was supposed to be last week but had to be postponed until my ulcers clear. Cola. Pepsi. I could live on Pepsi - especially McDonald's Pepsi. That (and Jax) are the only 2 things I really miss since starting my 2-week liquid diet 3 weeks ago. When my surgery was postponed, I promised myself I wouldn't just go have a Pepsi until my next 2-week liquid diet. I'm Pepsi-free for 3 weeks now and no withdrawals. I would imagine it would suddenly taste too sweet anyway. At least that's what I'm telling myself. With ulcers, I don't dare tempt myself - because my luck, they'd get aggravated and they'll postpone my surgery even longer. Good luck! You'll find a wealth of information here from both the seasoned veterans and the new members!
  15. Mom26

    Turning point

    My highest weight was the day of my first appointment - 268. I was an athlete growing up and into college (gymnastics) and surprisingly for my weight, I am still pretty agile. But I'm so tired of being fat. I own a cake company and I know people judge me and assume that I'm fat because I bake. I take SUCH CARE to NOT eat what I bake. I think I've had 5 cupcakes in the past YEAR. I'm tired of waking up in the morning and digging for clothes that fit. I have a beautiful in-ground pool that I've never been in because I don't want the neighbors to see me in a bathing suit. But most importantly, I want to be healthy. I have the most amazing husband and I want to be able to spend another 50 years with him. We're retiring in 3 years - I'll be 51. Too young to not enjoy life! We have 6 kids - I want to do things with them when we go on family vacations. I'm so excited for the journey ahead - and I know it will be hard work. But so well worth it.
  16. Mom26

    Anthem denied

    A friend was denied 3 times. She finally put together pretty much a novel, including letters from the gym owner, her doc, etc - that detailed a few years of trying to lose weight. They approved within a week after that. Hopefully your friend can show them her attempts and have them approve. But if her BMI isn't "high enough", do they require co-morbidities? Does she have any?
  17. Mom26

    I want to eat everything

    I was supposed to be sleeved last week (delay due to ulcers) - so 2 weeks before that, I had to start my liquid diet. Went to Cheesecake Factory the night before. After I found out my surgery would be delayed, I decided to continue with eating light meals. I felt pretty good on the liquid diet, so I didn't want to sabotage myself and eat like crazy. It would just be more weight I'd have to lose again. I'm delayed probably 6-8 weeks, but I've successfully kept off the 5 lbs I lost on the liquid diet for 10 days now. I didn't go back to Pepsi. That's one of my biggest addictions. But I'm now 3 weeks Pepsi-free! We ordered Chinese in last night and I got steamed chicken with snow peas. No sauce. I tend to feel guilty indulging (I had a mini Peppermint Patty one night after work and was disgusted with myself because it certainly wasn't worth those calories!!) I'm trying to train myself pre-surgery and hoping that post-surgery I won't miss my "favorites". If you can "cheat" in moderation - or "cheat sensibly" - if there is a such thing....
  18. Mom26

    2 month Surgiversary update!

    Looking great! Keep up the good work.
  19. Good luck Megan! I'm Lisa & new to WLS - waiting for my new date for the Sleeve. I had to postpone because an endoscopy revealed my stomach was full of ulcers. Hoping for October though. Sorry to hear you had problems with your bad. Hopefully you'll be able to get approved for the sleeve quickly and find some relief.
  20. I am so sorry for your loss and for pain. When my sister died (the day before my 30th birthday), the grief was indescribable. It felt as if life was going on around me and I was stuck in a state of utter despair. I found the only thing that kept me sane was keeping busy. I know with your pain, your limited with what you can do - but maybe you can find a way to keep busy. Do you work outside the home? If so, maybe that will help keep your mind occupied for at least part of the day. When you find you have down-time, use the time for something you have to focus on. Can you watch a new tv series on demand? One you'll have to concentrate to follow. Read a book - or better yet, listen to a book on tape. You'll have to focus on it, hopefully easing the focus on your incredible grief. Keep in mind that everyone has their own timeline on grief. Each day set a goal to try to cope with your grief. Explain to your friends how devastated you are and ask them to spend more time with you - to keep you company, and more importantly to keep you busy. Grief is normal. Reaching out for help is a huge step in learning how to live a new "normal" without someone you love so dearly. <3
  21. Mom26

    Knowing my worth.

    Good for you!! After my divorce, I dated a bit - but wasn't really sure what I wanted. But quickly learned that it was ok to not be sure what I wanted yet - but always be sure of what you don't want and be strong about that. And knowing what you don't want or won't tolerate leads to learning what it is you do want.
  22. Mom26

    When did you buy new clothes?

    what about getting some maxi skirts? You can wear those for a couple sizes. Old Navy has some great ones. So does Avenue - and I think they're on sale
  23. Mom26

    How long was ur process?

    Mine was supposed to be 6 months and 2 weeks. But I procrastinated getting my Endoscopy and just got it - and they had to postpone surgery because I have ulcers. Ugh. Get all your stuff done in the beginning...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
