Had surgery on Monday the 13th and left the hospital the next day. Five incisions plus drain site for six total. My largest incision is next to my belly button, while the incision itself is only about 1.5 inches the abdominal muscle wall cut is about 4.5 inches long, that goes right to left. All the other sites feel fine and are just sore, however the large site and large cut in muscle hurts like hell. I can hardly stand, sit, cough or sneeze without major pain, also when standing this site has a large indentation from where the muscle should be, but its not, yet. This site and muscle below is spread for stomach removal and other things during surgery, and had the most manipulation. I have used an ace bandage for support of this area which has also helped. I have called my surgeon and was prescribed a muscle relaxer that has helped a lot. This is normal for the technique of my surgeon, which may be different for many of you. Everyday it gets a little better, I would like to know if anyone else has had the issues I have outlined above. I wish you all the best of luck and quick healing.