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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Kristinm1185

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  1. Kristinm1185

    Anyone from Massachusetts?

    Hi Tonia! Good Luck at your appt. I was in the hospital for 2 night. Surgery was on Tues 4/21, I was home on Thurs 4/23. I feel great for the most part. I was driving by Saturday and was out all day then from 9-4. My incisions are still a little sore but that's about it. Let me know if you have any other questions. Best of Luck to you.
  2. Kristinm1185

    April 22 surgery date. Anybody else?

    Had my surgery april 21st! Feeling pretty good for the most part. Hope everyone else is too!
  3. Kristinm1185

    Anyone from Massachusetts?

    Hi! I'm from Boston. Live in Dorchester. Was sleeved 4/21 at Beth Isreal Deaconness-Milton by Dr. Benjamin Schneider. So far so good.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
