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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About UnbeSleevEable85

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/07/1985

About Me

  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Medical Assistant & Phlebotomist
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  1. UnbeSleevEable85

    You know you lost weight when

    When you can walk through the turnstile straight not sideways lol
  2. UnbeSleevEable85

    I wish I knew.....

    I had a major meltdown about this just about a week ago. I cried myself to sleep, thinking to myself I will never be able to eat like a real person again. It took a few days to pull out of that funk and I'm doing better now, I am 7 weeks out today, yesterday was my birthday and I didn't really do anything. I am rambling now, but yes this is something I wish I had known prior to surgery!!!Happy Belated Birthday @@nuzzlebear40
  3. UnbeSleevEable85

    Got my date! July 13th!

    btw I use lean shake by GNC and I think their amazing. Plus GNC has an amazing guarantee. If you buy it and don't like it, you can bring back the unused portion and get a refund. Sounds like a win..win situation to me.
  4. UnbeSleevEable85

    Got my date! July 13th!

    Aww, thanks for remembering. I'm on day four of my liquid diet and it's sooo tough... I think about food 24-7 Ive got 12 days more... I'm so grumpy lol
  5. UnbeSleevEable85

    Any sleevers scheduled for late July?

    I promise you, your experience sounds just like mine lol like word for word
  6. UnbeSleevEable85

    VSG With Simultaneous Hiatal Hernia Repair

    Thanks cause didn't know what to expect. How long was your recovery? like before you could return to work? Thanks! I have to have a hiatal hernia repair also. My VSG surgery date is July 6, 2015. I am excited + a little nervous.Good luck to you. I go in July 16 let me know how it goes
  7. UnbeSleevEable85

    I wish I knew.....

    Sounds about right
  8. UnbeSleevEable85

    Losing the pre-op weight

    Hey, I'm on my pre-op diet and Ive successfully lost 26 lbs on my own and I haven't even begun you liquid diet yet. I'm set to be sleeved on July 16th. My NUT put me on a low carb, low calorie diet. Basically one serving of starchy carbs a day. One serving is a half cup of brown rice, whole wheat pasta one slice of Bread ect. I fill up on non starchy veggies and I have my serving of protein and I'm ok. I realize that my little 26 lbs is just the beginning but I'm proud, because this is coming from a person who couldn't really lose weight on her own. Just know the first two weeks are hardest. But once the cravings stop you're on easy street. Good luck, wishing you all the best.
  9. I haven't received a request as of yet
  10. Hey guys I'm Shacorra, my date is set for July 16th liquids start on the first for me also... I'd definitely be interested in joining. We can use all the help, support, encouragment and tips as possible.????????
  11. UnbeSleevEable85

    I wish I knew.....

    I am glad my dr told me it was ok to use Imodium ADliquids in mean liquid out (both pre and post op) Wow, thanks for that because I was thinking the same thing. I start my liquids July 1st and my system is very sensitive, and I'm lactose intolerant to boot.
  12. UnbeSleevEable85

    I wish I knew.....

    how long was the shedding?
  13. UnbeSleevEable85

    Any sleevers scheduled for late July?

    Scheduled for July 16th I did all my pre-op appointments early on, I got them all don't in like the span of 2 months. For most of April and May I was a zombie lol. Procedures after procedure, but I'm glad it's all done now. Now all I have to worry about is approval , but with my comorbidities I'm not worried about getting the green light for my surgery. I'm cool as a cucumber, I keep getting asked am I nervous yet but it hasn't hit me just yet. We'll see I guess. Is anyone else nervous?
  14. UnbeSleevEable85

    VSG With Simultaneous Hiatal Hernia Repair

    This is great, different perspectives. Allows me to best prepare myself.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
