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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by sparksrn

  1. sparksrn


    6/1/2015 RNY
  2. @@Arielle Phoenix What is a long limb RNY? How is it different from a regular RNY?
  3. sparksrn

    I'm struggling

    I'm 7 weeks out and I had a hernia repair with mine also, not nearly as extensive as yours! The regret and "what have I done to myself" stage is totally normal also. I does get better, hang in there. Don't worry so much about food and Protein right now as staying hydrated. Dehydration is the number one reason you will land yourself back in the hospital.
  4. @Spiceyfrog thanks, so it's not weird that I can't eat a whole slice of thin lunchmeat?
  5. I have trouble getting down one thin slice of lunch meat or the equivalent of that much of any food. Everything seems to make me give me nausea, even water! I gag at Protein drinks.
  6. What can I eat that doesn't upset my stomach when even Water turns it? I can't even do yogurt anymore because that was what I was living off.
  7. @Spiceyfrog My surgery was June 1st, how much can you eat at one time? I'm having trouble getting down one thin slice of lunch meat! And I too have experienced the it's good one day can't do it the next with pinto Beans. It's crazy!
  8. I'm 19 days post op and last week I only lost 0.7 pounds! Whats up with that? I'm not eating enough to keep a bird alive how can I not even lose a pound?
  9. If I'm 5"1 when I get to 132 lbs, what size jeans do ya'll think I'd be wearing? Anyone out there about that height and weight now?
  10. @OKCPirate Do you mix a whole scoop of Protein powder in it or half?
  11. @Spiceyfrog I agree hydration is more important but at what point do we say I'm out of danger on the hydration area and should try for more Protein? After 6 glasses or the full 8? Lack of protein in the diet initially causes fatigue, irritability and lethargy. If inadequate intake continues, loss of muscle mass, generalized swelling, decreased immunity, weakened cardiovascular and respiratory system and eventually death can occur. Other potential symptoms include diarrhea, changes in skin pigment, development of dermatitis or a rash and changes in hair texture, thickness and color.
  12. I'm having a really hard time getting in both my Protein and my 64 oz of Fluid. And before anyone says drink your protein so you get both I can't. The thought of Protein drinks makes me gag at this point. If I'm eating protein I'm not drinking and if I'm drinking I'm so full I can eat! Help! And how much protein do I really need??
  13. Same boat here. The thought of a Protein shake makes me gag and with only being able to eat very small amounts of protein I can't seem to get in enough! And then if I'm eating I'm not drinking so I'm not getting in all my liquids!
  14. sparksrn

    No poop

    Miralax when I'm in real trouble otherwise Benefiber daily does the trick.
  15. I was told as long as I get in 80gms of Protein, 64oz of Fluid and took all my supplements food was not that important?? I hardly eat much, it takes me two meals to eat a cheese stick! Ok now I'm worried.
  16. I ate a cheese stick!!! Non WLS surgery folks don't understand what an accomplishment that is!

    1. Smye


      That's a big day, congratulations!

    2. jeanniereenie


      yes!! i ate a few pieces of shrimp yesterday and didnt feel like puking! success!!!

    3. Djmohr


      Congratulations! I remember what my first cheese day was like! I was so excited to find I could eat cheese and still eat it almost every day. Just like I remember my first chicken breast post surgery, and I don't mean puréed. It was the best thing I ever put in my mouth, I swear!

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  17. First NSV! I'm down a size in pants and the scrub tops I bought in the next size smaller are too big!!! YES!

    1. ProudGrammy


      keep up the good work - watch those NSV's line up in a row. congrats - kathy

    2. lisaanewme67


      Awesome sparksrn!

    3. jane13


      those are the best "NSVs" the scale hasn't moved much for me recently but I am digging in the closet for clothes from 2007!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  18. The scale finally moved a little!

    1. lisaanewme67


      Congrats Ladies easy does it. Keep up the GREAT work!

    2. sparksrn


      I'm so new to this I don't think I have any NSV yet.

    3. sparksrn


      OK NSV finally!! I'm down a size in pants and the scrub tops I bought in the next size smaller are too big!!! YES!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  19. I'm still on soft foods but transition to real foods in two weeks. Looking for bariatric friendly recipes for now and then. Anybody got any?
  20. sparksrn

    Week 3 discouragement

    Oh how glad I am that I found this thread!! I'm four weeks post op and NOTHING since week 2! I lost 22lbs the first two weeks and now nothing! I thought it was because I started soft foods, but even then I gained one week! I only weigh once a week but it's so frustrating! You go to these drastic extremes to loose weight and you expect to loose every day, especially with the lack of calories coming in! And to top it all off it seems like starting this week mashed potatoes and refried Beans upset my tummy! I'm tired of yogurt! Help!
  21. I'm four weeks out and everything I eat makes me sick, other than yogurt! I'm sick of yogurt! But wonder when I'll ever be ready for real food since I can't seem to even tolerate mashed potatoes or refried beans! I'm still on soft foods, any suggestions?
  22. sparksrn

    Emotional Wreck

    Oh honey you are not alone. I'm four weeks out now but I remember sitting at home crying, wondering what I had done to myself, why couldn't I do this on my own and on and on. It's normal. It's a big change in your life and you feel a bit out of control. Just keep doing what you doc has told you to do and it will pass.
  23. I take those mulitvitamins, the Iron and the Calcium. I don't think I have ever taken the mulit's on a completely empty stomach. I have the calcium and it was fine. I've always had at least a Protein shake on my stomach before taking the mulit.
  24. How are you doing?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
