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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jenyp8409

  1. I had a post op appt Friday7/24 post op day 7 to have a drain removed, I lost 9.1lbs

    I've lost 20 lbs. in the last ten days and I'm truly freaking out I don't know if that is to fast I know everyone is different but I thought everyone loses 10-12lbs the first week SMH

  2. @@Jenyp8409 - I am almost 12 weeks post op and hubby like to eat out, ALOT.

    Saturday night we went to Red Lobster and I was sitting there not having anything to drink, nothing to eat (waiting on my meal)...while he was guzzling sweet tea, eating a salad and munching on those cheesy cheddar bay biscuits...I haven't had one since before WLS - I got one and starting eating it. He said "what are you doing?" I said "eating, I am hungry, I haven't ate since Breakfast (8:30ish) and I am trying to wait patiently on my food." I ate about half of a small one and felt SOOOOO GUILTY. I am ordering an appetizer from now on for dinner or I am going to tell waitress to bring atleast part of my food (broccoli) when he gets his salad. I usually order a salad but it defeats the "Protein first" rule :( so I have quit ordering salads & any kind of drink.

    I completely hate going out cause my hubby is a snack person so that mean getting chip, hamburger etc lol and I truly fear (dramatic my hubby says) that I will try to grab something when he is not looking

  3. I had surgery on the 17 I also had to deal with that a the doctor told me I wasn't eating enough to try to take in 2oz. Every hour until my stomach got use to the fact that I will be on that diet for a while It took me two days to get the head hunger controlled and I haven't had a problem so far with that Campbell Cream of chicken and Tomato Soup was what I was drinking to days and it helped now I'm on mushy food and some soft solids hope it help in some way

  4. So like two days ago my hubby bought Cookies for the kid soft chewy one... Smh.. And he gave one to my son and he was eating it... Like any three year old would do when he doesn't want it he likes to shove it in their mothers mouth... And he did and me like an idiot started chewing on it, I was so distracted I didn't realize that I've just had some thing sweet put in my mouth...only being 9days out of surgery I completely panic I spit out the cookie and started crying I was afraid that I was going to have dumping syndrome I wash my mouth and my hubby was like what's going why are crying I was in complete shock then he's all like look at me calm down your not going to die... I lashed out and told him I could I just ate part of a cookie ( I'm a bit of a drama queen LOL) and the next words that came out of his mouth completely slapped me across the face and brought me back to reality (Are you in PAIN, if not don't be so dramatic until you are ) lol I am happy to report I didn't feel sick not one bit THANK GOD

    Please feel free to put your dramatic moment of your journey with surgery would love to here them

  5. I'm very sorry that your having trouble with post op diet but to be completely honest they do tell us it going to be hard if you truly dwell on the food you can and can not your whole journey will be a mess don't mean to sound rude and you are farther along than I am so maybe I don't know yet...lol.. I'm only a week out from surgery and I don't crave the food I use to because I only think of my future and what I will look like and how I'm going to feel... try to see if that helps you I know it's helping me... I'm not saying that in the next couple of weeks I'm not going to crave junk cause I probably am but having a mind set on the future really helps good luck on your journey and I will have you in my prayers and remember you will eventually eat normal food

  6. sleep apnea is usually considered a reason for surgery from the insurance stand point... especially as it is a co-morbidity if your BMI alone does not make you eligible for the surgery per your insurance. But I see you are scheduled and ready to go so all is well :) Good luck to you on your surgery!


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