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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jenyp8409

  1. On 07/07/2018 at 11:18, Screwballski said:

    I don't know if this will help or if you'll even be able to read these, but here are photos of the stages of eating I got from my office. My surgeon and nutritionist are considered very conservative and use the same plan for sleeve and bypass patients. I am not endorsing anyone's use of this material. Just posting them for you to see.




    Actually that does help thank you

  2. On 07/04/2018 at 12:09, Kimber628 said:

    I am in the same situation. I had the sleeve in 2014, and converted to bypass on 6/26. There were no classes beforehand, no handouts, no pre-op diet, etc. I see my surgeon tomorrow afternoon. I’ve been doing Protein Shakes, Protein Water, and sugar free popsicles.
    I wish you can get some Protein and I haven’t had much luck with that only Water and sometimes sugar-free Jell-O I’ve lost 13 pounds in the last week. And I see my surgeon on Monday I don’t think it’s a good thing

  3. On 07/04/2018 at 09:47, Screwballski said:

    If you need to get more Protein in you can do a chicken bone broth instead of regular broth. It’s not so yummy (salty...yuck...too much flavor for me) but has lots of Protein, is thin like broth, can be made warm and doesn’t get bogged down like shakes.

    I was also allowed thinned cream of wheat or rice in the first two weeks. My surgeon had same diet for sleeve and bypass.

    Best wishes.
    That sounds pretty cool I’ll try to see if I can tolerate that. I know I’m going to need the protein since I haven’t been taking in much just Water and sugar free Jell-O

  4. On 07/04/2018 at 08:02, clsumrall said:

    You are to have about 400-600 Calories and drink every hour. Usually 2-3 oz only a a time. Proteins shake wait 30 min the skim milk wait 30 then Water then broth then Protein Shake. So every hour it should take about 20-30 minutes to drink your 2-3 oz then wait 30 min then on to the next. Usually this is for 2 weeks then it’s time for puréed. Go on to Pinterest and look for post bariatric surgery menu.
    Everything makes me nauseous the only thing I can tolerate right now is watering and sometimes sugar-free Jell-O

  5. This is my second time around. First time I had the sleeve now I have the RNY bypass but it seems that everything I have learned throughout the past couple of years I have thrown out the window. And I mean literally because no matter how hard I try to remember what I should eat I can’t remember what foods to eat now that I am on the liquid diet. Not sure if milk is even OK to drink I’m afraid to try anything. Any advice or recipes

  6. Hi I haven’t posted in a while I had a suite in July 2015 and have experienced severe acid reflux. Now I am up for a bypass. For those who have had sleeves and had this problem and had the surgery of bypass. Have you guys lost more weight?. Did the acid reflex go away?How much weight can I expect to lose? Is it going to be as painful as the first surgery?

  7. Hi everyone,

    I am a year and seven months out surgery. My weight before surgery was 342lbs. and I am currently 185lbs. I have a serious amount of excess. My insurance covered my VSG and I have IEHP. But know I am left with this skin and I am ashamed to look at my self or even let my husband touch me. I was wondering for and one who has IEHP do they cover reconstructive surgery? I am do embarrassed to ask my doctor due to the fear of them saying no and crying in front of them. PLEASE HELP

  8. So I am 21 weeks pregnant and came back to this forum to see if I could find some going through the same thing... I was HW347 SW297 and the weight I was before I got pregnant was 207 my CW is 216 I didn't gain any weight during the first trimester but I have been slowly gaining about a pound a week the doctor says it is normal and that I should worry but I am freaking out cause I've come a long way and all I can think about is the weight I put on with my other pregnancies. I am trying to eat healthy and staying away from everything I ate with my other kids that was not healthy but cravings for me have been difficult and I feel like I am not eating enough. How much calories is a pregnant women that has had WLS suppose to eat anyways? My pregnancy is considered high risk and I have been placed on complete bed rest[emoji17] but the baby seems healthy so far and I am just taking it one day at a time.

  9. My sister showed me a picture of me at my highest weight of 347 lbs and until I saw this I couldn't see the difference, but now I can sitting at 205 lbs. and still have another 35-40 lbs. to go... I'm feeling blessed and thankful for my sleeve 8 months outattachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1458971275.025295.jpg

    Great work and you are a beautiful person and beautiful soul! Keep going!

    My sister showed me a picture of me at my highest weight of 347 lbs and until I saw this I couldn't see the difference, but now I can sitting at 205 lbs. and still have another 35-40 lbs. to go... I'm feeling blessed and thankful for my sleeve 8 months outattachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1458971275.025295.jpg

    Great work and you are a beautiful person and beautiful soul! Keep going!
    Thank you

  10. 160.6 this morning. The weight lose has slowed down now that I am 7 months out[emoji45]

    My weight slowed down at 7 months too and picked up at 8 1/2 months

    160.6 this morning. The weight lose has slowed down now that I am 7 months out[emoji45]

    My weight slowed down at 7 months too and picked up at 8 1/2 months

    160.6 this morning. The weight lose has slowed down now that I am 7 months out[emoji45]

    My weight slowed down at 7 months too and picked up at 8 1/2 months

    160.6 this morning. The weight lose has slowed down now that I am 7 months out[emoji45]

    My weight slowed down at 7 months too and picked up at 8 1/2 months

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