geez ive been gone a long time. i do keep up with the posts, but havent been into the posting. maybe time to get bk to my basics... its coming up on a year that ive been running. still having some probs w/ my feet, but thankfully nothing as serious as Suzanne. Im soooooo sorry Suzanne, i really hope it gets better soon.
Havent run much in the last month. several reasons, like lost my job beginning of november and it took a while for the depression to set in. Not to mention the reality that ppl just dont tend to leave their jobs during the holidays. then...i got sick, first with a cold then with bronchitis which is my norm, but still annoying. i still have a lingering cough but im off the antibiotics.
the really cool thing is that yesterday i worked out my schedule around the kids so i could get in what i had planned to be a walk with a few long sprints thrown in. (when i was in shape to run this past month thats what i warm up for 2 songs then run 1 then walk for a song...etc) kinda like a modified C25k cuz i knew id come farther than restarting the program from the early weeks, but not wanting to pressure myself too much and expect too much if i wasnt up to it.
so, yesterday i expected to walk/run for the first time in about 2 weeks i did my warm up which was a bit longer than 5 mins. and did a 1.75 mile straight run. the music was motivating me and i just didnt feel like stopping. i probably could have run farther, but knew id need to cool down a bit and i didnt feel like i could go another full lap. my total distance for the exercise was 2.4 miles, and i felt sooooo psyched. im hoping that that means i'll continue to build. not planning any 5k runs though there is a cool one this weekend to fight childhood obesity. just dont think im ready.
have been doing a bit of reading on shoes too. i wound up getting some from Target that are working well for me except i think i need the boy's 5 1/2 instead of the ladies 7. and the cheaper lower heeled shoes seem to do better for me...go figure. lol.
Kathy im really happy for you. you got to change up your dream a little bit but still get a wonderful reward for all your hard work! its coming up soon, and id be excited to see some pics posted!!! hint hint!
Suzanne...feel better. i know how frustrating a wt gain can be especially when u feel like you have a solution at your fingertips if not your feet. im working on relosing the 10 i gained in oct/nov. i had a fill and maybe just maybe im back on track that way too.
hope i'll get to talk to y'all sometime soon again.