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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Maggiemay

  1. Maggiemay

    Surgery 23rd and feeling unsure...

    I'm 51, and was banded July 16, 2005. . . I weighed 357 to start. . .(OMG!) 10 months and am now 85 pounds down. . . I wouldn't change my journey for anyone or anything. . . I had an easy time postop, and if I had been a better girl. . . well, would be down even more. . . chocolate and chips became too friendly over the holiday season, and the scale didn't do as much moving as I might have liked, but I was responsible for the slow scale, not my band. . . I made the choices... If I never lost another pound, this journey has been worth the trip... (I went to Mexico as a self pay)... I can see more future now than I ever could before... if you let others scare you.... then you may not allow yourself to become who you want (and deserve) to be Good luck... feel free to email me off list if you like Maggie
  2. Maggiemay

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi. . . I'm Maggie and I live in Kent (actually between Covington and Auburn) I was banded by Dr Arturo Rodriguez in July 2005 Have thought about the bash,.. and have some frustrations about the cost stuff... oh well....
  3. Maggiemay

    Any one in NW WA

    I was banded in Monterrey, Mexico on July 16, 2005 by Dr Arturo Rodriguez. . . it was a good experience. . . and now, 6 weeks out, I am 39 pounds down. . . what an exciting journey! I am getting rid of diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension. . . not to mention the FAT!!!! Sometimes I feel like I have restriction, sometimes not. . . but as long as I am losing pounds and my body is changing shape. . .I was told that I don't need a fill. Mexico. . . $8,000, surgery at a private hospital (very nice) two nights at the Hilton Garden Inn in Monterrey, all room service (except the 'tip' part. . .cheap) and transportation in Mexico. . . Had to pay for airline tickets. . .but well worth the cost. . . up and out of bed 15 minutes after getting back to my room, walking the halls within 3 hours of back to room, mall shopping for almost 2 hours the next day. . . I'd do it again in an instant!
  4. Maggiemay

    Tricare lapbanding

    I am a Tricare type, here in WA state, and chose to pay myself (ouch, but well worth the pain) and go to Monterrey, Mexico and have Dr Arturo Rodriguez place a Swedish band. .. 6weeks out and 39 pounds down. . . it is an amazing journey feel free to contact me Maggie

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
