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Everything posted by ????KristyC????

  1. Hi! I'm Kristy, 38 y/o, married, 2 canine fur babies!!!! I've been overweight my entire life, lowest weight I can remember was 20 years ago as a Senior in high school at 156#. I cannot remember a weight less than 200# in the past 15 years. I have yoyo'd all of my life and can lose weight well.... But it always finds its way back! I ready to stop the yoyo! I am currently working with 5-6 women who have had the sleeve done over the last year, by the same physician. My husband and I have been to the seminar and I have been to my first initial visit with the doctor. Currently awaiting insurance approval. Our insurance doesn't require a waiting period (as far as we have been told). Which is awesome!!! After approval, I will do nutrition, psych, medical exam and a final appt with surgeon. I would love for to get the surgery done so for the first Christmas ever I will not be the fat girl in the pictures. ????. All of my family is thin. I stick out like a sore thumb. I mentioned my husband. He is planning on surgery also. He needs it much more than I, but fortunately, we will be able to do it together. He is nervous about us both being "down" at the same time.... I excited that we will both be on the same journey!!! Progressing together! I would love any advice, anyone has to offer! I've NEVER had any type of surgery (excluding wisdom teeth extraction) so I am quite nervous about anesthesia (I am also a nurse and probably know too much about the other side of the table!!!). LoL!!! So please offer anything up!! I want to know everything... Good and bad!!!!! Congratulations to those who already have their dates!!! I will keep all in my prayers and look forward to hearing about your experience!!!!
  2. ????KristyC????

    ???? VERY beginning.......

    Miss Mac and Jenn1.... Thank you for the kind and supportive words!!!! Please keep me and my journey in your prayers!!! I would live to hear more about yours!!!!! Nadia!!!! I am trying to let go of all of the thoughts running thru my head about the actual operation!!! I am able to pick my own anesthesiologist, which makes me feel better! I can't wait to get on the road to healthy me!!!!!!!

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