Well... for one, giving people more negative attention after they've already dealt with that crap their whole lives is cruel in my opinion. Why say something mean? Why not just say nothing? Also, it's a bit narcissistic to assume that every other person on this forum thinks, feels, and forms the same opinions as you do. Some may actually be being sincere in their compliments, we are all unique individuals and the world does not always agree with you. And to insult people as you have, calling them harlots and whatnot is simply something that someone who is not yet comfortable with themselves and envies those who are would say. Why would you want to express your disgust for people who are trying their hardest to change their lives and be better for the future? Why would you want to discourage them by body shaming them? To me it seems mean spirited and completely unnecessary, as an adult you should know by now to have compassion for those around you who are only human. That's all I have to say.