First, stop reading (before you drive yourself nuts), you have all the information you need and you'll have an opportunity to ask questions at the seminar, and if your having surgery in the US more than likely your surgeon has a staff of support people available for you, pre and post surgery. Then come back to this form and only read the ones that are for a specific question you have.
I highly suggest you look at a website I found reading post on this form. Kelly is an amazing, funny, and most impressive; honest person about weight loss. She brings up all the things we all feel, but think we are the only ones dealing with such issues. I too have done a ton of reading, and was asking the same questions as you. After reading several of Coffeys articles, my life makes so much more sense. Bad choices, bad habits, yup, I'm the only one who put the food physically in my mouth, but now I'm learning so much more. Go over and cruise her site
I too have the same concerns as you. I know and know of people who have had some form of WLS,only to either not lose the weight, or gain it back. But I have a most critical eye, I saw, first hand these people over eating, eating everything in site, not "choosing" nourishing food, but eating and drinking crap! Surgery is only a tool. We have to learn the rest. This is what I am currently working on. My insurance doesn't cover WLS (bastards!) but I do believe things happen for a reason. So, I am taking this time to work on me. To learn how to handle situations better, how to see them coming and be prepared to ensure I'm taking care of me first and foremost.
Please, be honest with yourself. Ask the tough questions, write them out, discuss them with your support person. What ARE YOU going to do differently once you have WLS? More importantly, what are you currently doing to start the process now?
For me, I have started exercising. No excuses. I have arthritis in both feet and ankles. No longer an excuse. I am using free weights and a rebounder (mini trampoline). I listen to NPR while I bounce. Music disrupted my rhythm
I am eating better. No processed food, none nada. I eat when I'm hungry. I eat fresh food and cook it myself. I allow myself 1 teaspoon of sugar in my one cup morning decafe coffee. Otherwise only Water for drinking and no other sugar. My body doesn't like grains. I try to avoid them. I pack my lunch and have healthly Snacks available when needed. Sure there is still not so healthly food in my house. But there will always be unhealthly food (to me) available everywhere I go. Its learning how to handle and react around those foods that are my goal. My family doesn't have to follow my eating "rules". But at dinner time, we all sit down to a meal that is designed around my plan. Tonight it was 4oz of Cod, with a big helping of steamed zucchini with a touch of olive oil and a dusting of parmesean cheese.
I would already be on the surgery table had my insurance approved it. But I now see I need this time to process my decisions and make healtly choices to set myself up for sucess once I do have WLS. I am looking into Medical Tourism for my surgery. My insurance will cover consuling and working with a nutritionist, so I have started the journey before "hitting the table".
I'm sure others will answer your post.
Good luck on your journey....