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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Terri-ific

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 11/15/1954

About Me

  • Biography
    Always had a problem with my weight. Married with one son (17) and two dogs.
  • Interests
    Reading, sewing
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  1. Happy Birthday Terri-ific!

  2. Happy 58th Birthday Terri-ific!

  3. 6 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 6th Anniversary Terri-ific!

  4. Terri-ific

    pain in lower left abdomen

    I am having the same pain, in the left side, that has been described! It hurts and I am sick in my stomach. (By the way, my port is on my right side) I haven't had a gallbladder for years, so I know it can't be a gallstone. I am several YEARS post-banding and this keeps happening off and on. I find it hard to believe that several of us have the same symptoms and all the docs can say is diverticuliutis(sp) Doesn't it seem like there would have to be some connection to the band?? Any input would be appreciated.:confused2:
  5. Remember, when you fly you will get more restriction. I found this out the hard way--I was on an 8 hour flight, and could barely eat anything, except yogurt, for four days!! Take care1 Terri
  6. Terri-ific

    Arkansas Bansters!!!

    I'm here! What's up?
  7. I have actually talked a fried out of having the band because I knew she did not understand that it is ONLY a tool and not the "be-all, end-all" in weight loss! There is so much work that goes into having a band, and people who say thing like it's "taking the easy was out" really p--- me off! It's certainly not something to do lightly -- if that's what they think, they need to go on a diet!
  8. Terri-ific

    I am miserable!

    Tanderson: Glad you are feeling better, but I would do liquids for about three days and then stay soft for a few more before going to regular food. You will have some swelling after a fill and you need to be careful not to stretch the pouch! I am just over two years with my band, and I have been throught it all! Take care and best of luck! Terri
  9. Terri-ific

    Fever--Am I rejecting band?

    Amanda: Thanks for the reply! I'm sorry to hear about your problems, but I have to admit that I am glad to know I am not losing my mind! LOL! Let me know how you do. I will look forward to hearing from you. I finished most of my meds, and I also syill have a LGT. I don't think my band is too tight, it may just be that having a fill causes enough irritation to set off a white blood cell reaction. Thanks again. Terri
  10. Terri-ific

    2nd slippage, considering bypass

    shewhoknits: I am so sorry for your problems. What are the symptoms of a slip? From the couple of things you mentioned, I wonder if mine may have done the same. Can you please give a couple of more examples? Thanks
  11. Terri-ific

    Fever--Am I rejecting band?

    Thanks a lot for the input. I'll let you know when, and if, I find out what is going on.
  12. Terri-ific

    Bye-Bye Band

    My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I am two years out and have wondered many times if th problems I have been having will lead me to where you are now. God willing -- they won't but I will track the progress of each of you.
  13. Terri-ific

    Fever--Am I rejecting band?

    I don't have any redness or swelling around the port, or anywhere else. I had some restriction right after the fill, but not much, if any, now. The reason I thought of the band was because, as far as I can recall, nothing else has changed. It is very frustrating. Thanks for the reply.
  14. I have been banded for just over two years. I have taken the good with the bad, but now I'm afraid I might have a real problem. I got a fill on 10/13/07 after having no fill in for about three months due to severe regurg, etc. NOW, starting two days after the fill, I began to run a temp (low-grade, yes; but enough to make me feel really bad). My GP even did a meningitis test which was negative (Thank God!) but now I am on a crap-ton of antibiotics and am still running the temp. The only thing I can think of is the band. Has anyone had anything similar? Do you have any suggestions? I know that there are docs on this site, and I beg you if you know what this could be, PLEASE let me know ASAP. Thanks Terri:confused:
  15. Terri-ific

    Fever after Fill?

    Has anyone else had the problem of running a temp (around 100 degrees) after having a fill? I had to have a complete unfill a couple of month ago due to bad reflux. Last Saturday I got a small refill, and on Monday started running a temp. If anyone else has had this happen, please let me know. A direct link, or a coincidence? Help!:cry

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