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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by yamyam

  1. The nicest compliment I ever received came from one of my gay friends. He told me that he knew that if I was with people who started to say bad things about gay people, that I would speak up for what's right. He said he had lots of friends that he knew cared about him, but he wasn't confident that they would be true to him the way he knew I would be. I nearly cried when he said that. His compliment is something that I've remembered for more than 20 years -- and I carry it as a responsibility. Not just to Bob but to anyone who is denigrated just for being who they are -- whether it's racial slurs, fat jokes, or slams at gay people. My friend Bob trusts me - and I can't betray him.
  2. yamyam

    Here I am!!

    How nice it is to see that people are wondering where I am! I've been a bit quiet lately -- and partly because I've been struggling. Having a hard time finding the sweet spot. I was too tight so they took Fluid out. I gained. They put fluid back in -- I vomited all the time, but lost only 5 lbs in 5 weeks. They put some in, I vomited all the time. They took it out. I gained back the 5 lbs in one week. They put more back in last Tuesday and I've vomited every day since. Do other people have this much trouble finding a spot that gives them restriction without making them sick? Help would be appreciated!!!:thumbup::confused_smile:
  3. yamyam

    Glucophage takers

    I'm so glad to have found this thread! I was banded 11/7/07. Weighed 275. And I was taking 100 units of Lantus at bedtime and 12-24 units of Humalog with each meal. My weight loss has been painfully slow. Dr. thought that the insulin was slowing it down. So I convinced my endo to let me try Glucophage along with my insulin with the aim of reducing the Humalog and speeding up my weight loss. It was working pretty well until my last band fill. Now I can't eat (or sometimes even drink water) if I take the Glucophage in the morning. I have been vomiting the tiny lunch I can eat (yesterday 2 oz of cottage cheese). I tried skipping the Glucophage and I have restriction but don't throw up. And when I do take the pills, I can feel them for HOURS!!! Has anyone found other oral meds that have helped??? yamyam
  4. yamyam

    This Is Normal.....Right?

    You were banded one month before me and you're already down 70 lbs! Wow. I'm both impressed and jealous. I'm only down 18 officially, 26 if you cound what I seem to have lost (on my home scale) this week. Once you hit your sweet spot did you start losing really fast? I'd love to hear more.
  5. yamyam

    This Is Normal.....Right?

    I was banded on 11/7, lost 14 lbs in the week after surgery, then it's been 1 up, 1 down, as of Monday I had lost a total of 18 lbs. So, only 4 from 11/14 to 2/25. Very frustrating. On Monday I had another fill (my 3rd) and I'm now at 5 ccs in a 10 cc band. I finally know what you mean by restriction!!! I can only eat a few bites at a time -- but I feel satisfied. I at a little too fast last night and felt nauseous -- but didn't vomit. According to my scale I'm down 8 lbs since Monday! Hurray. Maybe I've hit my sweet spot. You will too! I think it does take working carefully with your doctor and being patient. Easy for me to say now, I wasn't so sanguine on Monday!!! Hang in there.

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