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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shoegirl1970

  1. I was banded today. This morning at approximately 10:30 and it's 11 p.m. central time and I feel great! I was in some discomfort when I got home but I kept drinking Water, took liquid Extra Strength Tylenol, napped and then walked around for a bit around the house. I've been moving around quite well all evening. I took the prescribed liquid pain medication around 8 p.m. (my husband had to get it filled today) but it didn't make me groggy. It just took the edge off. I was worried about getting constipated from taking it but I figure I'm only on Clear liquids today. How constipated can I get with so much liquid?! LOL! Just wanted to send out a shout out to those of you who have been so kind to respond to me in the past as I worked toward this goal of getting banded. Thanks!
  2. Hello! So it's official. I'm getting banded on Friday. I was bad and I cheated on my pre-op diet yesterday. Did anyone else experience that moment of weakness?? I'd been doing so good all week! Actually, I hardly ate all day in anticipation of a dinner party. I only had a Adkin's shake, a green salad, a slice of deli ham and a V-8 all day until dinner. But at dinner I ate a lot and I even ate a few tortilla chips with guacamole and a taste of pie!! :faint: I'm back on the wagon today. How is everyone else doing on their pre-op?
  3. shoegirl1970


    OK, I finally know what restriction feels like. Is that the right term? After reading that someone else was feeling nauseated and that she needed some Fluid taken out of her band, I was worried that I had no fluid or wasn't feeling any restriction. Thus far I've been able to drink fluids with no problem. Well today, on Day 2 of the creamy Soups, I felt it. I had some asparagus Soup for a late lunch and then a Protein shake for dinner. Well I guess I took those in too close together, or I ate too much soup. I have been feeling a very full sensation and like the food is in my chest. It's a horrible feeling!!! It feels like my food wants to come up.
  4. shoegirl1970

    Hello from Houston!

    HotMusicMom, There's also a Houston group of houston area bandsters on Yahoo. Have you checked there? I'm still new, but I saw on there that different groups meet in different parts of town.
  5. shoegirl1970

    I'm Officially Banded Now

    Shelster76- do you feel like there is a rock in your stomach? Do you have any gas pains, chest pains, back pains? Yes, I did kind of feel like I was carrying something in my stomach. As the days go by I feel it a little less. I have a lot of gas, but not always pain. I have had back pain too, but I figure it's the gas or because I'm tired of sleeping on my back. (I'm a side sleeper) I've just been moving a lot like people have suggested. I've also been able to sleep on my left side OK to give my back a rest.
  6. shoegirl1970

    Hunger question

    Thanks for your replies girls. I think that it might mean that I'm healing well. I have no problem taking down liquids and really haven't since Day 1 so I guess that's good. I have a question. My post-op diet says one protein shake but they can't possibly mean one per day, do you think? I was assuming that meant 1 for each meal, so around 3 a day. I think I'm going to need that many now. Your thoughts? That is so great that we were banded close together. Let's keep in touch! Shoegirl
  7. Today on Day 3 I started feeling hungry for the first time! I thought that I wouldn't really feel hunger until the second week, so it kind of got me by surprise. Is this normal?
  8. shoegirl1970

    Excited to be here

    I know exactly how you feel! I only had 10 days of a pre-op diet and I lost 4 lbs. My husband asked me why I needed the band but he knows that I get started on any diet great but I can't stick it out. This is a great place to ask questions! Welcome. I'm new too but I'll try to answer what I can. I was banded Friday, the 28th.
  9. shoegirl1970

    YAYYY!!!! I'm approved!!!!

    Katie, I received a tentative approval on the evening of MondayDecember 17th. I started my pre-op diet on the 18th. I received a definite approval on Thursday, December 20th. I received the lap band on the 28th.
  10. shoegirl1970

    I Won't Be Fat & Forty! Dang it!!!

    Michelle, Amen to that! That's exactly why I decided to have this done now, two months before my 38th b-day. LOL! Shoegirl
  11. shoegirl1970

    YAYYY!!!! I'm approved!!!!

    Jst4kel, I feel great on day 2. I did have to take something a bit stronger than the Tylenol a little while ago but I think it's because I also have a little bit of a cough. It hurts when I cough so my husband suggested I take the prescribed pain medication.
  12. shoegirl1970

    Hi from TX!

    I was banded today. This morning at approximately 10:30 and it's 11 p.m. central time and I feel great! I was in some discomfort when I got home but I kept drinking Water, took liquid Extra Strength Tylenol, napped and then walked around for a bit around the house. I took the prescribed liquid pain medication around 8 p.m. (my husband had to get it filled today) but it didn't make me groggy. It just took the edge off. I
  13. shoegirl1970

    Had surgery on Dec 21st

    TripletMom, I was in a very similar situation. My insurance agreed to cover the surgery but my out of pocket max is going to DOUBLE next year. I really wanted to get the surgery done today because it was the last time I could have it done this year. AND I DID! I am so excited and even more excited that I feel so well. I had it done at approximately 8 a.m. and it's 11:24 p.m. and I feel good!
  14. shoegirl1970

    YAYYY!!!! I'm approved!!!!

    I was you only 10 days ago and I had my lap band put in this morning!
  15. shoegirl1970

    New Years Resolution

    I am so excited that I am going to start the year off banded!! It is going to be the best beginning of a new year in a long time. In 2008 I am going to work on losing at least 80 lbs, selling my book, and being a better mom and wife.
  16. shoegirl1970


    I just received a call tonight from Lap Band Solutions telling me that it sounds like my insurance is going to cover the lap band! They asked me to start on my pre-op diet tonight because they are going to schedule me for December 28!! I am so excited!
  17. shoegirl1970

    What made you do it?

    WOW! These reasons are all so moving. My last straw or moving reason to decide to do this were: 1. My health. Diabetes runs in my family. My grandmother, aunt and mother all died from complications of diabetes. I had my kids in my 30s and I was gestational diabetic with both pregnancies. 2. My kids. I want to see them grow up and I'd like to know my grandchildren. My mother didn't get a chance to meet mine.
  18. shoegirl1970


    I just got my ticker working! Here it goes! I can not wait until next Friday!
  19. shoegirl1970


    I found out today that I have been approved by my insurance! I am definitely getting banded on 12/28! In one week! Yay!! imb316. My place wanted 2 weeks but since they didn't know for sure if the insurance was going to approve me, they started me on Monday night, a little less than 2 weeks out. Don't be scared to get started. It's really not that bad of a diet. It gives you a kick start and a realistic view of what you're going to have to go through once you're banded. They really need for you to do it because it shrinks your liver and they are going to have to go by your liver when they put the band on. Your liver has to be smaller so that they don't hurt it. At least that's what I understood.
  20. shoegirl1970


    It's just the withdrawal symptoms I'm going through that are killing me! I figure that if I can make it through this week I will be able to deal with the liquids and then smaller meals after surgery.
  21. shoegirl1970


    Thanks to all of you. I was hoping to hear from them again today but I didn't. I'm just keeping ahead with the pre-op diet. I figure that even if I'm not approved on time to have it done this December at least I'll lose some weight!
  22. shoegirl1970

    Headaches from Liquid Diet

    Now I know what the headaches feel like! Today was my first full day on the pre-op diet and my head has been killing me!!!!:cry
  23. shoegirl1970

    Headaches from Liquid Diet

    Hello Ladies! I just received a call tonight from Lap Band Solutions telling me that it sounds like my insurance is going to cover the lap band! They asked me to start on my pre-op diet tonight because they are going to schedule me for December 28!! I am so excited!
  24. shoegirl1970

    Houston Area Support Groups

    Hi! I am a wannabe banded! I'm in the process of waiting for approval from my insurance. I'm working against the clock because if I do get approved in time I want to get banded on 12-28-07 by Dr. Felts. Wish me well!
  25. Hello Ladies, I'm stressing over here! I found out that my insurance co-payment costs double next year so it would be really great to have the surgery on the December 28, but I'm not sure if it's going to happen... I talked to the Lap Band Solutions office today and they said they just received my paperwork this afternoon so they'll let me know this week where they are at with the insurance.

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