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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Mistie

  1. Could it have possibly been coloring from any of the many pills that you took? Just a thought.

    That was my first thought too so I checked them before calling the nurse, all are white or off white in color. But I took them with a few sips of pink lemonade crystal light that I put unflavored Protein in. That's the only thing I can think of if its not blood?

    I was thinking the same - if not blood, perhaps pills or something you ate for lunch (it seems this was soon after lunch? ). Not comparing you to a dog, but recently my mom called me in a panic, saying my dog had spit up and it looked like streaks of blood. I asked had he eaten recently? "Only a treat." Yup - full of red dyes!

    I know it's been awhile since you posted, but I hope you're feeling well and that you'll soon have your answers!

  2. Thank you so much . Most people I talk to about this get annoyed and just don't want to talk about the surgery. OK so I've made a list of things to buy for afterwards anything you would say is a must ? (I'm adding measuring cups and a food scale. lol. )

    Hmm. liquid Tylenol - the pain is not intense after surgery, so you don't generally want the strong pain meds after a few days, but you might want something - so liquid Tylenol is great. Have some Protein shakes and Protein powders on hand - but don't overdo it. Your tastes change (for most people) after surgery - sometimes they change back, and sometimes they don't, so 'stocking up' might be a waste of money. Have all the things you'll need for the first week post-op already bought up (ie. broth, popsicles, Jello, etc.) - that'll save you a trip to the store after surgery - makes things easier!

    I'd also suggest a good Water bottle that will help you measure your Fluid intake. You can use regular Water bottles, have a special refillable one you like, or whatever works for you. Also, go ahead and be looking up recipes for your different stages. My biggest challenge was figuring out what to eat. I had looked up recipes, but because the Ghrelin was gone, nothing has sounded good, so it has been (and remains) a challenge finding something I could make myself eat - so having options helps.

    Hope this helps!

  3. I think I'll stick to regular or maybe smaller plates and use a regular cup. Can you use straws? And I was thinking of buying measuring cups and a food scale to measure my portions out ? What do you think. Sorry I'm asking a thousand questions . Lol

    Not a problem at all. Preop, that's how we prepare.

    For plates, I will admit it's a mind game. Sometimes the smaller plates help. When using a regular size plate at first, it is sometimes hard to mentally accept, 'that's all I can hold' and you may be more likely to try to overeat, because you'll try to fill the empty space.

    Most surgeons say do not use straws. The reason is it can cause stretching or simply air buildup in the tummy (think about it - you suck a bit before you get fluid). Some argue it does not cause stretching and use straws. I admit I used one briefly because it helped with Fluid intake, but it DID cause me to take in more air, so I stopped.

    Measuring cups and a scale are a must! It will ensure you don't over eat, that you eat enough, and that you don't make yourself sick because you "eyeballed" the food, guesstimated, and got it wrong!

  4. I've heard of it, and I did buy cutesy plates and 'taster' forks/spoons (as opposed to kids utensils, because they usually LOOK like they are for kids, whereas 'taster' ones are just smaller).

    I learned for me, the smaller utensils were not really necessary. I adapted quickly to taking smaller bites. The first few weeks - I ate out of measuring cups, lol, it just was easier. Since then, it hasn't really been an issue. I have really nice dishes, and I just use the dessert plates, etc. As for the sippy cups - I don't like those - I tend to take in a lot of air when I use cups like that - and that HURTS like crazy for me. So I try to be careful what I drink out of, to avoid excess air in the tummy! My tummy is very sensitive to air!

  5. You are welcome. Bridging, as it's called, for surgery and other procedures, is very common and not a big deal. I even had to come off of the Coumadin to do my EGD, in case of biopsy. So no big at all.

    The leak test for most is done 1) during surgery and/or 2) the morning after surgery. My surgeon did both to be extra careful. So around 9 am the morning after they took me down.

    My only word of caution is afterwards, I still did not want anything to eat, of course. However, I took my Coumadin when they brought it. It was the first thing to hit the new tummy. The new tummy did not like this. I had to grab a trash can! lol. I kept it down, but oops! Just be careful of that.

  6. I take Coumadin daily. I had vsg 10/26. They took me off Coumadin 5 days prior and I started injections daily. After surgery, they started me back on Coumadin as soon as I passed the leak test, while keeping me on injections. I stayed on both until I reached therapeutic levels post op. This is common anytime there's any type of procedure. They are very use to this and it's no problem. As an FYI, I'm on Coumadin due to spontaneous clots 4 years ago when both of my lungs were over 50% filled with clots, so it was a pretty serious intro to clotting! But as I said, surgeons are generally well use to dealing with this!

  7. I'm almost 8 weeks post op. My tummy is very offended by anything with grease. I will vomit every time. And it seems everything we cook these days we use grease! Lol. I'm a little afraid to taste something's for the first time in public in case of a negative reaction, until the tummy becomes a little more agreeable.

    Id take it slow.

  8. Love this thread. Great to have others who understand the struggle.

    There's no way I could confess this elsewhere. I am 6 weeks out. And almost all food is bleh to me. I dislike almost everything now! Unless there is a lot of cheese involved. Funny, since I was not a cheese addict preop. But now, it's all I will eat. But not the mozzarella sticks my NUT approved preop. No. Cooked cheese products. Rotel. Mac and cheese. Bad cheese stuff. Other foods? I'll apparently starve before eating it (seriously - sometimes 300-400 calories a day without cheese lol).

    So today, they had pizza at work. I have wanted to try the healthy pizza options, but haven't had time yet. So this seemed like a perfect opportunity to deal with the craving. I knew they were having lunch, and I figured it would be pizza. And I was kind of glad. Thought it was a great excuse to 'try' it. I got a small piece of thin crust to taste. I tried to be good and soak up the grease, as I know tummy gets pissed if I even THINK of anything greasy. Apparently, even though there was a cheese like substance involved, she got pissed anyway. Just a couple of bites, and I knew there was trouble. She was angry and did her best to divest me of the poison. Several times. Over at least a half hour.

    In other words, be obedient to the boss!

    And I am over wanting pizza for quite awhile! Lol.

  9. Also consider the temperature of what you are drinking. Some temperatures may make your tummy unhappy. Cold, for example, may cause spasms for awhile. And some liquids may just be uncomfortable going down. It took me a good two weeks to not be in misery when taking a sip - and I do mean sip. At 5 weeks, I am only now able to take a drink like a normal person ... Most of the time!

  10. I had a horrible time with nausea for weeks. I also had a hard time with Protein shakes, liquids in general, getting in Protein, and eating! Lol. I'm currently in week 5. Some things I've learned:

    Explore the shakes. Go slowly when trying new protein to find one that works. Try diluting with Water or skim milk if you need to. It took me ages to find a protein that did not make me run to throw up with just a sip (Core Power banana strawberry flavor!).

    Dehydration will cause nausea. But sometimes it's hard to get the fluids in when you're sick! I had to set up a cycle, because my normal fluids, I no longer liked. I switched to 20 oz of ice Water with cut up orange for flavor. 20 of Decaf unsweet tea, and 10 or so of Fair Life milk (high protein) - bc I no longer could tolerate my normal water with Dasani or Crystal Lite drops. That was my first step in increasing fluids.

    Eating too fast or not chewing well enough, or in taking too much (because we do not feel fullness the same) really intensifies the nausea.

    Good luck!!

  11. Steph-you're just going to have to shop around until you find one that works for you. I was sleeved 10/26 as well. Pre op I used premiere Protein and loved it. Post op, I could not tolerate it. I went through maybe a half dozen before I found one that would work. I would pick them up at convenience stores or the grocery. I finally found Core Power. It works great for me!! So glad I found it as I was giving up hope! You can also use unflavored protein in other food items.

  12. What's DVT? I didn't have to do any shots. Now almost 3 weeks post op

    DVT = deep vein thrombosis. It's a blood clot that originates in the leg, generally in the area of the calf. Oftentimes they will put a compression machine on patients (on the legs) post surgery until they are walking regularly to decrease the risk (increases circulation). Many wls doctors also require blood thinner injections such as Lovonox for a period of time. I've heard some doctors require up to 30 days post op of injections. All doctors are different, however.

  13. I have had a lot of problems with Protein shakes since surgery. I used premiere Protein before, but I cannot tolerate it now. All are too sweet, thick, etc. they tend to turn my stomach and make me sick as soon as I take even a sip. I've spent a fortune trying to find one I could tolerate.

    I finally found one last week! Core Power. It comes in several flavors. The chocolate, like so many others, is sweet. They have a strawberry banana that tastes like milk with strawberry nestle quik in it. It's thin and not overpowering. I first found one in a convenience store. They have a website that lists what major stores carry them, however. I just ordered a case from Amazon. I'm just relieved to have a protein drink I can handle! I remember Kroger and cvs carry it, as well, if you want to give it a try.

    I'm the same way. I want to jump in the car and head to Kroger now lol

    Mark - give it a try! The strawberry banana has only 20g of protein whereas the other flavors have 26, but, I can drink it. I have to start slow, but after I get started, I can drink it. My bariatric nurse said he had never had anyone react to protein that way post-op - but oh well! My tummy does NOT like it at all. So I'm very thankful to have found this. I love that it tastes so thin and has a pleasant taste. My Kroger only had chocolate, however, as I am in a rural location, which is why I had to order from Amazon. Well worth it though.

    Good luck!!

  14. I have had a lot of problems with Protein shakes since surgery. I used premiere Protein before, but I cannot tolerate it now. All are too sweet, thick, etc. they tend to turn my stomach and make me sick as soon as I take even a sip. I've spent a fortune trying to find one I could tolerate.

    I finally found one last week! Core Power. It comes in several flavors. The chocolate, like so many others, is sweet. They have a strawberry banana that tastes like milk with strawberry nestle quik in it. It's thin and not overpowering. I first found one in a convenience store. They have a website that lists what major stores carry them, however. I just ordered a case from Amazon. I'm just relieved to have a Protein Drink I can handle! I remember Kroger and cvs carry it, as well, if you want to give it a try.

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