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About carlo02

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  • Birthday 01/15/1986

About Me

  • Biography
    I Had surgery 11/14/07 and i've lost 28 pounds!! its the most exciting experience of my life<a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wouDPuC/">
  • Interests
    dancing, hanging out with friends, watching movies and reading
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  1. Happy 27th Birthday carlo02!

  2. Ok...so your situation sounds alot like mine..and I actually had the pain for about 2 weeks before I called the doctor..I called last friday and I was pretty much restricted to bed rest until the pain went away, and the doctor told me to put ice on my stomach until it felt better..He said that my stomach muscle was inflammed, and it was making my nerves go crazy which was causing the pain, and he said that if I didnt get the inflamation down that it could possibly turn into an infection..So I stayed in bed from friday night basically til monday. I went back to work today, and I haven't had any problems, and my pain hasn't came back..So maybe if you tried that it would work for you.
  3. carlo02

    stomach sleepers

    I'm a tummy sleeper too. I has surgery Nov 14th and I have yet to be able to sleep on my stomach. I can only lay on my right side with it not hurting..if I lay on my left side its still a little uncomfortable..So I feel your pain

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