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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by RJSMITH2010

  1. RJSMITH2010

    Loving the 2nd chance at a longer healthier life

    These 3 loves of my life is why surgery was done and even after my near death complications from the surgery. My best friend and my beautiful wife had her bypass done 2 years later at sane hospital and same doctor where 2 years earlier I was 15 minutes from leaving this world!
  2. RJSMITH2010


    From the album: Loving the 2nd chance at a longer healthier life

    I think it's funny that all kinds of people are saying we cheated to lose weight. They say that because they are ignorant if they only knew how hardd this process really is, So until you do go through the things we do you should keep your mouth closed. I started my journey weighing 360lbs on 11/29/2010 then on 12/01/2010 I woke up screaming in pain and the room filled with doctors and nurses and I'm now being rushed into an emergency surgery to fix a tear where a staple once was. I was 10 minutes away from death due to blood loss and internal bleeding. I was septic for over a day and i was then placed into a induced coma to fight the infection. Also had to have a blood transfusion I lost 3/4 of my blood. My rectum exploded as well. I woke up 7 days later to the news I was given in the elevator down to intensive care.. I would do it all again to gain extra years of life. My wife was my rock and without her I wouldn't of made it. Almost 5 years later I'm down to 160lbs total weight loss 200lbs and I've kept it all off which is very hard my wife and kids are the reason I keep it off and that's very hard to do.
  3. RJSMITH2010

    Who is that good looking guy??

    From the album: Loving the 2nd chance at a longer healthier life

    I have to say my wife is with a real stud now!!
  4. RJSMITH2010

    Mountain top fun

    From the album: Loving the 2nd chance at a longer healthier life

    Standing in mud that literally came up to our knees and it was worth it we got to meet Eddie who ran the harder for Rygaard Logging out of Port Angeles, Washington on the first 2 seasons of "Axe Men" lt was a great surprise set up by my best friends father inlaw who put in his time on this very same mountain
  5. From the album: Loving the 2nd chance at a longer healthier life

    The wife and I spent the day out on a mountain top with the real "Axe Men" it was very cool to see these guys pulling logs up the mountain!
  6. RJSMITH2010

    The reason why gastric bypass was done

    From the album: Loving the 2nd chance at a longer healthier life

    1 year post-op and we took our girls on their first family vacation out to Forks, Washington and visited friends this was taken in the HOH Rainforest located just outside of Forks home of the Cullen's!
  7. RJSMITH2010

    Family Collage I had made for my wife

    From the album: Loving the 2nd chance at a longer healthier life

    A collage of pictures from our new post-op lives
  8. RJSMITH2010

    Happy wife is a happy life

    From the album: Loving the 2nd chance at a longer healthier life

    This was taken in July 2013 at our beloved Miller Park home of the Mikwaukee Brewers and the famous racing sausages. I'm now 3 years post-op and my wife is 1 year post-op. It's amazing to be a husband and wife team who went through this together look how happy we are its great to feel alive again!
  9. RJSMITH2010

    Me and my best friend and wife

    From the album: Loving the 2nd chance at a longer healthier life

    This was our first vacation post-op for us both,I was 2 years out and my wife was 4 months out at our 1st Seahawks game
  10. From the album: Pre-Op and Post-Op

    Before & After Gastric Bypass and with the life threatening complications I'm very lucky to be alive today. Went in at 360lbs on November 29th 2010 and 1 year later I was 195lbs not bad for a guy who was minutes from dying on December 1st 2010
  11. RJSMITH2010

    Pre-Op and Post-Op

    Before surgery and 1 year after
  12. RJSMITH2010

    Near Death

    I had my gastric bypass done on November 29th 2010 that was suppose to be the start of my new life. That day my wife and I were told that the surgery went well so she headed home. The next morning they take me down to drink that nasty liquid and watch pass through well mine didn't pass it would stop. So no liquids for me that day, the next morning they send me down again and this time it seems to be going through just really slow so they ok me to have water. That 2nd night I woke up screaming in pain it felt like someone was stabbing me in the chest so the nurses dope me up and I fell asleep. The next morning I was woke up by a room full of nurses and doctors who were rushing me down to have a CT scan done. While in the elevator I was given my last rites by the hospital chaplain. I was taken to intensive care where I heard my doctor say surgery is in an hour and then I heard him say I'm prepping him for surgery we have to go now. The nurse had said my heart rate was through the roof and was trying to get it down to help with the pain while my doctor is running pick lines down through my neck. My wife walked in the room where she freaks out crying what's going on they didn't have time to call her and they took her to a room where the chaplain gave my last rites to my wife. That's the last thing I remember for the most part I had a couple crazy dreams that seemed real. I awaken tied down and a breathing tube down my throat and the nurse saying they were waiting to get the okay to remove the tube. What seemed like forever I laid there tapping on the railing with that pulse finger thing until they took that breathing tube out. When I woke up the next morning my wife was standing over me crying and I said why are you crying I had surgery 3 days ago and I'm alright. She then informed me that my surgery was 10 days ago and I had just woken up from being in a coma for the last 7 days. I didn't believe her at first until I seen cards from family. She said that I had a staple that tore and I was leaking blood, bile and feces after my rectum exploded and it caused me to become septic. She says that I lost 3/4 of my blood and had to have a blood transfusion due to blood loss. The Dr didn't know if I was going to live and if they didn't catch it when they did I would of died in about 15 minutes. She shows me pictures of my family who made the drive from Ohio to Milwaukee, Wisconsin where I live. She was like your brother climbed in bed with you and wouldn't leave my side for days. My sister would file my nails and put lotion on for me. My 5 and 2 years old daughters would sing for me daily trying to get me to wake up. I had to have a feeding tube put in the middle of my chest as well. After days of my white blood cells being low they released me after 15 days of hell. I got out 10 days before Christmas and that was the greatest gift I could ever give my daughters. I'm had to have blood drawn everyday for 10 days and I had to use a walker for over 2 months. The feeding tube was removed after 14 days of being home and that wasn't a pretty thing to look at my wife was the best taking care of me. I was able to finally drive and return to work 3 months later. I found out later on that I was the 2nd person to have this happen and the first was 10 years earlier. They have done over 2000 surgeries and it had to happen to me. I was very angry at first always asking why me what did I do that it happened to me. I couldn't sleep at first and to this day I still process everything that happened to me every night. I'm still very upset and angry but I'm dealing with it the best I can. I have had major issues over the 5 years since the surgery was done. My stomach hurts 24 hours a day no matter what I do it's worse when I sneeze or laugh. Eating can be a major pain but the worse is going to the bathroom. I have been on 60mg Morphine and 10mg Oxycodone to help with the pain over the past 5 years. They say I have permanent scar tissue damage and to many other things to list. The highlight is the 200lbs I lost and have kept off for 5 years. I have my moments where I wish I was still fat due to the complications the doctors still don't know what really happened. I do still recommend the surgery even with all the BS I went through it gave me an extra 30-40 years to watch my children grow. My wife went and had her gastric bypass done with the same doctor and the same hospital 2 years after mine. She wasn't going to go through with the operation after seeing my near death. I told her this is your dream to have this done and have a normal life and we can do things with our children that you can't do when your morbidly obese. She finally agreed after I gave her that nudge to get it done and she flew through it in and out in 3 days. I pray that nobody has to go through what I went through I suffer complications to this day and I have my ups and downs but when I look at my wife and kids I know I made the right decision to have the operation done and I would do it again tomorrow if need be!

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