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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by HappyValleyHappy

  1. HappyValleyHappy

    On my way!

    Lots of walking. Outside feeding the chickens and getting the eggs. Walking with the dogs. Around the house. This morning the pressure is much less. Just a tiny bit of discomfort. Nothing I can't handle.
  2. HappyValleyHappy

    Humane way to take crushed pills?

    Smaller pills I swallow. Larger ones I crush and mix with plain yogurt. It seems to be working.
  3. HappyValleyHappy

    Three days post-op - pressure?

    I'm 3 days post! I have the same pressure. Everyone speaks of gas pressure and pains. I'm guessing that's what I'm feeling. I used a gas x strip earlier this afternoon and it did ease it quite a bit. I can take a deep breath now.
  4. HappyValleyHappy


    I had mine 6-30-2015. Feeling pretty good and happy with my decision.
  5. HappyValleyHappy

    Curious pre op girl needs to know !

    My surgery was on Tuesday June 30. I had the morphine pump and did use it when I thought of it. The pain was never an issue. I was expecting horrible pain every time I changed position or got up or down but it never happened. There is some discomfort. Gas I'm guessing and I'm very tired. Napping feels so good. Walking is comfortable and I'm getting water down. My protein shake is slowly going down. Not as much as they told me to but I'm honestly trying. Yup. Other than finding my Honey and hanging on to him, this is the best thing I've ever done.
  6. HappyValleyHappy

    4 weeks post op - filet mignon!

    Rib eye was my final dinner. With grilled asparagus. Surgery in the morning.
  7. HappyValleyHappy


    From your experience how soon were you able to drive? I live 4 hours from surgery center. Would like to get home after a couple of days if possible. Any advice?
  8. She's with ValleyCare in Pleasanton, Ca. Im just getting started and feel pretty confidant in the practice. Anyone?
  9. HappyValleyHappy

    How do I hoist these girls up!?

    Another vote for Cacique bras from Lane Bryant. I haven't tried the balconette but the t shirt bras are great. Underwire and shaping keep them where they're supposed to be. Watch for the sales and it's not too bad. They'll check you for correct size and it's done over your clothing so there isn't any reason to be squirmish.
  10. HappyValleyHappy

    Hit a wall.

    If it's a center of excellence and 3 hours away then use the closer one. It'll make it a little easier to manage.
  11. HappyValleyHappy

    Major headaches on pre-op diet

    Jell... It's the caffeine. My surgery is the 30th, too! Yay! I just dropped the coffee and I've got a small hammer pinging behind my eyeballs. It was a larger hammer last night so I guess that's progress.
  12. HappyValleyHappy

    Insurance Question

    With your BMI I don't see where you'll have a problem. My pcp sent the letter just stating I was morbidly obese and had been since she started seeing me. Simple. Don't get panicked. It'll work out.
  13. HappyValleyHappy


    I know all about the stopping and walking. Not a problem. I have a way to where I'm staying for a few days. I'm just one of those that prefers my own home to recoup. Thanks every one.
  14. HappyValleyHappy

    Hit a wall.

    MissRissa.....Where are you? In what city are you planning on having your surgery?
  15. HappyValleyHappy

    Finally have my new me date

    Me too, Shelly. My surgery is June 30. Nervous. Scared. Giddy. Elated. Worried. But so excited. I'm ready for the issues and problems (as much as any of us can be) and I'm so ready for this change. Good luck to you and stay up and healthy!
  16. HappyValleyHappy

    Where are you From ?

    Redding, California
  17. HappyValleyHappy

    I'm doubting if I want the surgery...

    I started out wanting the sleeve but after my endoscopy discovered some damage by reflux. I've switched to rny and am ok with it. Having to reeducate myself but I'm determined.
  18. HappyValleyHappy

    Surgery on June 15, In Missouri.

    Good morning. I meet with my surgeon the 18th of June and do a pre op class. I should get my date then. I've been heavy my entire life and it's caught up with me very quickly. The knees are gone and I have to get this done or I won't have a life to live. I'm so excited to enter this new phase of life. It'll all be good. My hubby is losing along with me, too. He's wonderful support.
  19. HappyValleyHappy

    What did your breast's do?

    Lane Bryant has great bras. I plan on using them as the girls shrink and change shape. It's always the first place to go.
  20. HappyValleyHappy

    I've got my surgery date 6/25/15.

    Me! June 25th. I'm having it done in Pleasanton, Ca At ValleyCare. I'm excited. Scared. Apprehensive. So ready. And I'm wanting biscuits and gravy. That will be my food funeral. Isn't that strange? That and coffee. But I'm ready for this.
  21. HappyValleyHappy

    Bypass or sleeve

    I had planned on the sleeve and it seemed to be a perfect fit. Then with the upper endo they discovered damage from reflux I didn't realize I had. I didn't even know reflux was an issue. It seems there is silent acid reflux. Since the sleeve can cause reflux my surgeon said nope. I'm scheduled for rny on June 25th and perfectly happy with it.
  22. HappyValleyHappy

    June 24th! Any late June surgeries?

    I just got my date. June 25th. Oh my gosh. It's really happening. Finally. Wow. I'm so ready for this. RNY at ValleyCare in Pleasanton, Ca.
  23. HappyValleyHappy

    Last Minute Change- NERVOUS!

    Good morning. Exact same thing. After the endo we discovered I have Barrett's Esophagus. I wanted the sleeve. Everything I researched and learned and prepared is for the sleeve. But it won't work so I'm doing the bypass. I'm starting over learning everything I can. This one seems to be a bit more complicated as far as recovery and dumping is concerned. But I can do this!
  24. All of my hoops are completed except for 2 more NUT visits. So it's pretty much waiting. I discovered from the endoscopy I have been having silent gurd long enough to cause damage. Barrett's Esophagus has ruled out VSG. I'm ok with that. Bypass here I come. So now I'm going to bug everyone here on the bypass section. Or at least I'll skulk around and read everyone's experiences. I had my head wrapped around the sleeve. Going to change my head and learn all I can. Love this site!
  25. HappyValleyHappy


    Any time you can take a cruise.....take a cruise. Pick and choose what you eat. There's way too much going on on board to worry about food. Take some of the protein shakes. Whatever you use. Just enjoy!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
