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Posts posted by ilikecake2much

  1. @@Alex Brecher - Thank you for that reply! You're absolutely right. I have been all over the internet looking for people who aren't as happy with their decision, I wanted to hear from both sides. And now that I have, I have made the decision to go for it.
    "If your doctor suddenly said you’re not a candidate and you need to do this on your own, would you cry, or would you be relieved? If you’d be relieved, WLS may not be for you."

    When I think about it that way, I know I would cry. So that completely validates my decision. Now I know I am going down the right path! Thank you!

  2. Tell me about your life! How limited is your new way of eating? The fear of dumping is honestly the only thing making me lean towards the sleeve. I do think that dumping is a blessing in disguise, and part of me wants it to keep me from eating things I shouldn't. BUT my hubby said "You won't always have perfectly prepared meals for the rest of your life." And he's right. Life happens, and when it does I don't want to dump!! So please tell me what your average day looks like, tell me things that make you dump that you have to avoid. I know everyone is different, but I just want to see what your experience has been like. Thank you!!

  3. I just went to an oreintation this morning and I am just wondering for those of you who have had RNY what kind of things you can/cannot eat? I am terrified of dumping syndrome, so I think thaty would be a good way to stay on track. But what do you do on a rare lazy night when you don't have any food in the fridge and the family just wants take-out or to order a pizza? How do you handle those kinds of situations? Will I just have to man-up and make myself a chicken breast or something? That's totally do-able, but I'm just curious. I just want to go into this knowing exactly what I can expect for my post-op life.

  4. Wow, @@CanyonBaby thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind words. To be quite honest, I almost feel that by choosing WLS I am "being bad" or "disobeying" my family. (Mom, Hubby, sister and Grandma mostly) Like I will have to defend myself and my decision. And I know I won't ever be able to say anything less than stellar about it or I will get read the riot act about how I never should have done that to myself. This whole thing has really opened my eyes about how judgmental my family is and how they feel entitled to impose their thoughts/beliefs/ideas on the rest of us. And sadly, I can't keep it from them, I work with my Mom...so she obviously will know what's up when I have to request time off for surgery. And she won't keep something like this a secret. I'm pretty sad about it all. I know I will be going into this pretty much alone - which I have accepted, this is my journey and my choice alone. I just wish I had a family member or two who supported me. But regardless, I am starting to feel that is this the right path, and I will walk it alone if I have to!

  5. My doctor recommended me for bariatric surgery. She said I am a "prime candidate". The surgeon is supposed to be calling me soon to schedule my first appointment. Before all this, I actually have been attending a class on Mindful Eating (which is required for bariatric patients) but I was just taking it in an effort to become more in-tune with myself and my food issues. I honestly had never even considered weight loss surgery. I always saw it as something I would never do, as a last resort for people who couldn't lose the weight, who had hundredS of pounds to loose, or who have major medical issues. But here I am at 246lbs and only 5'0. My BMI is 48, I should probably loose 125-ish lbs. I have been heavy pretty much my entire adult life. I do not have any major medical issues, but my father passed away due to type 2 diabetes complications in his late 40's and my mother has high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I have tried everything to lose weight, and I have been semi-successful in the past (never got to goal though), only to be derailed by pregnancy. Then after baby, I get back on track and loose some weight, then gain some, loose some, BAM pregnant again, and the cycle continues I'm sure you all know the story. I am having a hard time coming to terms with the idea of weight loss surgery. It is very overwhelming and kind of humbling. I am still in the getting info stage, but the way I have been thinking about it and talking about it to my hubby and my Mom, I feel like I have already decided. But I'm scared to admit it to myself. Seeing as though I have no major medical issues, I feel like this is a little motivated by vanity. And I really struggle with that. Maybe that is my fat brain trying to convince me not to do it? I *AM* morbidly obese, 246lbs is WAY too much for my little 5'0 frame to carry, I am sore and tired all the time. I do get winded on short walks. And I do need to do something if I don't want to end up like my Dad. But does it really need to be WLS? I do feel desperate, like I have exhausted every other option. I am ashamed of having WLS...is that normal? I feel like my family does not support it...and they are all frowning upon me for looking into it. I know their opinions "do not matter", but it's hard to ignore EVERYONE around me. Even my hubby "just doesn't really like the idea", but he will support me in whatever I decide to do. (But long story, I feel like he kind of sub-consciously likes me fat and insecure as he is very heavy as well) I just don't know how I feel about the whole thing. I want to be excited about it, but it's hard.

  6. Thank you for your responses! :)

    B-52: I'm sorry, I said that wrong, I didn't mean "diet" like I'm dieting to lose weight, I meant diet like the foods we eat on a daily basis are what make up our diet.

    I have been talking to a friend who had gastric bypass, and the scare of dumping syndrome made me freak out a little. But the more I read, I am seeing that does not happen with the sleeve. Guess I just have more learning to do!

  7. For those of you who are 5+ years post-op, how do you feel about your life/diet post-op? I am looking into bariatric surgery. My Doctor referred me to a surgeon, and I will be going to a class. I am feeling very overwhelmed and a little intimidated by the idea of committing myself to that restrictive diet for the rest of my life. I know it's necessary, but if it were that easy I wouldn't be needing bariatric surgery in the first place. I guess it's all a matter of getting your head in the game 100%...any tips?

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