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Posts posted by ilikecake2much

  1. @@Butterfly512
    I have a little more time to comment now, but my kids are running a muck. My surgeon just told me my surgery goal weight, I have to lose 15lbs before they do my psych evaluation, then another 5 before they schedule my date. And once they schedule my date, they usually do it 4-6 weeks out! And I am soooooo impatient. And once I get my mind/heart set on something, I get so anxious to just make it happen!!! It's driving me crazy!! Meanwhile, I am so down on myself. I just feel like I really let myself down. I also don't bother with hair/makeup/nice clothes. And now that I have made the decision to go for this, I feel helpless not being able to speed it along. *SIGH* But the time will pass, and one day we will look back on this pre-op time as just a little blink in the grand scheme of things. I hope it goes quickly for you.

  2. I read on this forum yesterday that a leak in a sleeve only happens shortly after surgery. It never happens months/years later. Is this true? Does anyone have any links/research supporting that? One of my biggest fears of having the sleeve is the possibility of a leak. BUT I honestly don't fear it happening immediately following surgery, I trust my surgeon 110%, she has never had a leak. I fear it happening 20,30,40 years down the road. Is that possible? I tried to find info online, but haven't found anything...I also tried to email my surgeon to ask her, but the way my insurance is set up, I have to email my PCP. Who could then ask the surgeon to call/email me, but that could take up to a week or more and I'm a very impatient person lol. I guess it makes sense that it wouldn't be likely to happen once the stomach is healed...but I would think it could still be a possibility if someone were to drink lots of soda, coffee, alcohol, etc...???

  3. I just met with my surgeon and she basically gave me the option of Bypass or Sleeve. She said she would recommend me for either surgery, but she would lean more towards sleeve because I am young and hopefully have a good 60 years ahead of me and that's a long time to be maintaining a pouch...like there are more risks and a long time of taking crazy amounts of Vitamins, etc. I was initially leaning more towards bypass because I am not doing WLS as a method to lose weight, I am doing it as a tool to keep the weight off. And I wanted dumping syndrome to keep me in line because high fat sugary foods are my slippery slope. I do have faith in myself and I am confident that I can do this if I really set my mind to it, with or without dumping syndrome, but I wanted that extra assurance. But I do agree with her, the sleeve is less risky and invasive and that's comforting. What made your decision?

  4. @@Butterfly512 I feel the exact same way. And you know what? The truth is you (and I) probably CAN "do it on our own". But you know what else? We would probably also gain it all back and then some. What is making the decision easier for me is knowing the facts - about 97% of people who lose weight with diet and exercise will gain it all back. We are more likely to keep MOST of the weight off long term with WLS. That is what seals the deal for me. Yes, I could eat healthy and exercise and slowly lose weight. But I have done that so many times and it has always ended in me gaining it all back and more. Its time for me to try something better. Something proven to have a higher success rate.

  5. ....Not being fat. I have been fat as long as I can remember. I was actually a skinny child, but once puberty hit the pounds just piled on. So I was only skinny before I knew what skinny and fat were. I look at all these before/after photos and I can't even begin to imagine what it will feel like to no longer be the fat one. The fat friend, the fat wife, the fat daughter, the fat mom, the fat cousin, sister, in-law, co-worker, etc. I am and always have been pretty much the biggest person I know. I can't imagine my life after WLS. I am so freaking excited!!!

  6. I am pre-op, probably going to have RNY. I have read a lot about how having WLS increases your risk of having gallstones and needing to remove the galbladder. I had my galbladder removed in 2004. Is there anyone here who already had their galbladder removed before they had WLS? Did it affect anything? I think I already have my own little version of dumping syndrome....I have diarrhea all the time. Maybe I have IBS? My tummy is upset by pretty much everything I eat, sometimes it's quite painful. I have noticed that if I suddenly go on a diet I have bright yellow bile diarrhea for a few days until my body gets used to making less bile. I guess this is something I will discuss with the surgeon, but I just wanted to see if there is anyone here like me.

  7. I completely agree with Woo Woo. It sounds like he is feeling insecure. My hubby gets the same way (and I haven't even had surgery yet). Just do everything you can to reassure him that you only have eyes for him. And remind him that you only want to lose weight to be healthier and happier with yourself and better in the bedroom for him. He obviously "likes skinny girls" because you were thin when you met. Losing weight should not jeopardize your relationship. Just boost his ego as much as you can.

  8. I don't even have a surgery date yet and I'm already wishing I didn't tell anyone. *sigh* I work with my Mom and she and I are very close. I talk everything through with her, so she has know my intentions from day 1. And she hates it. But it's my journey and my choice. But she basically told me who I had to tell, and she told me that I couldn't keep it a secret, implying that if I didn't tell people she would. Not cool Mom, not cool. So I told my bosses (a husband/wife couple) because I figured that I *couldn't* lie to them - gasp! Now I think why the hell couldn't I ?! Well, because Mom would have set them strait. My bosses are totally cool with it, and completely support it, BUT because they think it's a great idea, they don't understand me wanting to keep it quiet, and they have already told a couple of the guys we work with!! (We are a very close-knit, family like group) So the cats out of the bag. I have to just own it and kick butt. But I'm pretty pissed that I have such a big mouth.

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