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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tweenwaters

  1. tweenwaters

    1/2 way to goal :)

    Thank you everyone!! Chrisann...it is an amazing feeling to FINALLY hit the 50 lbs gone mark!! I appreciate your post on how to break through a plateau....that is a GREAT help...thank you! You are doing fantastic!!! Keep up the great progress.....your posts have been very helpful to me along the way:)
  2. tweenwaters

    1/2 way to goal :)

    Hi January Bandsters~ My surgery date was January 17, 2008....so I'm just over the 5 month mark....YAY!! I love the band and do not regret this decision one bit....I was a self-pay!! I'm really excited to report that today, I am at 1/2 way to goal!! My last fill was on May 1st......6.6 cc's in a 10 cc band. Thank you so much to everyone who keeps posting their successes and struggles on this website.....it keeps me focused and motivated to continue on this journey! thanks for all the help along the way:) stacey
  3. tweenwaters

    Magic Number Of Cc's

    hang in there.....it will work. call and make an appt for another fill. Self control plays a huge part of the weight loss though....so make GOOD choices and eat your protein first. No drinking with meals...that is a biggy! good luck:)
  4. tweenwaters

    Magic Number Of Cc's

    I was banded on Jan 17th....I've had 3 fills so far in my 10 cc band. Currently at 6.6 cc's and feel this is my sweet spot, although mornings are VERY tight and I still PB or slime if I eat too fast or do not chew well enough. best wishes, Stacey
  5. tweenwaters

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Best wishes to you as you begin your journey with the band. It will be here before you know it. Not sure where the rest of the TLC patients have been lately but this link keeps me going and helps to keep me on track. I'm finally at a really GREAT restriction with my last fill on May 1st.....6.6 cc's in my 10 cc band. The weight loss has been slowing down but that is to be expected......I need to make more of an effort with the exercise:) The past 6 weeks, I lost 13 lbs but went through a little bit of lose then gain, lose then gain again.....BUT the key is to NOT give up. I'm hoping that if any of the TLC group is checking in but not wanting to post how they are doing.....they will know that they can send me a private message if they need encouragement. Anyone struggling out there with weight loss should call and schedule another fill to try to get them back on track......The band takes time to find your sweet spot and it's a slow process. Losing weight too fast will sometmes make for loose skin and I'm worried about that when I reach goal. Going rough 3 pregnancies close together made my stomach area very saggy.....I'd LOVE to look into PS for a tummy tuck and breast lift when I'm closer to goal but after being a self-pay for the band.....it's not an option right now....we can't afford PS. Sorry to ramble.....I will gladly be here to encourage you along the way:) Do you have to follow the 2 week pre-op diet of Optifast? I did.....and lost 14 lbs from that. After surgery, the Optifast shakes were fantastic for me.....I miss them and think I may buy another case. Another good source of protein (especially after surgery) are the New Whey Prtein Bullets (42 grams). I add one to a 24 oz water bottle, with the water and one pack of crystal light powder and mix well......GREAT way toet your protein during the liquid phase. You can find the bullets at Vitamin Shoppe. Hang in there!!! :redface: Stacey
  6. tweenwaters

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    OK.....where is everyone? Please just say a quick Hi and let us know how you're doing, if your at a plateau (maybe we can share ideas to help), how many fills have you had.....just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of ya'll. Stacey
  7. tweenwaters

    OK-Let me have it!

    the band is a tool that will basically make you change your bad eating habits....like it or not. For instance....I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE bread, pizza pasta...and can no longer eat any of it or I get stuck and slime. That is NO FUN at all and can be painful. So like it or not...I'm changing my ways. The band will help you eat smaller portions b/c you physically will not be able to hold that much in your egg size pouch. I've had 3 fills so far....6.6 cc's in my 10 cc band. This is my first time having GREAT restriction. I've done well with weight loss so far b/c I've made lifestyle changes. this is NOT the easy way out at all....it requires a LOT of effort to make the tool work. Don't be discourages, just be truthful with yourself that this is hard work.....call it a diet or call it a lifestyle change...whatever works for you.
  8. tweenwaters

    Looking for Dr. in Fort Worth TX.

    I had my band surgery on Jan 17th with Dr. David Kim. He is wonderful....he's located at North Hills Hospital. Best wishes on your journey:) Stacey
  9. tweenwaters

    Non-Scale Victories!!

    NSV= non scale victories Best wishes for your surgery!! You will LOVE the results you will have with your new band way of life:)
  10. tweenwaters

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Dianne, Pat (ALL TLC Edge patients).....How are things going? Please stay in touch and let us know how you are doing and if you need any help or support. I can't belive my surgery was 5 months ago:) It feels SOOOOO good to be banded and to have come this far in 5 short months!! Since my last fill (my 3rd) on May 1st, I have lost 13 lbs.....almost to my 1/2 way total goal!! My NSV has been to play with my kids at our neighborhood pool without feeling so self conscious wearing a bathing suit. Last summer, I think I went to the pool maybe 5 times....I wanted to hide under water! Please send a quick HI and let me know how you are doing:) ~all the best~ Stacey
  11. tweenwaters

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    CONGRATULATIONS COWBOY!!! 60 lbs gone is FANTASTIC!!!! That is sooooo wonderful!!! Great to see you on the boards again....keep up the great work with your band! ~Stacey:biggrin2:
  12. tweenwaters

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Welcome! I went to a seminar at Dr. Kim's office and then got denied by my insurance company....so ended up finding TLC Edge about 2 months later..... had to self-pay BUT still got to use the surgeon I had orginally chosen:) I have only wonderful things to say about Dr. Kim, TLC Edge, Prestonwood....and most importantly....the band!! I'm almost halfway to my goal and it's been just under 5 months. It was my very first surgery....so I was scared beyond words. My surgery went GREAT....recovery went well....and I'm pleased with my results so far. YES...it is hard to make the life changes to eating right and exercising. The band is a tool....not a quick fix. It is very hard to follow the rules and make the right choices....but I made that decision and have tried hard to stick to it. Now...I'm NOT saying I have been eating perfect each and every day....I have NOT. I've cheated and had ice cream a few times, had a margarita or few....on my vacation to Captiva Island....but the majority of the time, I really try hard to eat healthy and follow the rules of living with the band. I have not had any soda since New Years...and that was my one super addictive vice I needed to give up....and I have not had one sip. I'm proud of that!! It just depends on how truly readay you are to make some changes.....it's all worth it!! I promise!!! good luck and welcome!!! ~Stacey
  13. tweenwaters

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Holy cow! You are so lucky that you both were not hurt or killed....how scary!!! I'm so sorry for your situation and know that you are anxious to start your band journey. Rest assurd, wewill still be here to support you and help you with questions or input via our own experiences when you are ready for your band. I plan to check in here on this link weekly for the rest of my LIFE. It has been soooooo helpful to me. best wishes!!
  14. tweenwaters

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    My best advice for the pain is not only to walk but to stay on top of your pain meds (liquid tylenol). When you let the pain become too much to handle it is really hard to get it back under control. I think I stayed on pain meds for the first 4 full days and then a few nights just at bedtime. Everyone handles pain differently....but let your body heal at it's own pace. Listen to your body...it will get better and better each day. Hang in there!! We are all here for you if you need us!! This was my first surgery EVER....and I had no idea what to expect and this site kept me informed with people who had gone through it all before me. It was a blessing to have them for advice along every step of the way. As you can see....it is now many pages of posts and comments...so when you get some free time, start at the beginning of this thread and read all the info from our experiences. It may be helpful to know that some of us felt the same way that you do now. best wishes on your journey!!! Stacey:thumbup:
  15. tweenwaters

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    I'm here....thanks for checkin:) I've been working a lot lately....and for a full time mom....that's not my normal routine. I sub at my kids school and just got hired for a part-time position for this upcoming school year.....YAY!! I got my 3rd fill on May 1st (6.6 cc's in a 10 cc band). I've had unbelievable restriction...to the point that I've been a little worried and wondered if I needed to have an unfill. BUT, I hung in there and have lost 8 lbs since May 1....so I'm really happy with the results. I would guess this is my "sweet spot"....at least for the time being. I'm not hungry, do pretty well to get in some healthy foods and water but not in any type of large amounts that is for sure. I'm happy with this fill level and will hold off for a couple more weeks before calling for another....if I even need another....we shall see. I just watch the scale and when it stops moving....and I find myself eating WAY MORE then I'm supposed to eat, I make the call for another adjustment. I need to update my ticker....but here are my weights from start to this morning...... pre-op weight 229 lbs today 185:lol: Thanks for keeping this TLC link going Pat....glad you are ALL doing so well!
  16. tweenwaters

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Hi Pat, I felt just like YOU after my 2nd fill. That month was really hard and frustrating b/c even though I had 6 cc's in my 10 cc band....I was over-eating in the late afternoon and evening hours. Some things would get stuck but only b/c of my carelessness with taking too large of bites, and not chewing well. I went to Prestonwood for my 3rd fill on May 1st and now have 6.6 in my band....and have seriously hit my sweet spot. I've dropped 5 lbs since May 1. You will be amazed that just a little adjustment can do so much.....your third fill will hopefully do the same for you. Hang in there....be sure to get your water in, don't give in to the head hunger...*my worst enemy*... YOU WILL MAKE IT!!!!!! Thinking of you:)
  17. I know you are anxious to start feeling restriction.....I was too. My surgery was Jan 17th...and I've only had 3 fills. Last Thursday, my 3rd fill, is finally giving me good restriction. It's hard to be patient...I know....so while you are waiting for the fills to give you that good restriction you need to make some good food choices to help the scale along. Try googling The Vitamin Shoppe....New Whey Protein Bullets....42 grams of protein. I pour this in my 1 liter water bottle add i single serving pack of crystal light.....and sip on it all afternoon. The protein is what you need to make yourself feel full. It really is a mind game.....I have terrible "head hunger" not "tummy hunger"....especially in the evenings. good luck...hang in there. Stacey
  18. Hi Jim, This has helped me to stay full, get in my Water and protein for the day. I take a 1 liter water bottle, pour in the 3 oz protein bullet (42 grams of protein), and add 1 crystal light individual packet for flavor. The protein bullets are flovored but I like to add the crystal light lemonade as well. I buy mine at The Vitamin Shoppe.....12 in a case for @ $35. Protein is key to keeping us full. I struggle with getting in my water each day....so this is extra incentive for me....getting my water & protein at the same time is perfect. good luck! Keep up the great work!! Stacey 24% off IDS Sports whey 42 Liquid Protein Grape YQ-1006 12 Drink(S) List Price: $45.90 SALE PRICE: $34.99
  19. I had my 3rd fill yesterday and now have 6.6 cc's in my 10cc band. This is the first time I've felt TRUE and lasting restriction.....like crisann mentioned above....this morning, i was having a hard time getting liquids down. It took me 45 mins to drink and Optifast shake. I'm still on liquids for the rest of today and will slowly go to mushies tomorrow. I'm hoping this is my sweet spot too. The last fill I went from 5 cc's to 6 cc's and didn't feel much restriction all month. Yesterday, just adding .8 cc and I felt too tight...so he took .2 back out. Isn't it strange how so little can make that much of a difference?
  20. tweenwaters

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Hi T~ My port site was tender for probably about 6 weeks. It seems that when I went for my first fill....it was still a teeny tiny bit tender. I went to the HEB office for my first fill.....NOT impressed to say the least. I know it's a temporary location but YUCK. George is fantastic though... I still wanted to have George do my fills, SO I have gone back to Prestonwood TLCEdge for the last two fills. I've had 3 fills since surgery. It's a long drive for me (about an hour)...but worth it to be in a nice facility.
  21. tweenwaters

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    I had my 3rd fill today....and finally feel good restriction. It takes a little while to get used to each fill....how much do you have in your band total now? Dr Kim gave me 2.4 at surgery, 1st fill 2.6 added for an even 5 cc's, 2nd fill 1 cc added for 6 cc's, today I had .6 cc added and so far I can tell a major difference. I'm truly hoping this is the "sweet spot". Now about "feeling full".....is your stomach growling in hunger or is it "head hunger"? That has been a battle of mine, especially in the evenings. I think I'm starving at night....and have to make good choices of what I decide to have. Lately, I've been grabbing a Vitamin Water....it has 125 calories and lots of flavor...it takes the edge off before bed. You seem like you're doing really well with your weight loss....keep up the great work!! ~Stacey
  22. tweenwaters

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Hi Pat & Dianne...Hi everyone:) Thanks for thinking of me....I'm here, just been absent from the boards this week. I celebrated my 40th b-day on Thursday the 24th...so unfortunately, the healthy eating went out the window all week long. This is the first birthday that has spilled over in multiple days/nights of celebration. I'm thankful for your concern as I disappeared for a little bit. Haven't been on the scale, so I'm not sure what has happened during this past week. I'm heading in for a fill on Thursday (May 1st)....this will be my 3rd fill, not counting what was put in the band on surgery day. I'm hoping for LOTS of restriction b/c I'm not doing so well in the evenings...I'm starving and tend to snac k too much at night. I will ask what the cost is for fills with TLC once we reach that 6 month mark. I wonder if it's 6 months from your surgery date or is it 6 months of free fills? Anywhoooo, I'll ask when I go this week and report back what I find out. I still can't eat breads or much in the way of starchy foods.....get stuck almost immediately on that type of food.
  23. From what I was told by my surgeons office.....no driving until I had been off the pain meds for a full 24 hours. I took my pain meds for the first 48 hours as directed, then cut back to just bedtime for the next 48 hours.....then off completely. It really depends on how you are feeling. and what your pain tolerance is. Best wishes as you make this journey to bandland:)
  24. did it work....I am sooooo not computer savy!!

    Hope you all have a great weekend:)


  25. tweenwaters

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    me too!!!! nails yes.....walk no!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
