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Everything posted by wheezysmom

  1. wheezysmom

    Kaiser Permanente Options program

    He was my surgeon too! Such a nice man, really glad I ended up with him.
  2. wheezysmom


    I had surgery in July and started taking around April or May.
  3. wheezysmom


    I have a herniated lumbar disc that causes pain not only in my back but That radiates down my leg. I also had to stop NSAIDs, 10 days before surgery and I am also not allowed to take them ever again. When I had my consultation he told me that he would give me whatever pain medicine I wanted but that I had to stop the NSAID. I am a little over six weeks post op and I have noticed that as I lose more weight, the back pain gets a lot better. I know your situation is different than mine but I wanted to give you my experience on stopping the medicine.
  4. wheezysmom

    Corn tortillas

    I don't even mess with the tortillas anymore. Because I don't eat enough as it is (nor do I get enough protein) I try to eat the essentials only. I just get full so fast. I actually made chicken tacos for dinner about 2 days ago. I put the meat in a bowl with some cheese, it was great and I didn't even miss the tortilla.
  5. wheezysmom

    Disney and Pre-Op Diet

    I would suggest going to a camping/outdoor supply store. They may have some sort of contraption (yes I said contraption lol) that could heat up food or keep it warm.
  6. wheezysmom

    Anyone Using HCG?

    I did the HCG diet before my wedding (way before I even thought of having surgery). I lost around 25lbs but I gained that weight back quickly and then some. I swear I gained it faster than I lost it and I was losing at least a pound a day on that diet. I don't want to sound preachy and I definitely don't judge people for their decisions but why were you thinking about doing it? I mean, on this journey we are learning how to change the way we eat and "quick fix" weight loss plan isn't the right way to go about it. That's just my line of thought.
  7. wheezysmom

    Dumping How it feels like?

    I dumped once, it was because I ate too fast. First the sweating started, then my chest was hurting because the lump of Peanut Butter I just was just sitting there. Then I threw up on myself without warning. About an hour later the diarrhea started. Not only have I not made that mistake again, I also won't touch peanut butter anymore lol
  8. wheezysmom

    Pretty fantastic NSV's

    Congrats Elode!!!
  9. wheezysmom

    Buying future clothes

    I just retired a pair of pants because my kid pulled them down trying to get me to pick him up. That has been my MO, I wear them until they fall off and then I go to goodwill or the Salvation Army and find something else. I also have a couple of events coming up that require me to look decent so I will go buy something then but I don't want to spend money on clothes until I am close to my goal weight.
  10. wheezysmom

    New! Kaiser Richmond

    I am with kaiser but I am in SoCal. The more questions she started asking, the more I started to cry as I realized there were some issues that I had not dealt with. I have a history of PPD/PPA, and in my psych evaluation she stated that I might be suffering from depression and referred me to someone else. She was okay with me moving forward with surgery. I was sleeved on 7/6/15. Good luck to you! Edited for clarity
  11. wheezysmom

    Prayers needed please

    Thoughts and prayers going your way.
  12. wheezysmom

    How much weight loss first 3wks

    I don't own a scale so I only tell you what I lost at my 10 day post op visit and 6 week post op visit (which was today). I had surgery 7/6/15. At 10 days post op I had lost 10 pounds. Today at my 6 week post op visit I had lost 31 pounds since surgery. On a side note, she said that I had lost too much weight.
  13. wheezysmom

    so frustrated

    Good for you! I am glad to hear that Aetna changed their policy and you no longer have to wait two years. And good for you for having such a positive attitude and hanging in there. I don't think I would have been as patient as you were.
  14. wheezysmom

    How long was hospital stay?

    I was supposed to only stay one night but I earned an extra night in the hospital because I wasn't able to drink enough water.
  15. wheezysmom

    24 hour post op misery

    It will get better! It took about a day for the pain to subside. Walking around really does help.
  16. I had to read this comment several times to figure wtf just happened. I am going to look past the fact that she had "elective surgery." But apparently she couldn't just "stop eating" so why did she expect you to do so?!
  17. That is interesting. I feel like what you are saying is right, that when I was larger they left me alone. I will have to start paying attention to see what happens as I lose weight.
  18. Ya'll are funny! I never even thought about either one of them gaining weight because of my leftovers. DH is one of those people that can eat whatever he wants and never be fat.
  19. I don't know why people's stories surprise me, I know people are a hot mess but I cannot believe some of the stuff that comes out of their mouths. Mine isn't that bad, just something I am not used to. I have a husband and a kid that is almost 2. Now both of them know that I am not into sharing my food but we went out to eat and they were watching me like vultures. And when they knew I was slowing down they came in for the kill and raided my plate. Now pre surgery me would have been in the parking lot fighting them both but can they at least pretend that my food is mine??!
  20. For me it wasn't a requirement to have someone there during surgery but it was absolutely a requirement that I had someone drive me home. In my pre-op appointment I had to give them the name and phone number of the person that was taking me home. I probably could have driven myself but I would have side swiped some cars on the way home, I was still loopy from the medicine. If you have no one else, I would suggest taking uber or something like that.
  21. I have had surgery prior to this and I always had to take off my bra and underwear (tonsils taken and thumb surgery. No where near my undergarments. Once I was awake and walking laps around the hospital floor not once did I think to put a bra on. I just let those bad boys swing with the wind.
  22. The mall. I am in California but the mall doors are usually opened hours before the actual mall opens. And the air conditioning is running. The elderly people have already figured out this secret because it's usually just me and them at 7 or 8 in the morning
  23. wheezysmom

    I'm in!

    @@Soexcited I had my surgery at South Bay with Dr. Zane (really wonderful man). I am doing fine, I am no where close to getting my protein in because I stopped tolerating the protein drinks (anything chocolate flavored). I had to be placed on extra medicine because it would hurt like hell every time I swallowed something. That issue is MUCH better now. Other than that, I lost 10lbs in the first 10 days and I think I have lost another 10lbs since my first post op appointment which was on 7/16. No regrets
  24. wheezysmom

    First restaurant meal?

    We went out to a Mediterranean restaurant last night and it was my first time at a restaurant as well. I ordered the baked fish (tilapia) and it came with a salad and rice. I shared with my kid (he's one and can eat like a grown man). I ate my couple of bites and the protein made me feel so much better. My husband and my kid ended up tag teaming my meal as I was trying to enjoy it. At least I saved money because the kid didn't need a kids meal.
  25. wheezysmom

    I'm in!

    Congrats! I had surgery through Kaiser on 7/6/15. I have nothing but good things to say about my experience.

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