I am hoping since the original post was 2011 your revision has been performed but it took me many years to find a doctor to help me out. I had the Molina band in 2003 by Dr. Molina. In 2006 I began having complications but at the time I wasn't aware it was band related. I would be woke up out of a dead sleep coughing and chocking on stomach acids. I just thought I had reflux. Now i know it was that I was forming an obstruction due to scar tissue from the band. I had severe chronic reflux and vomitting from the food not passing thru. I tried for several years to find a doctor to help me. Due to the high risk of this complication of the Molina band I attempted to see many doctors but they did not do Molina band revisions. I went to several others but my insurance did not have bariatric coverage but in reality I wasn't obese and the surgery was not for weight lose it was for a complication. I was almost completely obstructed when I finally remembered seeing Dr. Nowzardan from Houston on TV and I worked for a plastic surgeon previously that worked with Dr. Nowzaradan. I gave his office a call on a Friday and they got me in the next day on a Saturday and by Monday afternoon my surgery was approved and scheduled. His insurance girl was great. They knew the correct way to code it since it was not a bariatic surgery. I had a hiatal hernia repair, gastrectomy and gastrojejunostomy. So basically I had a hiatal hernia from years of throwing up so that was repaired. The gastrectomy was to cut the section out of my stomach that the band was adhered to and the gastrojejunotsomy was the gastric bypass. According to Dr. Nowzardan I was not a candidate for the sleeve gastrectomy and the only real option I had was gastric bypass surgery. Without him I do not know where I would be. Malnutrition for sure. I am going on 5 years since my bypass and it has been great. My weight stays within 138 to 145 over the past few years. Initially I got down to about 130 but then went up a few pounds after maybe the first two years. It's been the best thing for me. Other than dumping every so often I have no complaints. I have to take that back. I tend to be a noncompliant patient in regards to taking Vitamins so there are times I am Iron deficiant anemic but as long as I am taking my vitamins and supplements my levels are perfect.
I hope this helps anyone that is suffering with issues from the Molina band.Angie