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Posts posted by brandnewme2015

  1. I thought I was the only one whose body temperature has dropped! Don't get me wrong :I'll take being cold over hot flashes any day!

    I keep my heat set at 74, have the fireplace and a space heater running and sleep in long johns under my jammies. My husband calls spring/winter/fall his "dry spell" because he isn't getting any. I am NOT taking off a stitch of clothing when I'm always freezing.

    Dry spell! ???? LOL

  2. Hello I'm 4days post op..I'm happy ! excited! And looking forward to a new me..I got sleeved in Mexico .. Anybody else?? They were nice .. How's everybody doing? Do you think it safe to walk a mile on the treadmill today? Ps. I couldn't find the liquid Vitamins so a made a vegetable Soup with beef and chicken and drank the broth off of it ..

    It was yummy... And my dr okayed it..,

    Congrats on your surgery . Yes i think u should walk , but I doubt u will be able to walk so far. I tried and almost passed out , I was so short of breath from the surgery . Take it easy, once u hit week two then u can do alot more .
    Agree, take it slow and easy the first week. I have been able to pick up my exercise considerably in week 3,and actually I started my Zumba fitness classes again in week 2. Congrats on your surgery!

  3. My BMI was 35 + Co morbidities when I was approved. My surgery weight was 180,BMI 32.9 at the time of surgery April 1st. I am 3 weeks post Op and have lost 12 lbs, and 1 dress size. I expect the weight loss will slow down as I continue to introduce foods into my diet. My pre-op diet consisted of fruits, vegetables and Meal Replacement shakes for 1 week prior, laxative 2 days prior (doctors orders) to cleanse my colon.

  4. Congratulations on the weight loss sleevediva2! I agree with peekaboo. Just follow the plan and you will be fine. She's right - time flies! Try mixing fruit into your Protein Shakes. I've changed mine up a little by adding bananas and frozen strawberries or tropical fruit, and have also added sugar free flavor syrups (caramel, peach) and extracts (rum, vanilla), & spices(cinnamon, nutmeg, Apple pie).

    Where did you get the sugar free Syrup from?
    I bought mine on Amazon. Look for Davinci Sugar Free Syrups or Torani. They have tons of flavors!

  5. This thread is dying it seems! ????

    Not sure what happened we are only 2 weeks out. :huh:
    This thread is more for those getring ready or just had surgery. That's what it sems to me.

    Do yall think we should start an April Accountability group. There we can talk about our daily meal plans and a weekly weigh in?

    Agree, think maybe we should start a new thread..

  6. Hey April 1st surgery buddies. I was curious if anyone else has experienced a change in taste since surgery. The Protein Shakes I loved pre surgery make me sick now. I'm struggling trying to find a Protein Shake I can stomach. I would love any suggestions. I hope everyone is doing well

    Have you tried Core Power Light? I drink those on the go. Other than that, I use HMR 120 (through my Bari clinic). I heard muscle milk is good but have never tried them.

  7. Happy Saturday everyone. I woke up feeling badly today. I can't put my finger on it but just run down and tired almost like a flu but no fever or aches. I started feeling a bit better later morning but not super. I did manage to get down two Premier Protein shakes today and about 20oz of Water so far (and a little soup).

    I got really nauseated around 6:00 tonight (about an hour after my last shake) it passed in about 25 minutes but I was miserable during the episode. Then all of a sudden around 7:30 I felt great and hungry so I decided to give the ricotta bake a try. It looked so good, it tasted like food. My first couple bites were likely too big and it just sat and sat in what felt like my esophagus. :wacko: I waited about five minutes and tried taking small bites and chewing them into oblivion but after about 4-5 more bites I felt full. I think I had the equivalent of 2 TBSP of food. I think with the mozzarella it is just a bit too dense still. But let me tell you head hunger folks is real! It tasted so good and smelled so good I had to walk away to keep from eating another bite. I may warm a little more up in about 30 minutes (so an hour and half from my first sitting) if I'm actually hungry. I am going to refrigerate the rest. It makes four servings but when you only eat less than 1/8 of a cup...heck I have two weeks worth. :P

    I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. I will be venturing to my in-laws tomorrow for a late Easter dinner (they were on a cruise) and want to do Easter with the grand babies. :) I will be bringing Soup and a shake!

    Tried the ricotta bake with meatballs. Scrumptious!! Could only have a couple of bites, but shared with my family and they loved it!!

  8. I'm about to hit 3 weeks on wed . I started working out when I hit 2 weeks , I'm sure inches are coming off .. but I want the numbers on the scale to move. I've been the same weight for the last 5 days. I hit 14 pounds weight loss before I actually hit my 2 week. Now nothing @@brandnewme2015

    Could be that you are adding muscle if you've been exercising - but I wouldn't be too discouraged if the numbers aren't moving. There are many non - scale victories to be had (more energy, clothes fitting better, etc.) 14 lbs is still a great loss and you will see those lbs melt away in the next several months if you keep up the good work I'm sure. Don't be too hard on yourself and be patient with those numbers.

  9. You guys are so much more adventurous than me, eating real food so soon after surgery. I'm still terrified to go beyond liquids at this point - and am still getting pretty full off of those. My fiance said he actually notices I have lost weight, which made me feel really good, and I have noticed the swelling reduced so my clothes don't fit as tight. I was able to fit into a size medium stretchy skirt comfortably, so things are definitely going in the right direction. Have a great day ladies.

  10. Glad to hear we are all starting to get used to our new routines. There is another thread "Memorial Day Challenge" where you and 100 other posters set a personal goal weight and post your weight to a spreadsheet every Monday. I've joined that thread for a little extra motivation. I'm going to start exercising a bit more so I can get those pounds to melt off. I got 60g of Protein today, but didn't get all my liquids in. I'm determined to hit all 3 of my requirements one day soon! I too have been collecting recipes on pinterest and I can't wait to try the ricotta bake-or hell , just some eggs and grits! Another week and soft foods here I come! Keep up the good work everyone!

  11. I had a different experience post-op than the previous posters. Perhaps it was because he repaired a large hiatal hernia he discovered while doing my VSG, but without the pain meds, my pain was very similar to my c-section pain. Be sure to take your doses of pain meds as prescribed at least the first 2 days after surgery or you will be in a world of hurt! My DF thought the dose was 2 tsp. Every 6 hours.. Well it was 2-4 TBSP every 6 hours. The pain was excruciating and brought me right back to post-op c-section.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
