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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About shunhunter

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  • Birthday 12/07/1973

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    Project Manager
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  1. shunhunter


    Ok had the second pick line in for 3 months went from 98 lbs to 136lbs and finally got my strength back but now i have to get iron IV infusions treatments with styroids and starting to gain more wait. Just had my last treatment and now I'm up to 145lbs. I don't know what to do. I'm scared to go back on a liquid diet again because of the malnutrition issues I had before. I dont know what to do anymore.
  2. shunhunter


    Hello I am going through the same thing. I had the sleeve 5 years ago and due to acid reflux and my esophagus was collapsing I had to have a revision to the bypass 14 months ago . I'm a 105lbs now and want to stop losing. I have been having issues since I had the revision. I just had a pick line in that I gained 20lbs and 3 weeks later it was gone. At first it was diarrhea and now its vomiting. I seemed to can't get a break. I felt great with the pick line in but that is dangerous walking around with a IV in your arm feeding you dripping over your heart. My gallbladder was taken out on 2/9/15. I just had my 3rd EDG on Monday since my surgery and they found nothing again. I am trying to stay positive but this is getting very hard and expensive. So I know what you are going through but because I had the sleeve and then revised to the bypass I can not have the reversal due to my stomach was thrown away. I am so malnourished and now they want to put me back on the pick line (TPN) again. I don't know what to do anymore. I am miserable.
  3. shunhunter

    Pissed Off Husband

    Hello I am going through the same thing. I had the sleeve 5 years ago and due to acid reflux and my esophagus was collapsing I had to have a revision to the bypass 14 months ago . I'm a 105lbs now and want to stop losing. I have been having issues since I had the revision. I just had a pick line in that I gained 20lbs and 3 weeks later it was gone. At first it was diarrhea and now its vomiting. I seemed to can't get a break. I felt great with the pick line in but that is dangerous walking around with a IV in your arm feeding you dripping over your heart. My gallbladder was taken out on 2/9/15. I just had my 3rd EDG on Monday since my surgery and they found nothing again. I am trying to stay positive but this is getting very hard and expensive. So I know what you are going through. I will be praying for you.
  4. I had the gastric sleeve 5 years ago and due to acid reflux and my esophagus collapsing I had to have a revision to the bypass which was 14 months ago (1/22/14). I had my surgery at Forest Park Medical Center in Dallas, TX Dr. Rodriguez (who isn't with Barker Bariatric anymore he opened his own practice and moved to San Antonio). I'm a 105lbs now and want to stop losing weight. I have been having issues since I had the revision. I just had a pick line(feeding tube) in that I gained 20lbs and 3 weeks later it's gone. At first it was diarrhea and now its vomiting. I seemed to can't get a break and it didn't start until about 6 months after the surgery. I felt great with the pick line in but that is dangerous walking around with a IV in your arm feeding you dripping over your heart. I just had my 3 EDG on Monday and they found nothing again. I had to spend another $300 for that. I am trying to stay positive but this is getting very hard and expensive. Needing someone to talk to.
  5. shunhunter


  6. I had the sleeve 5 years ago and due to acid reflux and my esophagus was collapsing I had to have a revision to the bypass 14 months ago . I'm a 105lbs now and want to stop losing. I have been having issues since I had the revision. I just had a pick line in that I gained 20lbs and 3 weeks later it was gone. At first it was diarrhea and now its vomiting. I seemed to can't get a break. I felt great with the pick line in but that is dangerous walking around with a IV in your arm feeding you dripping over your heart. I just has another EDG on Monday and they found nothing again. I had to spend another $300 for that. I am trying to stay positive but this is getting very hard and expensive. Need someone to talk to.

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