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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LMJSLEEVED

  1. I've arrived...this side of One-der-land! ;)


    Outpatient sleevers?

    Hi! I was sleeved on 4/27and went home the same day. I also was worried and had no idea what to expect as far as pain, but I did very well. I was up and walking within 2-3 hrs of the surgery. Yes, I had pain, but it was bearable and it was very nice to go home, although I spent several nights only being able to sleep on my back b/c of the pain from the incisions. If I was on my back I didn't have the pain. My doctor administered a local pain block that lasted at least a couple of days. I think that made a huge difference in my being able to go home the same day.
  3. Hello, I'm a little worried. Am I having head hunger? I just finished having some chicken, actually about an hour ago. I was full when I stopped eating, but I've been on here reading all kinds of posts and the thought of having a Quest bar ran through my mind. I wonder if it is considered "soft" food. I have about 2 more weeks being on soft foods. I don't actually want one for now, but am wondering about if it would be okay or if I should just be safe and get through the "soft" food stage.
  4. @@Kathy812 You're right- they ARE dense. I'll wait!
  5. It just keeps getting more real with each passing day. Just this one last week of preop diet and then surgery day-4/27. I'm a little worried about just what it is going to feel like for me since the last surgery I had was when I was 6 yrs old- tonsillectomy! Best wishes to all those before me and best of luck to those who have theirs on the same day and those after!!! Anybody out there had the sleeve and gone home the same day? Mine is with Nicholson Clinic in Dallas and it's a day surgery. Would love to hear experiences of those who had the surgery and went home same day...
  6. @@gina_g thanks for responding! I'm 29 days post op now. I did just fine with the same day dc!
  7. @@Lori H Glad to hear you're doing better. I've been in a bit of a stall but I am feeling and seeing a difference in my face, neck and boobs, where I usually notice first, so hopefully I'm coming out of it.
  8. I was sleeved on 4/27. Also had hernia repair. This week the surgeon's office called to tell me that they took a biopsy of my liver at time of the surgery and it came back I have mild steatosis, fatty liver. While the person who called said this is common with overweight people and often improves with weight loss, they wanted to refer me to a specialist . I'm wondering if it is necessary or it will hurt any for me to just wait until I've dropped some weight. Anyone else had this experience?

    Had my surgery on 4/27/15

    @@dhrguru It's been a few days now, just wondering how you're doing now...

    Had my surgery on 4/27/15

    @@banksdea Hi! I had my sleeve on Monday, too. I definitely am having pain around the biggest incision and inside the area. I was able to go home same day and I think what made that possible was tht they gave me local anesthesia around all the incisions and they said it would last 2-3 days. Coughing, sneezing, wiping, bending down to pick something up from the floor, getting in/out of bed, standing up or sitting back down- all of those things--are painful to me, too. Once I'm up and walking, that helps get the gas out. I hope things do get better for you today and that each day gets better and better for both of us!!!
  11. @@Lori H --oh, no! That was a fear I had. So sorry you went through that nausea and vomiting. Hopefully that is all past you now.
  12. HOpe your pain gets better, @@banksdea I've got some pain and gas, just taking pain meds and anticipating it will be better tomorrow and each passing day. They did a local anesthesia around my incision sites and it is suppose to last 2-3 days, so I'm wondering if by that time the pain is better= I sure hope so! So, how was YOUR experience?
  13. @@ASLEEVE4ME2015 Well, my surgery ended up being around 2:30. Got there at noon and I was leaving around 7 pm. I think I did well, and NOW I know what the pain is like--I just had the hardest time imagining what it would be like since I've had no major surgery since I was yrs old and had my tonsils out. I've been burping like crazy and when I drink liquids, especially plain Water, I have the sensation that I normally would get when I had an empty stomach and drank water- I guess an acidy stomach. So I took pepsid and I think it helped some My stomach seems to flutter or spasm every once in awhile and getting out of bed or bending down like to pick something up from the floor--whew, what a challenge! Walking has been what has relieved the gas the most. This afternoon I've had a low grade fever. Just keeping a watch on it bc I sure don't want it to get up high. Hoping, hoping it just stays low grade or goes away!
  14. my doctors also do one day if surgery is early in the morning. @banksdea Well, my surgery ended up being around 2:30. Got there at noon and I was leaving around 7 pm. I think I did well, and NOW I know what the pain is like--I just had the hardest time imagining what it would be like since I've had no major surgery since I was yrs old and had my tonsils out. I've been burping like crazy and when I drink liquids, especially plain Water, I have the sensation that I normally would get when I had an empty stomach and drank water- I guess an acidy stomach. So I took pepsid and I think it helped some My stomach seems to flutter or spasm every once in awhile and getting out of bed or bending down like to pick something up from the floor--whew, what a challenge! Walking has been what has relieved the gas the most. This afternoon I've had a low grade fever. Just keeping a watch on it bc I sure don't want it to get up high. Hoping, hoping it just stays low grade or goes away!
  15. @@banksdea Good Luck tomorrow!!
  16. @@kdawgsmom THANK YOU !!!!!
  17. @swalker55 Welcome! Congrats on the approval! I'm nearing my surgery date: 4/27. So excited and hope I do well. Just trying to keep myself occupied for the weekend and keep up with the preop diet. I have done well with it so far.

    My Surgery is on Thursday!

    Thinking about you who were sleeved today. Hope all went well. 3 more days and then it will be my day!
  19. @@kdawgsmom so far about 10 lbs.

    My Surgery is on Thursday!

    @wannaBthinsoon wow... I'm just thinking that by the time you read this you will be that much closer to "nearly" being there! Tomorrow is Thursday!!!! Just 4 more days to go and then a sleep for me and then a sleeve for me. I will be thinking about you tomorrow and hoping that all goes well! @@wannaBthinsoon
  21. I am on pre op diet # 10, @@kdawgsmom, and I see light at the end of the tunnel!
  22. @Edavidson; I know! Even someone I know that had the sleeve a few months back was in the hospital for at least 2 days. Thankfully, my husband will be with me on 4/27 and 4/28 and if needed can take more days off. He works near home, too, so could be here if I were to need him once he has gone back to work. We'll see how I do. @Amanda0305: That's great that you live so close to the hospital. I'm about 40 minutes away. I, too, am really more concerned about how I will feel AFTER the surgery, since about all I can really remember from my tonsillectomy was that the surgeons all looked like frogs to me in their green surgery garb and then of having a very sore throat when I woke up. Good luck on 4/27! @jackief: yes, that is what I am kind of expecting to maybe have some bad pain right after and then to hopefully do great! Crossing my fingers.

    Pre Surgery AnXiEtY! 16 days

    I'm scheduled for 4/27 and just trying to keep myself busy and kind of distracted til then. But thoughts keep creeping in for me, too. I just truly don't know what to expect as far as the pain and I hear that it is different for everyone. I haven't had a surgery since I was 6 yrs old (tonsillectomy)!!

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