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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by pennydaig

  1. I am sorry to hear your problems. After reading the behavior of this Dr. Maese in this thread I was going to suggest you contact the medical board, etc. So good for you! Don't be a doormat or bow to the intimidation of some ass*ole doctor. I would also consider a malpractice lawsuit to stir the pot as well. Doctors constantly complain about the cost of malpractice insurance. His negligence is a perfect reason for him to make sure his premiums are paid up.

  2. Good evening!

    I am pre-band. Hoping to have surgery sometime in February.

    My doctor has told me that he performs fills through x-ray.

    Is this considered an outpatient procedure? I have Anthem BC/BS and outpatient procedures have a $100 co-pay.:) Is the about the normal cost of a fill?


    I also have anthem bc/bs and I believe my max out of pocket for the year is $5000, with the surgery I should have no problem getting to that number, so I don't know if fills will cost after reaching the max out of pocket. I would love to know the answer to that as well.


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