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Status Updates posted by bubblegum

  1. Hello Jachut! You look great by the way! I enjoy reading your posts. Are you interested in being my mentor? I need help!

  2. My doctor put me on a 10 day liquid fast because I have a dilated esophagus (because I'm a food addict) and I'm realizing that food is my life. I have a ton of hobbies that I love to do, but food is what I look forward to. How in the hell do I get out of this cycle?

  3. I'm a hairdresser too! I wondered if you were because you're hair is so cute.

  4. Love the tats chickie! You look great! How much have you lost?

  5. Make a promise to yourself to really listen to your body and I have made the same one too!! What is a normal portion size? 1 cup?

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