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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by bubblegum

  1. you look great! congrats!

  2. One of my best friends is from overland park, and I go to overland park for all of my fills.

  3. I just sent you a PM. Hopefully you got it. If not let me know.

  4. I think we should come up with some good goals. What do you think?

  5. You can definitely tell you've lost! Good job!

  6. Hello Sandra! I'm just now getting back on the wagon too. When are you starting liquids? Maybe I should do it with you.

  7. I hear ya! I also enjoy reading your blogs. You are a very talented women!

  8. your pics are awesome!! good job!

  9. Your pictures look great!! You Rock!

  10. I just read your blog, and I'm super excited for you to get banded! You will do great with the band.

  11. congrats on you weight loss! You look great!

  12. Love the tats chickie! You look great! How much have you lost?

  13. I'm a hairdresser too! I wondered if you were because you're hair is so cute.

  14. You look great!!

  15. I'm from Wichita. How about you?

  16. What a precious baby!! I have 5 year old twin boys and they're a blast!

  17. Let's do this!!!!!

  18. I can always spot a hairdresser!! Rock it sister!

  19. My doctor put me on a 10 day liquid fast because I have a dilated esophagus (because I'm a food addict) and I'm realizing that food is my life. I have a ton of hobbies that I love to do, but food is what I look forward to. How in the hell do I get out of this cycle?

  20. congrats!!! you look great!

  21. Hello Jachut! You look great by the way! I enjoy reading your posts. Are you interested in being my mentor? I need help!

  22. You seem to be such a positive person who has achieved your goals. I've had some band problems and need someone to talk to for positive inspiration.

  23. you look great!!

  24. Hello anne! Talk to you soon. You're baby is precious!

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