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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. Hello all! Are you up for a challenge? Lets do it! Lets train for a half marathon. Let me give you a little background........when I weighed 260 (which was before the band, I have since gained 30 lbs and then got the band) I finished an olympic distance triatholon. I know that if I could do that at 260 then I can definitely finish a half marathon. Anyone interested?! I think the one I'm going to do is in OK. city in April. I live in Kansas but the first one here isn't until October and I want to do one before that. Check your area and see when there is one for you. This will be great for weightloss and for keeping us in line with our goals!! Remember that you can also walk, run these events. Any takers??!!!:Dancing_wub::wink2:
  2. I think we should come up with some good goals. What do you think?

  3. I just sent you a PM. Hopefully you got it. If not let me know.

  4. Well, it's been a year and I've lost 7 lbs., and I have a dilated esophagas. Let me be a example of what not to do!! I have a history of an eating disorder, (obviously), and I am paying for it. For some reason In my backword mind I used the band as a challenge to see how much I could still eat. SICK,SICK,SICK!! Therefore I got a dilated esophagas and had to have most of my fluid taken out of my band while it heals. I had it taken out about 6 weeks ago and I go back to have fluid put in a week from today. Hopefully it's fully healed. So basically I will be starting over and this is the reason I am starting this blog. I would love to have your feedback, and encouragement, as well as your questions and comments. Keep your fingers crossed for me that my esophagas has healed so I can continue my journey the RIGHT way!:rolleyes2:
  5. Hello Sandra! I'm just now getting back on the wagon too. When are you starting liquids? Maybe I should do it with you.

  6. bubblegum

    Fighting Lap Band

    I hear you!! I sometimes have the same problem.
  7. So sorry about your cat. I hope things work out for you!
  8. bubblegum

    Fried Chicken drove me crazy WTF

    Honey don't be so hard on yourself! You made a small mistake and tomorrow will be a new day. You can do it, just stay positive!!
  9. congrats on you weight loss! You look great!

  10. Wow!! You look wonderful!!

  11. bubblegum

    anyone on strattera???

    thanks ktbugg!
  12. Hello all! I was just diagnosed with adhd and they put me on strattera. I've been on it for 2 days and haven't noticed anything yet, which is normal I guess. Just wondering if it is working for you, and how long it took to kick in. Thanks:redface:
  13. bubblegum

    What's wrong with me?!

    I totally understand! I know you've probably heard this a hundred times but............do you have any hobbies you can engage in? Painting reading scrapbooking anything you've been wanting to get done but can't find time? This is what I've had to start doing. You are definitely mourning the lose and maybe holding on to something too. Do you have a therapist in your area that you could run some of this by? I currently go to a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. Hang in there!!!
  14. thanks for you input Fran.............Stay Strong!!
  15. Okay, I need some positive talk here. Why is so hard to put myself first. My health, my well being , is all being challenged by those around me. Sometimes I don't feel strong enough to put myself and my health first. Sometimes it's my own mind that won't let me be first. Help!!!!
  16. Thanks so much for all the positive thoughts!
  17. bubblegum

    Aiport in Hawaii

    you look amazing!!!! congrats
  18. That's awesome teacherica!!! Okay, here is my new plan. I am definitely not going to be able to do a half marathon in 15 weeks. I've been doing that training program and feel like a may loose one of my legs.:sneaky: My new plan is a 10k on april 11. This is much more doable!!!! I really want to keep both of my legs.:confused:
  19. bubblegum

    Hunger Post Op

    Right now your insides are swollen from surgery so some people won't feel hunger for awhile. It will slowly come back. I think it stills feels the same as before surgery, you will just be making better food choices, and not eating as much. Hope this helps.:confused:
  20. I can always spot a hairdresser!! Rock it sister!

  21. I'm enroute to the gym. Let me know how you all are doing today!!!!!! :thumbup:
  22. One of my best friends is from overland park, and I go to overland park for all of my fills.

  23. bubblegum


    From the album: my beautiful babies

  24. bubblegum


    From the album: my beautiful babies

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
