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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. bubblegum

    Getting back in the groove after dilated esophagas

    Thanks so much for your encouragement! I found out my esophagus was dilated because I wasn't feeling a lot of restriction so they did a barrium swallow and found out that my esophagus was big. They have taken almost all of my fluid out of my band for 6 weeks. I go in on Tuesday to hopefully get it refilled.
  2. bubblegum

    Getting back in the groove after dilated esophagas

    Well, it's been a year and I've lost 7 lbs., and I have a dilated esophagas. Let me be a example of what not to do!! I have a history of an eating disorder, (obviously), and I am paying for it. For some reason In my backword mind I used the band as a challenge to see how much I could still eat. SICK,SICK,SICK!! Therefore I got a dilated esophagas and had to have most of my fluid taken out of my band while it heals. I had it taken out about 6 weeks ago and I go back to have fluid put in a week from today. Hopefully it's fully healed. So basically I will be starting over and this is the reason I am starting this blog. I would love to have your feedback, and encouragement, as well as your questions and comments. Keep your fingers crossed for me that my esophagas has healed so I can continue my journey the RIGHT way!:biggrin:
  3. bubblegum

    portion sizes

    What is the proper portion size I should be eating at a meal?
  4. Make a promise to yourself to really listen to your body and I have made the same one too!! What is a normal portion size? 1 cup?

  5. I just went to the Dr. yesterday for a fill and they did a barium swallow because I've only lost 7lbs since Jan. Come to find out I have a diated esophogas! I feel like such a loser. I obviously have been overeating and I also drink water really fast which I guess is a no, no. So now they have taken fluid out so my esophogas will heal. In the mean time I am eating soft foods and really trying to listen to my stomach signals so I'll know when I'm actually hungry. I'm frustrated because I don't think I know when I'm hungry. Does this make any since? Help!!
  6. Hello all! I'm going thru the same problems. I have slowly let old eating habits back in the hatch. Not good!! I now have a dilated esophagus and have to let it heal for 6 weeks. Please don't let this happen to you! I too am back on the wagon and will be checking in daily. Let's do it!!
  7. bubblegum

    Slow Losers Unite!

    thanks janetnbama!!
  8. bubblegum

    Slow Losers Unite!

    how do i get my tracker to move?
  9. bubblegum

    Slow Losers Unite!

    i'm having my band checked on monday morning to make sure everything is okay............thanks for all of the good information and words of encouragement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. bubblegum

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Doddie63 thanks for saying you would be my buddie!! I think by getting on this website daily it will help me tons! Shortgal....here's the info I'm at a 9 in a 10cc I have medium restriction( i've only thrown up twice since Jan) i don't eat alot.. but I'm eating the wrong things I haven't been exercising, and I can very easily exercise. I had a fill a week ago So basically as I am typing this I am obviously looking for reasons that the band should be doing all the weightloss for me.......Not good!!!! The band is just a tool...Janet N Bama..........I just realized it too!! Please help with some tools to get me back on track!!!
  11. bubblegum

    Slow Losers Unite!

    It's me again...........I need a weight loss buddy that I can email daily for support..........any takers?
  12. bubblegum

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Hello all!!!!!!! I'm having serious failure problems!! I'm embarrased to even tell everyone how much weight i HAVEN'T lost. My surgery was in January and i've only lost 15 pounds. I haven't been following rules all the time obviously and I need some positive thoughts, and support...........Help!!! :biggrin:
  13. bubblegum

    I too am a slow loser

    I'm in the same slow sailing boat!! I've been working against my band and have not been eating the healthiest. I had my surgery in January and have only lost 15 pounds!!!!!!!!!! I am so ashamed of myself.
  14. bubblegum

    Ugh I need a fill!

    Talk about depressed!!!!!! I've only lost 8 lbs since Jan 14. I've been eating like crap I'm having trouble saying no to soda and I just need some positive feedback! HEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!
  15. bubblegum

    fyi on the excercise ?

    does anyone know when you can start swimming laps?
  16. bubblegum

    Drinking water...

    just kidding, now it is posting.
  17. bubblegum

    Drinking water...

    I've been having trouble getting my water in too. Mine i'll have to admit is because of lazyness. My goal as of now is to get my 64 oz. in a day. I'm starting now!! How do I get my ticker to post with my name? I have it downloaded but it won't post with my name...
  18. bubblegum

    Ok, So Im Not Doing So Good Today!

    I was banded on the 14th of January and had trouble with food going down etc. I found out that it is harder for some to eat because they are more swollen on the insides than others. When my nurse told me this i thought, why didn't i think of that? it has become much easier for me to eat now and i'm ready for my first fill !!!! Feb 18th
  19. bubblegum

    Pain On Shollder

    i had surgery on the 7th of january and i am also having left shoulder pain that shoots down above my breast. i called doc on sunday and he said that it is probably nerve pain and not to be alarmed that it should go away. is this the same pain you're having? bubblegum
  20. I have preferred health systems, in Kansas. Weightloss surgery is excluded in my policy but you can appeal only after you've had the surgery. I am planning on paying out of pocket in January but I'm also going to go thru the appeals process. When I talked to my insurance they said to just make sure I have doctors recommendations, list of all diets, and all other related information. I have at least 3 doctors recommendations, been thru 2 hospital weightloss programs that I lost weight on and then gained back plus some, as well as 500 million other diets. I am 270 and 5'4. My family has a history of heart problems that are pretty severe. Do I have a chance????:help:
  21. Hello! I will be banded in Kansas City the first week of February. I'm excited and a little nervous. I'm going to try to watch what I'm eating this next 6 weeks or so, so that I'm not in food shock come surgery day. Is this a good idea? I've been on a free for all for about a month now because I knew I'd be having the surgery. I feel gross for eating junk like it was going out of style. Is this a good plan for pre surgery?
  22. bubblegum

    super excited newbie

    Thanks for the info!!! Bubblegum
  23. bubblegum

    Anyone ever feel Anorexic with this band?

    First of all, it's a shame that cQQlgirl would make such comments regarding whether or not you're truly a recovering anorexic!!!!! It's unfortuate that many people don't have any education on this subject but choose to question whether or not individuals have really had an eating disorder. Do you think this is a game Tulip is playing? Like she really wants people to think she has or, still has an eating disorder for fun!!!!! cQQlgirl get educated before you make such comments!!! Tulip, I too suffer an eating disorder and have since the 6th grade. I've been in therapy for years, and I'm also in an eating disorder group for anorexics, binge eaters, and bulimics. As you know, they all have the same reasons for beginning. I would recommend trying to find a group in your area that supports eating disorders to help you thru this. I was affraid to tell my group that I was having the surgery for fear of what they would say..............they are supporting me and are ready to be there for me. I totally understand where you're coming from and know that you'll overcome this with help from someone that has knowledge in this matter. Bubblegum

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