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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. Hello all. I was just prescribed abilify for obsessive compulsive disorder, and anxiety. Anyone out there taking it? Any weight gain, or more control of eating?
  2. You can definitely tell you've lost! Good job!

  3. Your pictures look great!! You Rock!

  4. bubblegum

    anyone take abilify?

    Thanks for the advice all! I'll keep you posted!
  5. I have this same problem....I just got a book by dr. beck....it s good for this!
  6. bubblegum

    Anyone have this problem

    Thank you all so much!! I will definitely try out Dr. Beck, etc. Thanks!
  7. It's safe to say that I am addicted to food. My doctor put me on liquids for 10 days because my espohagus is dilated. I'm realizing that when I can't eat I'm depressed. Obviously I'm having a depression problem if food is something that brings me that much happiness. I have hobbies and other things to keep me busy (twin boys) but it makes my days so boring when I can't eat. I am an addict! :laugh:
  8. your pics are awesome!! good job!

  9. Hello anne! Talk to you soon. You're baby is precious!

  10. You seem to be such a positive person who has achieved your goals. I've had some band problems and need someone to talk to for positive inspiration.

  11. Hello Jachut! You look great by the way! I enjoy reading your posts. Are you interested in being my mentor? I need help!

  12. My doctor put me on a 10 day liquid fast because I have a dilated esophagus (because I'm a food addict) and I'm realizing that food is my life. I have a ton of hobbies that I love to do, but food is what I look forward to. How in the hell do I get out of this cycle?

  13. I'm a hairdresser too! I wondered if you were because you're hair is so cute.

  14. Love the tats chickie! You look great! How much have you lost?

  15. bubblegum

    Did I stretch my band?!

    You should have your doctor do a barium swallow. You probably just need a fill, but I have a dilated esophagus so I know the since of panic you feel. I was overeating and drinking soda. The carbonation in the soda can cause your pouch or esophagus to get bigger. My doctor said that if you feel the need to drink soda to let it sit until the carbonation is gone. Hopefully it's just that you need a fill, but I would definitely have it checked out.
  16. Count me in!! I have a dilated esophagus and can't have a fill for another 10 days so I'm on liquid and soup. You want to talk about a wild pig. I ate and grazed like I hadn't eaten in 5 years. Positive thoughts bring positive outcomes!! Let's do it!
  17. bubblegum

    WOOOO-HOOOOO, aka; the story of the gray jeans.

    Wasn't that the best feeling in the world!!!??? You rock!
  18. bubblegum

    my first blog!

    When's your surgery? I'm excited for you!
  19. bubblegum

    One year and one day old

  20. bubblegum

    I am offiicially a Hypocrit!

    I totally know what you mean. I was out of control over the holidays too, but now I'm back in control. I'm getting ready to go to the gym today. It's my first day back in 3 weeks. I too am planning on going 5-6 days a week. This is our year to take this weight off!
  21. bubblegum

    Dealing with friends and Co-workers

    Positive breeds Positive. Healthy thinking brings a healthy body and mind. Only letting those people in who want whats best for you is going to help you on your path to the healthier you! You're doing great!
  22. Oh no, I had a choice and I took the high road. It could have gone either way. The high road or the road to depression highway. I was supposed to get my band refilled after 6 long weeks of nothing. I had a dilated esophagus so they took all fluid out of my band so it could heal. I was on my way to Doctors, (3 hours away), and an ice storm hit so I had to turn the car around. And believe me I was tempted to take the risk...........death by ice storm. So now I am waiting till Monday to get the news as to whether my throat is healed or not. Stay posted..................:embaressed_smile:
  23. bubblegum

    I'm not taking the road to depression highway!!!

    Oh no, I had a choice and I took the high road. It could have gone either way. The high road or the road to depression highway. I was supposed to get my band refilled after 6 long weeks of nothing. I had a dilated esophagus so they took all fluid out of my band so it could heal. I was on my way to Doctors, (3 hours away), and an ice storm hit so I had to turn the car around. And believe me I was tempted to take the risk...........death by ice storm. So now I am waiting till Monday to get the news as to whether my throat is healed or not. Stay posted..................:biggrin:
  24. bubblegum

    HELP I'm eating to much

    This is what started happening to me too. Please stop now while you can! I now have a dilated esophagas and had to have all fluid out of my band for 6 weeks. I had stretched out my esophagas with to much food. Just try and measure out your portions and you'll be back on track.:biggrin:

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