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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. bubblegum

    my beautiful babies

    my beautiful babies
  2. bubblegum


    From the album: down,down,down

  3. bubblegum


    down 13 pounds!
  4. bubblegum

    I'm going down,down,down,down

    Down 13 pounds
  5. bubblegum


  6. bubblegum

    294 Is out the door!!

    This is me at 294.
  7. bubblegum

    DEC 2008 (2) 001

    From the album: 294 Is out the door!!

  8. you look great!!

  9. Let's do this!!!!!

  10. What a precious baby!! I have 5 year old twin boys and they're a blast!

  11. Okay guys this is my plan. My race is April 26, so that is 14 weeks away. I made up the first 2 weeks of this plan to get me running again before I do the 12 week training program on www.runnersworld.com. The reason I liked the half marathon challenge training was because one of the ladies training weighed 172lbs. Big girls can run too! ( and so can big guys!) Here is what I'm doing the first two weeks........ week one: Jan 21- run 10 2 minute intervals with 3 minute walk in between. Remember that it doesn't have to be fast! Jan 22- same Jan23- run 10 3 minute intervals with 3 minute walk in between. Jan 24- same Jan 25- day off!! Week two: Jan 26- run 10>4min walk 3 min in between Jan 27- run same Jan 30- run 10>5min walk 3min in between Jan 28- run same Jan 29- run same Jan 30- day off!!! After 2nd week I start the runners world half marathon training schedule. I will also start weight training at this time. (body for life) We should all use eachother for support during this time! We can do it!!!
  12. I'm at work hershey, but as soon as I get home I'll email them to you!
  13. I'm from Wichita. How about you?

  14. You look great!!

  15. I also have some great sites for training information!
  16. you look great! congrats!

  17. congrats!!! you look great!

  18. I just read your blog, and I'm super excited for you to get banded! You will do great with the band.

  19. bubblegum

    Adding to my Madness...In 2009 good things are coming!!!

    I'm super excited for you!! I know how you feel with the addiction thing we've got going. Good luck to you, and keep me posted!
  20. bubblegum


    When this happens to me I know it's because I have either overeaten, or I have air trapped. I hope this helps you. :yikes:
  21. I hear ya! I also enjoy reading your blogs. You are a very talented women!

  22. I adore your art!!! I try to fill my free time with art, music, and making jewelry! You do great work. Keep it up!

  23. Good Morning Anne! Just checking in to see how you're doing. What we think upon grows so think happy thoughts!

  24. Thank you LaMonica. Keep up the good work!

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