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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by emma4884

  1. @Alkalinetrio262. You are so sweet to write back to me. I live in a rural area and this site is my support group. Knowing that you have undergone so many trials and yet have a positive attitude is extremely comforting. Alas I do not share your youth but know deep inside that this choice has benefited my future health. You are a very thoughtful person. I wish you a full recovery!!
  2. @Alkalinetrio262. How are you? I was sleeved August 4th. They told me the surgery had gone well, in record time, in fact. Three hours later I am rushed back into surgery with dropping blood pressure (70/30) and needing blood transfusions. The second surgery took 2 1/2 hours. They called the priest to comfort my husband. Have never been given a straight answer about what went wrong or how it was remedied. Surgeon told me and my husband that he never found a reason for the drop in blood pressure and loss of blood - after a very thorough search. (I asked again today, when no longer clouded by anesthesia.) They sent me home on August 7th on Water, Protein shakes and Jello diet. I went in today and was told that I must stay on water, jello and Protein shake diet for at least 2 more weeks. I feel on edge, worried that I could leak at any time. No new leak test done; I was just told to be grateful they didn't have to do an open incision during the second surgery. I thought leaks were rare, albeit part of the 10% of surgeries that have complications. I followed the rules too. Now I feel like they want to just hush me up and just wait and see. I want another leak test to allay my fears that I am another leak about to happen if that's what happened the first time. Was it the sleeve or the liver biopsy or the para esophageal hernia repair he decided to do during the 1st surgery? Am I just over reacting due to surgery recovery etc? Does everyone live like this for the first few months after complications? Is this my new "normal?"
  3. had surgery Tuesday. vital dropped to 70/30. went back to the ER. anesthesia made me confused. hubby was so upset. they sent for a priest. Doing better today. mind is clearer; not so dizzy; double vision less frequently.

  4. reporting @5:30 am tomorrow for 1st surgery of the day! I have waited so long for the day and it is upon me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. emma4884


      Thank you for your good wishes. My bag is packed. I'm off to shower with my pre-op soap; repeat at 4 am. I'm ready for this!!

    3. jane13


      hydrate as late as possible! good luck!

    4. ShrinkingPeach


      Hoping everything went well and you are recuperating comfortably. Let us know how you are as soon as you can and sip, sip, sip!

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  5. @Bufflehead "plus gas-x is worthless when it comes to surgical gas anyway, since gas-x works on natural gas in the digestive tract, and surgical gas is CO2 floating around outside your digestive tract." Thank you for posting this as I never could visualize how gas-x could work in this situation. You answered the question I never asked!!
  6. Ahhh, you got me! Reading the fine print I see you bought coffee!! I am fighting the urge to have any food or caffeine funerals as I am having surgery on Tuesday. My doctor has no special pre-op diet; just nothing after midnight the night before surgery. It really helps that I live 35 minutes from the nearest store and I have so few carbs in the house. My town doesn't even have a doughnut shop! Reading members' stories is keeping me motivated. One can learn from success and from "failures."
  7. @@Stevehud My point was that a NUT should be able to answer questions about artificial sweeteners. Aren't they supposed to be trained in the science of nutrition? Of course, theories abound. One decade the emphasis is on low fat, then on low carbs. Guess it may not be so scientific after all as the "scientific method" isn't always in use. Who knows how many years are needed to fully understand the safety of artificial sweeteners, GMO foods and so on. Look how long trans fats were allowed. Just my opinion
  8. @@VSGAnn2014 I surely do feel 'ya on this topic!! e.g. My NUT wanted me to start practicing taking all my Vitamins and minerals starting four months before surgery. I explained that I already am in the habit of taking pills due to existing medical conditions and that my extensive blood work showed no reason to take extra vitamins and minerals so far before surgery. She'd never looked at my health conditions or blood work. As Licia'sjourney said in a prior post, we got the cookie cutter approach. I used to say to my husband, "see me practicing taking my pills" as I held up imaginary pills after taking my prescribed ones. I'd literally be flushing away my money! What is their problem? Do they assume that we are morons because we are fat? Is it unreasonable for us to expect that they make some attempt to understand our comprehension level? For example, I used to prepare taxes. Some people's eyes would glaze over if I mentioned capital gains. Other folks had already computed the net short and long term capital gains and losses. Did I speak at the same level to both clients? Of course not. My NUT may have been two or three years out of school. She should have had fresh, helpful information. She shouldn't have acted so burned out. My surgery is this week and I am pleased to hear that she has moved on to another part of the state. Maybe my post-op NUT will be more helpful. Thanks for a great topic!
  9. My 6 visits to the NUT were a waste of time. She seemed to have a basic script for each visit and never provided anything beyond what I already knew. Telling her that I have taken two upper level college classes in Food and Nutrition fell on deaf ears; she exhibited no intellectual curiosity whatsoever. I attempted to ask questions that could fast-forward us to a more advanced levels of discussion, to no avail. Even questions about artificial sweeteners seemed to only annoy her as I was taking her off script. These sessions were very stressful for me as I knew she held the power to delay my insurance approval if I appeared non-compliant. Nutrition information should be required. it was my luck to get a NUT who was just punching a clock as she filled out her paperwork. Glad that so many here have had a more beneficial experience.
  10. emma4884


    Thank you for being so thoughtful. I have often had to go off-site and Google what something means. You've created a useful list that will benefit many, or created more folks who won't be able to resist using their new knowledge freely.
  11. Deleting my original post as Sharon1964 expressed my sentiments so succinctly in her post below.
  12. Received insurance approval today. Surgery scheduled Aug. 4th!

    1. afreashstart


      Congratulations , I have surgery Aug. 5th and can't wait

    2. ShrinkingPeach


      Congrats!! Now preparation can begin!

    3. Mini_me007


      Awesome news! Wow...Aug 4 will be here before you know it. Best of luck!

  13. emma4884

    Any August Sleevers?

    Just learned today that my insurance is approved and that my surgery is scheduled August 4th! Thanks to you folks at BariatricPal, I learned how to navigate insurance requirements. Many of you veterans and newbies generously gave of your time to answer posts from people like me. You taught me how to find information about my specific insurance plan and how to follow the approval process on my own. You gave me a heads up about what might happen at the psych evaluation. When I look back at my last six months, I realized just how much you filled in the missing areas of information as well as prepared me for how quickly events occur at the end of pre-op visits. I live in a rural area and have received only the bare minimum of guidance from my bariatric center, although it is a Bariatric Center of Excellence. Maybe I needed to ask more questions. Spending time to navigate all over this site has led me to so many invaluable areas. I've been around here long enough to know that each day will have a new stall question and sheepishly admit to zeroing in to rants and raves when I feel the need for a bit of drama. Posts here can be sources of encouragement or annoyance, just like the rest of the population. The ignore option has proved very useful tamping down my repeated irritation with some folks. I am very grateful that one of my bariatric books led me here. My nutritionists, "lifestyle coach," psych evaluator and PCP did not know anything about it. (and did not show much interest when I tried to share information with them) My level of preparation is directly due to all the advice I've found here. Many thanks. You know I'll be here for the rest of this journey.
  14. How did your evaluation go? Many of us were thinking of you yesterday.
  15. emma4884

    Jealous Spouse

    VSGMary, the original post has been removed by OP. It contained multiple paragraphs detailing her grievances. Like many of us who have posted while in the throes of emotional pain, she may have later decided to seek redress in a more private way. I wish her success finding the joyful, loving and healthy life she deserves.
  16. emma4884

    Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette

    Yes, it is easier to read a post with good grammar. However some people have not had the opportunity to learn good grammar. They should feel comfortable here anyway. This isn't Harvard Law Review. Perhaps you could consider blocking posts from members whose grammar continually offends you. I think most folks here have already experienced enough criticism and are here looking for a safe place to become more informed.
  17. emma4884

    Some things I read here make my eyes roll...

    Could I suggest that each of us pause and ask ourselves if my post is constructive, or is it likely to intimidate some members?

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