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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kwcrnp

  1. Staples can stay in for 2 weeks. 1 week is actually a little early for an abdominal wound.
  2. kwcrnp

    A dream come true

    @gowalkering congratulations on your awesome accomplishment!! Your trip sounds great and you will love London! It's wonderful to see other parts of the world! Enjoy your trip and please stay here to help us newbies to reach our goals
  3. kwcrnp

    Lap-Band Buddies!

    I'm hanging in there. Not much true hunger but some mental hunger. Down 39 from the start of this process and 14 from surgery. I have my first full in week. I'm back to the gym but not doing abs yet. I do best on my days off, at work I think about food more! Strange Hope everyone has a good holiday weekend!
  4. That's awesome @@Hoppy5 and @@momfromjersey22 !!! I have my first fill next week. I'm loosing much slower then both of you but 2-3 lbs a week so still in the expected zone. I was able to wear size 16 capri's this week and fit a bunch of my old size 16 dresses! It's those NSV's that motivate me more then the scale! Great job ladies!!!
  5. kwcrnp

    The Waiting Game

    I had a 5 month wait for approval and 1 month til surgery. I made small changes, lost 26 lbs and got a regular exercise program going. Now that I'm 5 weeks post op, I don't even remember waiting! Good luck
  6. kwcrnp

    To tell or not?

    I only told my daughter when I started the process. I knew my Mom would be supportive but would also nag me about my progress pre-op (5mons). Once I had approval and a date, I told my son (teenager, dgt is in college) and my Mom. Both were very supportive. I work at the hospital I had my surgery done at so that was a bit awkward and I only told one person in my group pre op. Then I saw another from my group when I was 1 day post op and walking the hall. When I returned from leave, I told most of my coworkers. I did not tell them all as we have several that are gossips and negative ninnies! As I loose if someone asks I will tell but only if they ask directly. I will not deny it but honestly there is still old fashion lifestyle changes, exercise and smarting eating that will make you successful so if you deny, it's not a complete lie I personally recommend 1-2 people to support you through the pre op process, then tell close family once a date is set. From there it's simply your comfort on who needs to know.
  7. kwcrnp

    Using a straw?

    I agree @@Sharpie! I have followed all the rules as well....just curious on the rationale for the straw rule. Used a straw once, I was so nervous that I was going to cause harm that I couldn't finish the smoothie!
  8. kwcrnp

    Using a straw?

    Thanks ladies! @Rose2014....I have seen the "no straws" but I'm much more compliant when I have a good rational for it! Haha
  9. For me it got much better about week 2....some replied it never goes away but mine is pretty much gone now (5 weeks post op)
  10. kwcrnp

    5 weeks post op

    I too am 5 weeks post op and have been on solids for about a week. I know that my surgeon put 2 cc in my band during surgery, its possible yours did too. I can feel the solids going down and I have had 1 stuck episode that I had to bring up the food....I simply was pre-occupied and ate too fast without chewing enough. I use an appetizer spoon and fork which helps to make sure the bites are small. And chew, chew, chew and chew!
  11. kwcrnp

    WLS Abbreviations

    Ok I know the PB refers to a stuck episode with the band, but what does it actually stand for?? Partial block?? It's been driving me crazy lol
  12. kwcrnp

    No fill

    My surgeon put 2 cc in my band at the time of surgery. So I have had some restriction. My first "fill" is 6 weeks post-op, the end of May. You are having great loss so I wouldn't sweat it. I've lost 3 lbs a week so far.
  13. kwcrnp

    Where do the Veterans go ?

    @@B-52, Bandista and Kate P - the three of you are my mentors! Yes each if you have a slightly different twist on living with a band but we are all different and one persons way may not be a perfect fit for someone else. When I read your posts or comments it always make me think, process and apply that info into my own life. I've seen some negative things as well but no forum will ever be all positive. I have learned some "what not to do" from those posts too! I hope you and the other successful banders stay....we newer people need you and your input is truly appreciated!!
  14. kwcrnp

    Bathing suit

    I lost around 150 or so lbs. It depends as I waffle between 113 and 117. I know how difficult it is to see the 'new person'. I've been seeing a therapist for more than a year to deal with some of these issues. I think you look awesome!! I know I will have the same issue....some day. So I can relate BUT maybe try to think of it more like a badge of honor. It's much better to be thin and healthy with some loose skin then heavy, saggy and unhealthy. Walk with your head held high!! You bet obesity ????
  15. kwcrnp


    Before I decided on WLS, my Mom who had lost 80lbs on WW and has kept it off for 20 yrs, asked my teenage dgt to talk to me about my wt. I was furious with my Mom but knew that my dgt was simply put in the middle and I worked hard to not be negative with her. I was very defensive with my Mom though! But, the talk did sink in and eventually I decided on LB surgery. I only told my dgt. She was so supportive through the 5 mon of lifestyle changes and I only told my Mom once I had a date for surgery. Needless to say, both have been very supportive post-op. It's very hard not to get defensive when approached by family.
  16. I have lost 9 lbs in 3 weeks post op. I'd love it to be faster BUT they say to plan on 1-2 lbs a week so I'm still ahead of that!!
  17. So I'm on the puréed/soft phase and made several recipes I saw on here and they have been great. But today I made one myself.... chicken artichoke spinach cups 1 -12 oz can of chicken breast 1/2 cup quartered artichokes (chop fine) 1 tbs minced garlic Pepper to taste 1 cup spinach raw (chopped fine) 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1/2 cup light sour cream 1 scoop GENEPRO Protein powder Heat the chicken in a skillet and make sure it's shredded. Add garlic and chopped up artichokes (I use a food processor). Then add chopped spinach and mix well. While heating, mix parm cheese, Protein Powder and sour cream (I use a food processor). Remove chicken mix from heat, stir in cheese mixture. Once well combined, place 1/2 cup mixture into lined muffin pan...repeat for total of 4 muffin cups. You can eat it fresh or freeze for 3 hrs and remove, placing each in freezer bag. Then reheat as needed. Each muffin cup is a serving: 206 cal, 30g protein, 8g fat, 5g carbs It was so yummy!
  18. I'm almost 3 weeks out and I'm on puréed. I'm allowed 4 oz at a time which would be more then the 4 tbsp you mentioned. Each doctor seems to have their own routine! Even within my group each doctor is different! Stick close to what you're told. Few more weeks and we can start regular food and be filled!
  19. kwcrnp

    Lap-Band Buddies!

    How is everyone doing? Two weeks post op and doing pretty good. Had a minor stuck event this evening but the food passed. Definitely have to chew it well!! It was the first time I felt a restriction when swallowing! I was eating cut up chicken but not puréed so it was my own fault. Fortunately it passed within a min or two. I hope everyone is doing well! Kristi
  20. kwcrnp

    Lap-Band Buddies!

    @@InkedLexeme Great to hear to have joined us! Walk,walk and walk! I started puréed and it's wonderful to chew some! Congrats! I returned to work today....feeling good except that stomach muscle I pulled the day of surgery still lets me know it's there! Down 6 lbs in 2 weeks, not bad since there is minimal restriction at this point. Kristi
  21. So I'm 2 days post LB...yay! Done Thurs the 16th. Overall doing well. I'm on a full liquid diet and they would like 50-60 Gm of Protein. So prior to surgery I got GENEPRO and unjury. I used both prior and noticed maybe a little gassy feeling. Today I made Soup with the Genepro mixed in. No problems. Had some Jello, no problems. Then about 3 hrs after the soup and an hour after the jello I got terrible gas pains! Like my prior labor pains, it was sooo bad. Took gas x, pain meds and laid down with a heating pad. So was this from the protein or the jello? Did it come back from surgery? I had very little gas pains today until this episode. My belly is still all bloated but not as painful.
  22. kwcrnp

    Protein supplements and gas

    I'm so much better!! No problems with the loud rumbling and gas when I eat now. ????
  23. Great job @@ivona0909 !!
  24. I've used "my diet diary" by medHelp. I've used it for 6 mons and it's similar to MFP (which I've been trying). The biggest difference I see is 1. Each snack is separate and can be timed 2. You can scroll through all the foods you have used before, not just see the last 5 3. You can go onto your desktop and print out your daily diary (had too for pre-approval visits). Though it drops any "quick adds" you do 4. It sends reminders to track food AND water (MFP only seems to do meal reminders)
  25. kwcrnp

    I am stoked!

    I'm only 1.5 weeks out but I've lost a total of 30 lbs since starting my pre-approval diet, including 5 since surgery. Today I was putting the "winter" clothes away and I tried in 2 dresses that I haven't worn in 6-7 yrs....they fit better now then ever before!! Can't wait to continue on this journey. Great job to everyone!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
