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Okinawa girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Okinawa girl

  1. I had major headaches for the first 3 days of the pre op diet. It was all better by day 5. My body was going crazy without all the sugar and other junk I was putting in it
  2. Good luck Allen! Your new journey is just in front of you.
  3. My husband brought our four year old to visit me both afternoons I was there. My child is well behaved in public and I had a private room. She just came in and sat down. She didn't really know what to think. I say let your wife bring her. It is nice to get a kiss from them when we are gone for the night. Just know that if your child isn't tolerating the visit well that your wife may need to leave early
  4. Okinawa girl

    hiatal Hernia

    Same here. They found mine during surgery and fixed it at the same time
  5. Okinawa girl

    Any Illinois Sleevers?

    @Kk-bear Awe thanks for checking up on me. Surgery went great. They found a hiatal hernia that was repaired. I have been super sore in the stomach all week and the gas pains are killer. My shoulders were hurting yesterday so I think they have finally made it as far up as they can go. Today is a much better day. Puree Proteins are hard to eat. Not only is the texture nasty but for me during this first week every meal my tiny new stomach has been cramping something awful. Hoping to get past these stages quickly. How is your process going?
  6. Okinawa girl

    May 19th Date...

    I was sleeved on the 19th and I get to start puree tomorrow! I don't think I would like the all liquid crap for much longer
  7. I lost 17.5 lbs. Two weeks. Protein shake for Breakfast, Protein Shake for lunch, 4oz o protein meat ( I did only chicken) and 1/2c of non starchy veggies. I was also allowed two servings of each per day broth, sf popsicles and sf Jello. I never did the broth though. Dr said today that he could tell right away that I had did well on the pre op diet
  8. Okinawa girl

    To Catheter or Not to Catheter?

    I had one, It didn't bother me at all while walking and I liked the fact that I was not up all night having to go pee. The IV of fluid had me going potty a lot the second night so I was thankful I did not have to worry about it the first night. I also had compressors on my legs and I did not feel like taking those off and having a nurse come back to put them back on every time I had to pee.
  9. Okinawa girl

    Any Illinois Sleevers?

    @@Jb1176, and @, I have not been sleeved yet. My date is 5/19 with Dr. Lahmann at Silver Cross Hospital. I thought it was weird not seeing anyone from the area with as many people go to those seminars. So far I am really liking the people who work in the office. Seem like very helpful and caring staff
  10. Okinawa girl

    May 19th Date...

    I have not. When I go to my 4 hour NUT class on Tuesday I will leave with a 1 month supply of supplements. This is one thing included in our 350 dollar program fee
  11. Okinawa girl

    May 19th Date...

    Hi Gracy! I have a May 19th date also. I start the pre op diet on the 5th right after my 4 hour NUT class. I am in Illinois!
  12. SMiranda if you go to YouTube you can see exactly what a pulmonary function test and that is what I pretty much did. I did get to use the nebulizer and repeat a few of the breathing exercises. It was awkward but it is one step closer
  13. A big "high five" to those of you who have dates!
  14. Okinawa girl

    Pulmonary Consulatation and kids

    Thank you for the replies. I should just put on my big girl panties and make a call to the dr.'s office just to make sure.
  15. Hi! I had my Pulmonary function test at the beginning of the month and am just waiting till the 20th when I will have to go in for the actual Pulmonary consultation. I have realized I scheduled this appointment at a time where I would have to leave the house before my dh gets home from work. That would mean me taking my 9 and 4 year old to the appointment. Since the function test was already done and out of the way I wanted to see if anyone would see concern for me dragging them along. They are super well behaved kids and I have no doubts that they would be okay but I wasn't sure if there was some other kind of testing that was done or something where maybe I should find someone to watch them. I don't use a babysitter so asking someone to watch my kids for me is a last resort for me. I was just wondering how the consultation went for you.
  16. Here it is April 1st and the next thing on my to do list is April 20th with the Pulmonary Consultation and then April 24th with the Cardiologist appointment. It sounds like a bunch of days of sitting around and waiting so I emailed my doctor's office and asked if it were possible to go ahead and get the four hour nutrition class done. She emailed me and told me that I would have to wait till all my consults were done (I just have those two left) before they can schedule me to a class. I guess I am just sitting here being annoyed because I have a feeling that as soon as I can schedule it I am afraid they are going to say something along the lines of "Well you just missed the last class now you will have to wait a full month for the next one". Then once that is done watch it be another full month before I can get in my last and final consult with the surgeon (It took me a month to get into my first visit) and then just to kill me watch and see it be yet another month before there is a slot for surgery time. I just started that time of the month and my moody side is coming out. Sorry! Rant over!
  17. Okinawa girl

    Annoying little rant

    Thank you for the replies. I was just stressed and it was that TOM and I was getting down on myself. My parents came up and visited this weekend and it was so nice to have them up here. I think the nice relaxing weekend and now that TOM has passed I am in much better spirits and ready to tackle the things to do this month. Thanks for listening to me whine! This is my 7 month into this journey so I am just ready to finally see the end of the tunnel
  18. wrong place and wrong thread...whooops
  19. Hi! I just wanted to pass some advice on to those who need it. I am 35 and have had three surgeries in the past 9 years. I was 27 when I was dx with thyroid cancer and went in for my very first surgery. It wasn't until much later that my husband had mentioned to me that he was told that I was having "trouble coming out it" in the recovery room. I didn't think much about this at the time but I realized later that no one told me that in recovery when I wake up it is time to start opening my eyes, talking, sitting up or doing what I could do to get of the haze. I seriously woke up in the recovery room and every time they would wake me up I was just so tired I would close my eyes and go back to sleep. I had NO idea. I know it probably sounds silly to some but I honestly did not know. During my last two surgeries I made it a point that as soon as I became aware I made sure I stayed awake and was doing what I was suppose to do and made it out of recovery much sooner. I hope this helps someone!
  20. Ladycook I am so writing those tips down and taking them with me so I remember. I love great advice!
  21. You are welcome, Jane13 I keep hearing about these gas pains and I am not looking forward to them
  22. Okinawa girl

    Tips for QUICK loss to make weight?

  23. Okinawa girl

    Huge surprise: Approved!

    happy dance! So happy for you
  24. Okinawa girl

    Tips for QUICK loss to make weight?

    The three day military diet. I pulled on off right before my last weigh in and lost 7lbs in three days
  25. Okinawa girl

    Beginning of process

    It has been a long process for me as well. I had my seminar on Sept/2014. I had to do three month of weigh-ins with my PCP before I could even get a referral to go see the surgeon. It ended up being four months because my dr told me that they could use my previous drs. appointment as a weigh in and apparently she was wrong but no one bothered to call me so I ended up having to do another month and that last month she wanted me to log all my calories.....sigh. Finally got the approval and seen the surgeon on March 20th and he sent in my stuff for my insurance to be approved right away. The surgeon gave me three referrals. One for the Cardiologist, one for the Psychologist and one for the Pulmonary consult. The Pulmonary office had me to a pulmonary function test the following Monday and my appointment with that dr is 4/20. My Cardiologist visit is scheduled for 4/20 (the quickest they could get me in) and I just had my Psychology evaluation today. After that I have to take a four hour nutrition class and make a second visit with the surgeon and THEN FINALLLY someone will call me and schedule the surgery. Hang in there it seems to be a long bumpy ride for most of us

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
