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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MJRouse84

  1. Someone said that Speigal is an errogant ass. LOL He might come off that way but he does know what he is doing. You cannot even feel him when he gives you a fill. He doesn't have the best bedside manners so to speak but he knows his stuff. I would much rather have someone who knows what they are doing and be "socially challenged" than someone nice and not know what the hell he's doing. He's a good surgeon. He thinks he's funny and he ALWAY has that weird stuck smile on his face. I cannot help but laugh everytime I see him. Anyway, I highly recommend him. :tt2:

  2. I agree with what you said MsTrina.

    I was on a liquid diet for almost a month post op. That is what the doctor required. It was hard as hell but you have to realize the band isn't going to work all alone. I didn't even eat watered down Soup until week 3. I thought I was going to die lol. If you don't want people to know you've had surgery just tell them you've already eaten or your stomach just doesn't feel well so you're gonna have soup instead or maybe try and eat later. Most people don't give a second thought about why you aren't eating. At least that's what I've experienced. (Maybe no one cares about me :crying:) lol jk I hope everything works out for you. :thumbup:

  3. I am definitely going to get a tt and breast lift. I think I'll wait to have kids then get it all done so I won't have to go through the pain of the PS twice. Plus who has the money to just waste like that. I cannot wait to get PS. Have you guys seen nurseamy? OMG I can only dream about looking that good once I am done.

  4. I was just wondering if anyone in Katy or super close needs a workout partner. I have had the band going on 4.5 months and I have not even lost 45 lbs. I would really benefit from someone working out with me to help motivate me. I do not have a gym membership and due to a tight budget do not plan on getting one. However, we do have a gym at the apartments and there is always the good old outdoors. Me and my husband's schedules are very conflicting due to school and work so if there is someone out there who is willing to buddy up and give me a kick in the @$$ whenever I am slacking I will do the same for you!!:cursing:

  5. Hey there, sorry to hear about your situation. I do not think you two are too young to be married for starters. (Someone else said that somewhere) Instead of ending it, it might not hurt to seek marriage counseling so someone else can help point out to your husband that you and yalls marriage come before anyone else. He may need someone other than you to show him his ways are not right. Verbally bashing one another will not solve anything (although it feels good at the time!!) I wish you the best of luck. Take care!

  6. name ...... starting# ....... current#.........goal#.......togo#






    Candle .........218.................218..............207.........11


    Hopping to it .350.................314.............294..........20













    Sue Magoo......230.................229............220............9


  7. Hey Julia- I have lost a little over 40 lbs since August. It is not a significant amount but I am happy I didn't gain weight. I would have lost about 20 more lbs had I been exercising. That is my New Years Resolution, to start working out. I was really hoping I would have been down 60-65 lbs by now but I can't expect that to happen without getting off my @$$!! You are doing awesome! Keep up the good work. Have you been to any support groups???

  8. Justin, you asked what people eat with the band and I think it varies. Some of us are able to eat breads and some are not. Sometime you can eat certain foods while you are not well restricted but then when you get a fill you can't even touch it. It depends on your body. Some of us have tested the band to see what we are able to handle. (I have anyway) chicken for instance, some will never be able to eat chicken again because they are unable to tolerate it and some will. My cousin cannot and I can. You said you find it hard to believe people have given up their favorite foods. I used to love pizza but I tried that one time and learned I cannot tolerate it so I have given it up for forever. You really don't have a choice once you get the band to give up certain foods unless you want to be in a lot of pain. The band is just a tool. It does take will power. Some people find the weight just falls off while others have to put extra effort forth. Oh yeah, you said you enjoyed going out with coworkers and didn't want to give that up. My husband and I go out from time to time with friends and I am still able to eat. No one even knows I have the band!! They just assume I am eating healthy. You don't have to ditch going out with coworkers. You just won't be able to eat fried chicken or pizza. GOOD LUCK!!

  9. Rebandit- I was banded by Spiegal in August of this year. My experience with Spiegal and his staff has been a positive one. He does seem to rush through things quickly like the pre-op only takes about 90 seconds!! Maybe not that short but he does go very quickly. However, the 2 times I have been in since surgery he has answered all my questions although he still seems to be in a rush. I guess it's because he has so many patients. JULIA51-Don't be nervous about your fill!! I was sooo nervous and it turned out to be NOTHING. The first fill I had I didn't even feel it and the second one felt like a teeny tiny prick. I heard someone compare it to the feeling of giving blood but they must be crazy because there is no pain. It takes about 7 seconds and you barely know he is there.

  10. What Kat817 suggested was a really great idea. Try and keep busy. You could also brush your teeth or chew a super minty gum which makes anything you put in your mouth taste really gross. If you HAVE to eat something there is fat free Jello that is only 5 or 10 calories or cucumbers and things like that that aren't bad for you. I know it is hard at night because that is the hardest time of the day for me as well!

  11. Justin, don't freak out. You are going to be just fine. My surgeon doesn't require a pre op diet so I was allowed to eat ANYTHING until midnight the night before surgery. They can always pull your liver up and out of the way a little (that's what my dr told me). Dr. Spiegal even told us to eat all the "bad" stuff the day before and get it out of our system. You're going to have your surgery and be just fine!! Have a Happy New Year!!

  12. Unfortunately, my New Year's Resolution is to lose weight. (90 more lbs of F-A-T) In 2009 this will NOT be on my list!! WooHoo! I will be like Wasa. I want to go to Church more, spend more time with my husband, eat less and exercise more and get all A's and no B's (yea right lol) I hope everyone is successful!!! ;)

  13. I don't know if I am just freaking out or if there really is something wrong. I have been having a slight discomfort on the right side and when I push and feel my port it is slightly tender. What could this be from? It's only been going on for 1.5 days so I'm hoping it's nothing major! Has anyone had this feeling before?:think I hope it's nothing bad!!

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